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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I would like to thank MS for GTA4

Words Of Wisdom said:
shams said:
They must be hating themselves right now! IGN gave BOTH the 360 & PS3 versions a 10, so the 360 MUST be in the inferior version.

And when it comes down to exclusive DLC for the 360 version... poor, poor MS...

PS3 fans can laugh all they like. 360 fans will be busy playing that DLC in 3-5 months. ^_^


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Words Of Wisdom said:
shams said:
They must be hating themselves right now! IGN gave BOTH the 360 & PS3 versions a 10, so the 360 MUST be in the inferior version.

And when it comes down to exclusive DLC for the 360 version... poor, poor MS...

PS3 fans can laugh all they like. 360 fans will be busy playing that DLC in the meantime. ^_^

 360 fans can laugh all they like, ill be playing metal gear solid 4 in the meantime

I'm wondering if the reason the 50 million switched hands was so that Rockstar would spend more time on the 360 version instead of leaving it all framerate plagued and working on the PS3 version. And of course the remainder would go to the DLC, either way, I agree with you, the money probably helped make a better PS3 version.

TheRealMafoo said:
leo-j said:
What? Is this a joke?

Nope. If not for MS, this game would not be what it is. They paid to have it made, and I am very excited to play it!


And to the few posts above, MS did not give them 50 mil, they loaned it. And judging from the reviews, R* is going to make enough to pay it back :).

So all it cost them was the interest on that money (unless that was part of the deal too).

They loaned them $50 million and are giving microsoft 50 million + Exclusive DLC? Dam you got me there.


starcraft said:
shams said:
They must be hating themselves right now! IGN gave BOTH the 360 & PS3 versions a 10, so the 360 MUST be in the inferior version.

And when it comes down to exclusive DLC for the 360 version... poor, poor MS...

Lol. Thats a good point huh? In the past, IGN have given different scores to different versions of games when they were better on the 360.

The difference here must be so minute if they still gave them the same (perfect) score.

But they said that scores of 10 can hide flaws and do not indication perfection, so 2 scores of 10, unlike ANY other numerical scores, cannot be interpreted as identical.  You have to look to the text of the article, then.

The 360 version of GTA IV is a fucking great game, it appears.  It's just that the PS3 version looks and loads better.  Sorry.

Hey, what happened to that thread you just started, starcraft?  ;) 

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I still wonder if the limitations of the Dvd9 had anything to do with the pop in artifacts. Compression algorithims take up processing power and time to run. Could that be the cause??

I wonder if Username isn't on to something regarding the 50 mil loan....

Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
starcraft said:
shams said:
They must be hating themselves right now! IGN gave BOTH the 360 & PS3 versions a 10, so the 360 MUST be in the inferior version.

And when it comes down to exclusive DLC for the 360 version... poor, poor MS...

Lol. Thats a good point huh? In the past, IGN have given different scores to different versions of games when they were better on the 360.

The difference here must be so minute if they still gave them the same (perfect) score.

But they said that scores of 10 can hide flaws and do not indication perfection, so 2 scores of 10, unlike ANY other numerical scores, cannot be interpreted as identical. You have to look to the text of the article, then.

The 360 version of GTA IV is a fucking great game, it appears. It's just that the PS3 version looks and loads better. Sorry.

Hey, what happened to that thread you just started, starcraft? ;)

SDF burned it to hell and it got locked lol.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

GTAIV was bound to bring Microsoft fans and Sony fans against each other like this.

It's the biggest game for both consoles so far and both want it to be perfect on their own console.

360 owners brag about the DLC and PS3 owners downplay it, and now the PS3 owners have got something to brag about, which is why this thread was started and why 360 owners are saying, " there is no big difference".

The PS3 version does not look LOADS better according to IGN, i don't know where you are getting this idea from, it is SLIGHTLY better, i would expect the differences to be something like that of COD4 where they are very hard to identify.

These threads just fuel people to argue because proper comparisons havn't been made yet, and people think slight improvements on the ps3 version means HUGE improvments... i beg to differ.

The fact is, the differences are probably so minute, you wouldn't care which version you picked up. That is my prediction and we will soon find out on Tuesday.

ToastyJaguar said:
GTAIV was bound to bring Microsoft fans and Sony fans against each other like this.

It's the biggest game for both consoles so far and both want it to be perfect on their own console.

360 owners brag about the DLC and PS3 owners downplay it, and now the PS3 owners have got something to brag about, which is why this thread was started and why 360 owners are saying, " there is no big difference".

The PS3 version does not look LOADS better according to IGN, i don't know where you are getting this idea from, it is SLIGHTLY better, i would expect the differences to be something like that of COD4 where they are very hard to identify.

These threads just fuel people to argue because proper comparisons havn't been made yet, and people think slight improvements on the ps3 version means HUGE improvments... i beg to differ.

The fact is, the differences are probably so minute, you wouldn't care which version you picked up. That is my prediction and we will soon find out on Tuesday.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
starcraft said:
shams said:
They must be hating themselves right now! IGN gave BOTH the 360 & PS3 versions a 10, so the 360 MUST be in the inferior version.

And when it comes down to exclusive DLC for the 360 version... poor, poor MS...

Lol. Thats a good point huh? In the past, IGN have given different scores to different versions of games when they were better on the 360.

The difference here must be so minute if they still gave them the same (perfect) score.

But they said that scores of 10 can hide flaws and do not indication perfection, so 2 scores of 10, unlike ANY other numerical scores, cannot be interpreted as identical. You have to look to the text of the article, then.

The 360 version of GTA IV is a fucking great game, it appears. It's just that the PS3 version looks and loads better. Sorry.

Hey, what happened to that thread you just started, starcraft? ;)

SDF burned it to hell and it got locked lol.

You create a thread titled "Predict Sony Fanboys GTAIV arguments!" and then you claim it's the Sony fanboys that caused it to get locked? The title alone was enough to raise some serious red flags.

As for the 10 vs 10 argument, maybe they were just unable to give the ps3 version a higher score? Honestly, if the game is so awesome that it warrants a 10, it would be impossibile to give another game even more awesome a higher score, simply because that is the ceiling of possible scores.  And they're not going to remove points from a game that they consider to be "the greatest game since Ocarina of Time" simply to point out that another version is better. 

And you could say "the differences are so small, it doesn't even matter", but that's what we've been saying since the ps3 launched, with games like Madden receiving not so nice ps3 ports.  I completely understand some people wanting a bit of "payback", as it were.