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For the most part, this debate is over. Still, while I was working last night, I had a thought.

In MGS2, the game was divided into two parts: The Tanker and the Big Shell. Suppose MGS4 followed suit. Suppose the first half of the game was so long, that after you finished it, you thought you had beaten the game. When you're sitting there watching the 90 minute "ending", you think "WAIT A MINUTE! Mainstream media said there are TWO 90 minute cut scenes! This isn't the end!"

Guess what? You're now the victim of a spoiler. And your only clue was that there were TWO 90-minute cut scenes.

Scenario 2: MGS games are full of easter eggs. In MGS3, if you saved your game while fighting The End, and came back a week later, he will have died of old age. If you're planting C4 on the Shagohod, and it's a holiday, the guards will have taken the day off! In MGS1, Psycho Mantis tells you to put your controller on the floor, so he can move it with his mind. Revolver blatantly tells you that "you haven't saved your game in a while. If you die, do you really want to play through all of that bull-shit again?" Kenneth Baker says that he "Forgot the frequency for Meryl's codec. Look on the back of the game's case."

MGS games remind you that they're games. I wouldn't be suprised if Snake looked at you, mid battle and said "What the hell? Who's idea was it to do an install NOW?" or better yet, one install may be a fake/ mind controll trick (like Eternal Darkness), and the bad guys use it as some kind of advantage. It sounds far fetched, but this is the kind of sneaky crap Hideo likes to pull. And by mentioning the later installs, we are potential victims of yet another spoiler.

Think about that, the next time you see a monitor with Hideo written in green on an black screen. Did I say "Hideo"? I meant "Video"! ;)