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Profcrab said:
d21lewis said:
*grins, eats BS sandwich*

I thought MGS3 had ended 3 times before it actually ended. As the final credits rolled, I was in awe. The game just kept on giving. Now, when MGS4 ends, I'll think to myself "20 minutes to go.....". Not a big deal, but still a minor let down.

As for the installs.....they'll suck. Unfortunately, it's becoming common place in PS3 games. Konami was wrong to tell reviewers not to talk about them, but I'm sure it's something that can't be helped. More and more games ar going to require installs in the future. That's a PS3 issue, not a Konami error.

By next Saturday, MGS4 will have sold a ton of copies. Guys like me are going to buy the game on day one without a second thought. After that initial wave of hardcore fans, there will be total disclosure to the remaining 4 million people who are considering buying the game. The people who Konami is keeping details from, are the people who are going to buy the game anyway. Everyone else who may be turned off by lengthy cut scenes or install times are already going to know everything Konami is keeping secret because of word of mouth.

Restricting this information will have no effect on anyone's purchase. Those who want to spend $60 on this game will do it with a smile. Those who don't want MGS won't buy it regardless of how long the cut scenes/install times are.

This isn't about playing or not playing the game. For what it's worth, I'm sure MGS4 will be a great game. Just because Kojima makes a great game, doesn't mean it's ok for Kojima Productions to tell the gaming press what to include in their reviews. Can't you see how these are two separate issues? It isn't something that can't be helped. It certainly can be, more reviewers need to be like EGM and say "No, your game gets reviewed like everyone elses'." (which unfortunately doesn't say much these days.) Regardless of how much you like the MGS series, saying "it's something that can't be helped" is ridiculous. Konami wanted to tailer pieces of reviews to their liking. It is dishonest and they deserve every bit of flak they get for it.

I give that post a 9.2.


Welcome to the world of NDA and prelease to the press.

It's not dishonest at all and it's a practice every product ( hardware, software, it could be a car or a new cooking recipe, it doesn't matter) does..


Is everyone posting on this site really that naive ?

If you want want a reviewof any product that isn't affected in any way by the product maker, you have to wait for the product to be released....



PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !