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GTAIV was bound to bring Microsoft fans and Sony fans against each other like this.

It's the biggest game for both consoles so far and both want it to be perfect on their own console.

360 owners brag about the DLC and PS3 owners downplay it, and now the PS3 owners have got something to brag about, which is why this thread was started and why 360 owners are saying, " there is no big difference".

The PS3 version does not look LOADS better according to IGN, i don't know where you are getting this idea from, it is SLIGHTLY better, i would expect the differences to be something like that of COD4 where they are very hard to identify.

These threads just fuel people to argue because proper comparisons havn't been made yet, and people think slight improvements on the ps3 version means HUGE improvments... i beg to differ.

The fact is, the differences are probably so minute, you wouldn't care which version you picked up. That is my prediction and we will soon find out on Tuesday.