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Forums - Gaming Discussion - MGS4 vs Ninja Gaiden 2

two different games
mgs is gonna win but ng2 is not the xbox 360 BIG gun this year gow2 is so this comparison seem pointless

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MGS4 will outsell NG2 and move more hardware. Metal Gear Solid 4 won't affect NG2's sales, so NG2 will sell well.

I think the fact of the matter is mgs4 will only do better because of the fanbase it has from ps and ps2. Ninja gaiden 1 was an immensely better game than any of the metal gear solids in my opinion. Furthermore the comparison between the HS and Halo 3 incident with ninja gaiden 2 and mgs 4 is a horrible one because HS sucked hardcore and halo 3 was awesome. In this case, both of these games are gonna rock so both will sell well.

Yet another crazy comparison.

MGS4 stomps all over NG2 in sales. This isn't close, this isn't questionable.">">

MGS4 will obviously sell better. Ninja Gaiden seems to cater to a more select niche than MGS does.

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disolitude said:
I'll play both... any wise person should do the same.

I agree. I also believe that assuming MGS4 will automatically be better than NG2 is pure speculation and boarders on proof of fanboyism with one simple statement.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Gayden 2 has no chance against whore solid4