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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 9th gen console owners. Do you still notice the SSD? Nostalgia for loading screens?


I have...

Started to take the SSD for granted. 3 18.75%
Still amazed by the SSD. 5 31.25%
Will never take the SSD for granted. 6 37.50%
I'm still on HDD. 2 12.50%

And yeah, Nintendo's been doing it since NES but do you still notice how fast games are now at loading and streaming or have you taken it for granted. I came off 2 minute loading screens on PS4 PRO with games like The Witcher 3 which were brutal if you died so it was a big shock to me having every game load as fast or faster Ghost of Tsushima. Instant fast travel still blows my mind but I am reminded the most when a gametes a few seconds to load, like Wu Kong where you'd be waiting 15-20 seconds and THAT feels long now. 

It's so wild, not putting down your controller after a death knowing you'll be waiting 90 seconds or booting somethign like GTA or RDR2 qnd having that initial long as boot up time. It is quite literally a game changer, I smoke less while gaming, I get more gaming out of my time and I have to set my own break to avoid eye strain. It also makes games more sticky, at one time a 90 second load screen night have been enough to make me put the game down and come back later but when fighting a difficult boss, I'm more inclined to continue going. Zipping through the streets in Spiderman 2s wind currents or flying on the nimbus in Blavk Myth wu kong is still mind blowing.

Love it and I'll never take it for granted. I can only imagine all the time wasted in previous genres cause my favourite games are ones where you die a lot, how many dozens or possibly into the triple digit hours I would have saved every year and had more time for gaming. There's a lot this generation has gotten wrong but this is not one of them.

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - 23 hours ago

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Still have loading screens. Most games still do. I miss cartridges being the standard format with none.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:

Still have loading screens. Most games still do. I miss cartridges being the standard format with none.

A 3 second loading screen is nothing. Also... instant transmission with fast travel and streaming the environment rapidly with little pop in. 

Love it. Just a nice little quality of life thing.

There is the other side of this, dying has less consequence than it ever has had.

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Oh man, it has totally spoiled me. When I move over to older systems from my PS5, I am painfully aware of the longer load times.

SSD's are the only reason I purchased a 9th gen console at all lol. I'll give a pass to Nintendo with Switch being a hybrid device, but I wasn't willing to revert back after over 10 years of gaming on SSDs.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Why would someone miss the loading screens?

Alex_The_Hedgehog said:

Why would someone miss the loading screens?

There's a chance of down time. It's really good for reducing eye strain, with those little breaks that you should now be doing yourself. There are little tutorial bits on them. It's a consequence for death. Nostalgia. 

LegitHyperbole said:
Leynos said:

Still have loading screens. Most games still do. I miss cartridges being the standard format with none.

A 3 second loading screen is nothing. Also... instant transmission with fast travel and streaming the environment rapidly with little pop in. 

longer than that

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!