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Possible spoiler;

Since the days of MGS1, Konami has been breaking that 3rd wall between game and player. Remember when Psycho Mantis told us what games we liked to play? What about when Revolver Ocelot told us not to use a rapid fire controller, because "He'd know". Little easter eggs like this litter MGS games.

I bet that while some of these installs are mandatory, at least one of these installs is going to have a "twist". I had MGS2 ruined for me, thanks to Game Informer and EGM's reviews. ANY tidbit, even cutscene length, is a potential spoiler. MGS games are experiences. For fans of the series, it's what Star Wars movies are to sci-fi fans.

I have faith in Konami. So much faith, that I am buying a PS3 solely for this game. I'll tolerate their restrictions. Tolerate is the wrong word. I appreciate their restrictions. I want this game to last forever. Games like Mario, Zelda, MGS, and GTA are events. They only happen every few years. I want to experience it the way Hideo and co. want me to; spoiler free.