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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I would like to thank MS for GTA4

ToastyJaguar said:
GTAIV was bound to bring Microsoft fans and Sony fans against each other like this.

It's the biggest game for both consoles so far and both want it to be perfect on their own console.

360 owners brag about the DLC and PS3 owners downplay it, and now the PS3 owners have got something to brag about, which is why this thread was started and why 360 owners are saying, " there is no big difference".

The PS3 version does not look LOADS better according to IGN, i don't know where you are getting this idea from, it is SLIGHTLY better, i would expect the differences to be something like that of COD4 where they are very hard to identify.

These threads just fuel people to argue because proper comparisons havn't been made yet, and people think slight improvements on the ps3 version means HUGE improvments... i beg to differ.

The fact is, the differences are probably so minute, you wouldn't care which version you picked up. That is my prediction and we will soon find out on Tuesday.

 Wasn't CoD4 identical on both platforms, aside from online play mishaps?

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makingmusic476 said:
ToastyJaguar said:
GTAIV was bound to bring Microsoft fans and Sony fans against each other like this.

It's the biggest game for both consoles so far and both want it to be perfect on their own console.

360 owners brag about the DLC and PS3 owners downplay it, and now the PS3 owners have got something to brag about, which is why this thread was started and why 360 owners are saying, " there is no big difference".

The PS3 version does not look LOADS better according to IGN, i don't know where you are getting this idea from, it is SLIGHTLY better, i would expect the differences to be something like that of COD4 where they are very hard to identify.

These threads just fuel people to argue because proper comparisons havn't been made yet, and people think slight improvements on the ps3 version means HUGE improvments... i beg to differ.

The fact is, the differences are probably so minute, you wouldn't care which version you picked up. That is my prediction and we will soon find out on Tuesday.

Wasn't CoD4 identical on both platforms, aside from online play mishaps?

 Well something like Burnout Paradise then. I don't know, think of a game that looks HUGELY better on PS3.

makingmusic476 said:

You create a thread titled "Predict Sony Fanboys GTAIV arguments!" and then you claim it's the Sony fanboys that caused it to get locked? The title alone was enough to raise some serious red flags.

As for the 10 vs 10 argument, maybe they were just unable to give the ps3 version a higher score? Honestly, if the game is so awesome that it warrants a 10, it would be impossibile to give another game even more awesome a higher score, simply because that is the ceiling of possible scores. And they're not going to remove points from a game that they consider to be "the greatest game since Ocarina of Time" simply to point out that another version is better.

And you could say "the differences are so small, it doesn't even matter", but that's what we've been saying since the ps3 launched, with games like Madden receiving not so nice ps3 ports. I completely understand some people wanting a bit of "payback", as it were.

With madden the issue was that the PS3 version had half the framerate of the 360 version, which was significant.

But then there are things like RSV2 where the difference is neglibible.  I've never gone around saying that tiny differences were significant.  But the Sony fanboys were all over it when IGN gave CoD4 a .1 higher score on the PS3.

The thing is, all scores are relative.  Thats why a game that got 10 ten years ago might get a 2 these days on graphical grounds alone.  If GTAIV PS3 is the current pinacle of sandbox gaming, then by definition the Xbox version cannot get the same score if there is any discernible difference. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

halil23 said:
DMeisterJ said:
Thank you Microsoft

The extra development time you paid for helped the PS3 version get over it's pop-up issues, and look cleaner, and run smoother than your console...


I bet MS is wishing they didn't pay them that money, especially since it looks like the PS3 ate up most of that dev time, as it came out on top, even though it lead on the 360! lulz.

Worst 50 mil ever spent?

Agreed with everything you said :)

Disagree lol

Don't forget that the PS3 version still has pop-up and framerate issues.

starcraft said:
makingmusic476 said:

You create a thread titled "Predict Sony Fanboys GTAIV arguments!" and then you claim it's the Sony fanboys that caused it to get locked? The title alone was enough to raise some serious red flags.

As for the 10 vs 10 argument, maybe they were just unable to give the ps3 version a higher score? Honestly, if the game is so awesome that it warrants a 10, it would be impossibile to give another game even more awesome a higher score, simply because that is the ceiling of possible scores. And they're not going to remove points from a game that they consider to be "the greatest game since Ocarina of Time" simply to point out that another version is better.

And you could say "the differences are so small, it doesn't even matter", but that's what we've been saying since the ps3 launched, with games like Madden receiving not so nice ps3 ports. I completely understand some people wanting a bit of "payback", as it were.

With madden the issue was that the PS3 version had half the framerate of the 360 version, which was significant.

But then there are things like RSV2 where the difference is neglibible. I've never gone around saying that tiny differences were significant. But the Sony fanboys were all over it when IGN gave CoD4 a .1 higher score on the PS3.

The thing is, all scores are relative. Thats why a game that got 10 ten years ago might get a 2 these days on graphical grounds alone. If GTAIV PS3 is the current pinacle of sandbox gaming, then by definition the Xbox version cannot get the same score if there is any discernible difference.



The pinnacle of sandbox gaming? By that logic neither version should have gotten a 10, as R* could've gotten rid of the framerate dips and other problems in both versions given enough time.

A "10" doesn't necessarily equate to "couldn't be better." Into today's world of 7-10 reviewing, a 10 simply means "really damn good," especially so in IGN's case.

And I don't really see how 30fps (which isn't really that bad) could be considered much worse than more frequent frame dips and texture pop, ala GTA.

Also, Call of Duty 4 received identical scores on both platforms from IGN, so I'm not sure why Sony fanboys would've freaked over that. :P

Anywho, my point was that both sides are guilty of making a big deal out of stuff like this, and then damage controlling like crazy when it happens to the other side (like what you're doing right now :P).

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halil23 said:
ToastyJaguar said:
halil23 said:
DMeisterJ said:
Thank you Microsoft

The extra development time you paid for helped the PS3 version get over it's pop-up issues, and look cleaner, and run smoother than your console...


I bet MS is wishing they didn't pay them that money, especially since it looks like the PS3 ate up most of that dev time, as it came out on top, even though it lead on the 360! lulz.

Worst 50 mil ever spent?

Agreed with everything you said :)

But sadly xbox fanboy won't agree with you, hence them bashing you.

Disagree lol

Don't forget that the PS3 version still has pop-up and framerate issues.

I know, but not as much as the 360.

 Which hasn't got that much more if anyone actually read the ign review.

starcraft said:

With madden the issue was that the PS3 version had half the framerate of the 360 version, which was significant.

But then there are things like RSV2 where the difference is neglibible. I've never gone around saying that tiny differences were significant. But the Sony fanboys were all over it when IGN gave CoD4 a .1 higher score on the PS3.

The thing is, all scores are relative. Thats why a game that got 10 ten years ago might get a 2 these days on graphical grounds alone. If GTAIV PS3 is the current pinacle of sandbox gaming, then by definition the Xbox version cannot get the same score if there is any discernible difference.


 False.  As I said earlier, IGN says that scores of 10 can hide flaws under features great enough to warrant a score of ten.  Two different versions can have different kinds or amounts of flaws, as is the case here.  The 360 version seems amazing, warranting a 10, but the PS3 version looks and loads better.  Those are discernible differences.

Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
starcraft said:

With madden the issue was that the PS3 version had half the framerate of the 360 version, which was significant.

But then there are things like RSV2 where the difference is neglibible. I've never gone around saying that tiny differences were significant. But the Sony fanboys were all over it when IGN gave CoD4 a .1 higher score on the PS3.

The thing is, all scores are relative. Thats why a game that got 10 ten years ago might get a 2 these days on graphical grounds alone. If GTAIV PS3 is the current pinacle of sandbox gaming, then by definition the Xbox version cannot get the same score if there is any discernible difference.


False. As I said earlier, IGN says that scores of 10 can hide flaws under features great enough to warrant a score of ten. Two different versions can have different kinds or amounts of flaws, as is the case here. The 360 version seems amazing, warranting a 10, but the PS3 version looks and loads better. Those are discernible differences.

 If the PS3 version looked loads better, then surely they would have given the 360 version less than a 10. 

Loud_Hot_White_Box said:

False. As I said earlier, IGN says that scores of 10 can hide flaws under features great enough to warrant a score of ten. Two different versions can have different kinds or amounts of flaws, as is the case here. The 360 version seems amazing, warranting a 10, but the PS3 version looks and loads better. Those are discernible differences.

In another thread, someone quoted IGN's review system exactly, and it indicated that reviews are relative to the competition.  If the Xbox 360 version received an identical score to the PS3 version, there cannot be a discerible difference.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

makingmusic476 said:
starcraft said:


The pinnacle of sandbox gaming? By that logic neither version should have gotten a 10, as R* could've gotten rid of the framerate dips and other problems in both versions given enough time.

A "10" doesn't necessarily equate to "couldn't be better." Into today's world of 7-10 reviewing, a 10 simply means "really damn good," especially so in IGN's case.

And I don't really see how 30fps (which isn't really that bad) could be considered much worse than more frequent frame dips and texture pop, ala GTA.

Also, Call of Duty 4 received identical scores on both platforms from IGN, so I'm not sure why Sony fanboys would've freaked over that. :P

Anywho, my point was that both sides are guilty of making a big deal out of stuff like this, and then damage controlling like crazy when it happens to the other side (like what you're doing right now :P).

I apologise for CoD4, clearly a bad example.

You misunderstood what I was saying with the first bolded part.  Review scores arn't relative to what could be done in the future, but to the best competition that exists at the time of the review.  If they each received 10, there can't be a discernible difference between the two, as they would be measured relative to eachother.

What I'm saying is simply this.  I don't think I'm in damage control at all, because with a 10 out of 10 review, there is no damage to mitigate.  However, I think Sony fans are still quite desperate to mitigate the damage done by Microsoft gaining exclusive DLC.  Right now, both games have a score of ten.  But the 360 version is the only one that has the potential for future improvement.......... 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS