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Forums - Sony Discussion - Kojima Productions Responds to MGS4 NDA Complaints

installs inbetween acts? thats bullshit and its ganna get annoying.

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Possible spoiler;

Since the days of MGS1, Konami has been breaking that 3rd wall between game and player. Remember when Psycho Mantis told us what games we liked to play? What about when Revolver Ocelot told us not to use a rapid fire controller, because "He'd know". Little easter eggs like this litter MGS games.

I bet that while some of these installs are mandatory, at least one of these installs is going to have a "twist". I had MGS2 ruined for me, thanks to Game Informer and EGM's reviews. ANY tidbit, even cutscene length, is a potential spoiler. MGS games are experiences. For fans of the series, it's what Star Wars movies are to sci-fi fans.

I have faith in Konami. So much faith, that I am buying a PS3 solely for this game. I'll tolerate their restrictions. Tolerate is the wrong word. I appreciate their restrictions. I want this game to last forever. Games like Mario, Zelda, MGS, and GTA are events. They only happen every few years. I want to experience it the way Hideo and co. want me to; spoiler free.

Can't really let them off the hook on install times. There's no way they should include that in NDA's.

And mentioning the length of cut scenes doesn't necesarily spoil anything about the plot. A lot of people probably want to know when a movie length cutscene is coming up so they can put down the controller and grab the popcorn. They could request reviewers to spoiler tag comments about cut scene length if its really a problem for some people, but don't act like its something to hide.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

I don't know whats more disconcerting. The fact that Konami thinks they can spin their way out of this or the fact that so many are will to eat the BS they are serving with a grin. The size of the install and length of the cut scenes are not spoilers. I agree that Konami has the right to ask that reviews not reveal the actual plot, that could ruin the game for people. That said, gamers and reviewers have the right to read and write an honest assessment of the game.

Konami knew that the amount/length of the cut scenes and the install issue could turn off potential consumers. They didn't want the reviews that preceded the games release to contain any information on those facts. The attempted suppression of this information was done purely to squeeze out some extra sales for what is a big budget title.

Darc Requiem said:
I don't know whats more disconcerting. The fact that Konami thinks they can spin their way out of this or the fact that so many are will to eat the BS they are serving with a grin. 

I second that. I can't believe so many people are eating up Konami's company line when it's such a blatant PR spin to ward off the outlash from the gaming press.

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rocketpig said:
Darc Requiem said:
I don't know whats more disconcerting. The fact that Konami thinks they can spin their way out of this or the fact that so many are will to eat the BS they are serving with a grin. 

I second that. I can't believe so many people are eating up Konami's company line when it's such a blatant PR spin to ward off the outlash from the gaming press.

I'm eating it up, and it tastes good.

Cause Dammit, it's freakin' Hideo freakin Kojima.

If the install time was an hour, and it had three hour cutscenes, I'd take it with a smile on my face.

Will the intermediate installs be done during cut scenes so they are not noticed unless you skip a cut scene?
If this is the case I don't see it as too much of an issue.

Also if the installs are to change the direction of the game depending on something you did/chose I think its a cool idea as long as it installs while you are watching a cut scene or tutorial.

I personally don't care for cut scenes or installs, it seems to be getting a bit out of hand. I'll hold judgment until I see the installs in this game for myself.

*grins, eats BS sandwich*

I thought MGS3 had ended 3 times before it actually ended. As the final credits rolled, I was in awe. The game just kept on giving. Now, when MGS4 ends, I'll think to myself "20 minutes to go.....". Not a big deal, but still a minor let down.

As for the installs.....they'll suck. Unfortunately, it's becoming common place in PS3 games. Konami was wrong to tell reviewers not to talk about them, but I'm sure it's something that can't be helped. More and more games ar going to require installs in the future. That's a PS3 issue, not a Konami error.

By next Saturday, MGS4 will have sold a ton of copies. Guys like me are going to buy the game on day one without a second thought. After that initial wave of hardcore fans, there will be total disclosure to the remaining 4 million people who are considering buying the game. The people who Konami is keeping details from, are the people who are going to buy the game anyway. Everyone else who may be turned off by lengthy cut scenes or install times are already going to know everything Konami is keeping secret because of word of mouth.

Restricting this information will have no effect on anyone's purchase. Those who want to spend $60 on this game will do it with a smile. Those who don't want MGS won't buy it regardless of how long the cut scenes/install times are.

d21lewis said:
*grins, eats BS sandwich*

I thought MGS3 had ended 3 times before it actually ended. As the final credits rolled, I was in awe. The game just kept on giving. Now, when MGS4 ends, I'll think to myself "20 minutes to go.....". Not a big deal, but still a minor let down.

As for the installs.....they'll suck. Unfortunately, it's becoming common place in PS3 games. Konami was wrong to tell reviewers not to talk about them, but I'm sure it's something that can't be helped. More and more games ar going to require installs in the future. That's a PS3 issue, not a Konami error.

By next Saturday, MGS4 will have sold a ton of copies. Guys like me are going to buy the game on day one without a second thought. After that initial wave of hardcore fans, there will be total disclosure to the remaining 4 million people who are considering buying the game. The people who Konami is keeping details from, are the people who are going to buy the game anyway. Everyone else who may be turned off by lengthy cut scenes or install times are already going to know everything Konami is keeping secret because of word of mouth.

Restricting this information will have no effect on anyone's purchase. Those who want to spend $60 on this game will do it with a smile. Those who don't want MGS won't buy it regardless of how long the cut scenes/install times are.

This isn't about playing or not playing the game. For what it's worth, I'm sure MGS4 will be a great game. Just because Kojima makes a great game, doesn't mean it's ok for Kojima Productions to tell the gaming press what to include in their reviews. Can't you see how these are two separate issues? It isn't something that can't be helped. It certainly can be, more reviewers need to be like EGM and say "No, your game gets reviewed like everyone elses'." (which unfortunately doesn't say much these days.) Regardless of how much you like the MGS series, saying "it's something that can't be helped" is ridiculous. Konami wanted to tailer pieces of reviews to their liking. It is dishonest and they deserve every bit of flak they get for it.

I give that post a 9.2.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

I just wrote a pretty long answer about this topic so to put it short, it actually sounds kinda fair to me after all. The whole case has been exaggerated, though I can understand why. I was worried of Konami's actions myself but now it seems perfectly reasonable.

The installation thing sounds kinda succesful. Looks like those later installs cut the first install by half. They also sound short and will likely have even something else besides watching an installation bar (or black screen or something) so we won't get bored during them.