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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Best Wii game, besides Mario Galaxy 1/2

AddRat said:

Tri got some heat for the slim monster roster upon release, especially from the people who weren't familiar with the fact that MH games get their G rank in expansions but it had an all-new, well designed and no-subspieces roster.

Great online, great areas, great atmosphere, long live Loc Lac.

One thing that gets understandably overlooked due to it coming out in 2010 is that the model work and armor/wep textures are pretty damn good for a game running on the Wii.

Yeah while Tri didn't have the largest lineup, I did like that almost every one was new with they didn't pad out the roster with subspecies. Monsters like Lagi and Barioth remain among my favourites to this day.

And yeah, it was definitely one of the better looking games on Wii with its naturalistic environments and lifelike monsters. Rock solid performance too.

farlaff said:
curl-6 said:

Nice to see other MHTri players!

It was my most played game of that entire generation, I sunk more than 1000 hours into it. The thrill of the hunt was so addictive, and as someone who's not usually into online multiplayer, it's one of the few games where that component managed to hook me. Teaming up to take down massive monstrosities was such a rush.

Definitely one of the best games on Wii in my book.

800 hours here, plus 1400+ on 3U, where the weapon balance was ridiculously good! I'm so invested in that world that I came back to Rise after skipping post generations, and to my surprise it was pretty much based on the Tri echo-space (excluding water fights). Almost as if i had never left.

Yeah I played MH3G on Wii U and MH4U on 3DS, but skipped Generations and World at the time; jumped back in with Rise and loved it, it's become my most played Switch game just as MHTri was my most played Wii game.

super_etecoon said:

Monster Hunter Tri is a game I bought, was excited for based on the previews, but that once I started playing I really didn’t like. I know I didn’t give it a chance (maybe played it twice), but something was telling me I wasn’t going to enjoy the gameplay loop. Might have to give it a “tri” again one of these days.

Monster Hunter is very much an acquired taste; it is deliberately weighty, methodical, and complex, you have to carefully plan each hunt and every move. A lot of people bounce off it because of this, and I almost did at first too, but the more I played it, the more I got used to it and came to love it. If you're looking for a more accessible entry point, Rise and World have a lot of quality of life improvements and are easier to get the hang of.

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I wouldn't say this is the best one but I wanna bring up the Wii version of Pikmin 2 cause it's likely my favourite one that hasn't been mentioned yet. I can't imagine playing it without the motion aiming.

This thread is making me realize just how much money developers are leaving on the table by not re-releasing Wii titles on Switch. There is so much nostalgia for that system and its quirky games. Next gen may see a revival of some of these titles.

That + the DS and 3DS libraries if the rumors if that 2nd screen attachment to the Switch 2 are true.

Another really cool thing about the Wii was that it revived 2D games as a serious mainstream genre with success of games like NSMBWii, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Kirby's Return to Dreamland, etc. which paved the way for the likes of Tropical Freeze, Metroid Dread, and Mario Bros Wonder in the years since.

super_etecoon said:

This thread is making me realize just how much money developers are leaving on the table by not re-releasing Wii titles on Switch. There is so much nostalgia for that system and its quirky games. Next gen may see a revival of some of these titles.

Well, tens of millions of gamers grew up with the Wii. There's bound to be nostalgia for it, and if you were a kid back then, you're an adult now with your own disposable income. Look at the success of Switch Sports, a game that harkens back to the Wii era.