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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you ever beat average/mediocre games? (Poll)


I only beat

10/10s 0 0%
9/10 and above 0 0%
8/10 and above 6 33.33%
7/0 and above 2 11.11%
6/10 and above 3 16.67%
5/10 and above 4 22.22%
Less than 5/10s 3 16.67%
I never beat games. 0 0%

It depends on when I realize the game is mediocre.

The most recent examples I can think of are FF7 Rebirth and Mario and Luigi Brothership. I had fun with both of them at the beginning, but by the end it was a slog. I'm not necessarily calling them mediocre, but by the end I wasn't having fun. But, by the time that happened, I was far enough into them that I wanted to see the end, and in the case of Rebirth, I did genuinely want to see how the story played out.

But if a game is just not good from the outset, odds are if I bought it, I stopped very early on.

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LegitHyperbole said:
firebush03 said:

i don’t have a lot of gaming time. Why throw it away on an average game? Unless it is a game that is infamously bad (e.g. Bubsy 3D), I don’t finish anything lower than 7/10.

How did Stellar Blade go for you?

got distracted by an ape named DK. Ended up being one of my all time favorite games…so Stellar has been placed on a hiatus. I’ll get back to it somebody, like how I did with Animal Well.

LegitHyperbole said:
Farsala said:

I tend to drop mediocre/average games quite quickly. My time is best spent enjoying games.

If the game is a true 5/10, it won't continue to be played.

Now I might have a different scale than most. For example most JRPGs for me are 9 or 10 out of 10. So for me an average mediocre JRPG is often still a 7/10. A 5/10 would have to be truly bad in many ways like FFXIII.

Yeah. You have a different scale cause things get poor below 5, you could say 5 is the boundary between good from bad or a game that has equal bad parts to good aspects that balance out while 4 is poor, 3 is bad, 2 is terrible and 1 is broken and unplayable or something along those lines. People have shown they hate the below7/10 being bad to 10/10 scaling. 

A 5/10 has just as much bad as good. So it being so borderline means I tend to drop it for something with more good than bad.

4 is more bad than good. Definitely dropped.

3 is so bad I could cry.

2 is infuriatingly bad.

1 or 0 is I rather do almost anything else.

I'm very picky to start with and I have a keen sense of what I will like and what I will not, so not many turds make it through in the first place.
However, if that happens, I'm quick to dismiss such a game. I need to actually enjoy it, or I'm wasting my time.

I beat mediocre games with a lead pipe or a crowbar. Much like Chris… on second thought, I’m not doing that joke.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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Sure. There can be a lot of charm to kinda mediocre games. I just beat games I like for whatever reason.

KLXVER said:

Sure. There can be a lot of charm to kinda mediocre games. I just beat games I like for whatever reason.

And to add to that, for the people who go 8 and up, they'll never find the hidden gems. It might be a pain and a partial waste of time for we who wade through the mud but we end up finding diamonds in the rough. Dust an Elysian tail turned out to be my best in genre and it started as mediocre as a game could possibly be. 

Jumpin said:

I beat mediocre games with a lead pipe or a crowbar. Much like Chris… on second thought, I’m not doing that joke.

Ya have to do the joke now... c'mon, I don't get it.