People only down the PS3 because Sony fans insist on forcing ridiculous conspiracy theories on everyone else around them.
These pro-Sony posts are just getting to be an annoyance and I can garantee you they're the sole reason that a forum for each company was created in the first place.
Seriously, look at the titles of your posts!
- “PSP and PS3 games, are they really that bad?”
- “PS3 not doomed in Japan!”
- “Developers praise PS3’s Superior Power!”
- “How much will the PS3’s price cut be, and when?”
- “Playstation 3 = Most Exclusive Games! 100+”
- “PS2-PS3, same story!”
- “PS3 strengths: Grand Tsurismo 5”
- “Sony games at E3! Yaaaahh!”
- “Sony Love thread”
- “IGN Reviews PS3 upscalling games”
Your pathetic excuses for Sony are either one of the following:
a) This is exactly what Sony wanted
b) There's no shame in Sony being the underdog
c) Sony isn't the underdog
d) Sony will make a comeback
e) Sony has the better games. Just look at these handful of no-name games no one has ever hear of, obviously Sony has the best line up.
f) Sony is for adults because adults obviously like games targeted towards the 13 year old boy / fratboy demographic.
g) The PS2 is still kicking ass!
h) The PSP isn't sucking as much as the PS3 is!
i) Even though Ps3 is losing, Blu-Ray is still winning... relatively...
j) Sony has the superior Grafx! ZOMFG!
k) Sony's potential hasn't even been touched yet.
N) PS3 fans are the majority even though the console is the minority (yeah, figure that one out)
Seriously, is there no end to your pathetic excuses and childish logic? And what's worse is you have the compulsive need to attack anyone that doesn't think the PS3 is the future. You're just a bunch of damn fanboys in withdrawl from not being #1 for the first time in twelve years. Stop making your problem everyone elses Problem!!!