Louie_86 said: Already finished it, and the game was stupid fun. Dont avoid. |
You sir, are man of great taste and intelligence.
Louie_86 said: Already finished it, and the game was stupid fun. Dont avoid. |
You sir, are man of great taste and intelligence.
KratosLives said: Graphics are average, story, not interesting or engaging. Puzzles, not interesting, just a waste of time. Every chapter/ environemnt opens up with some kind of unlock this, power up this. It's generic and time tasting. The combat, well which is good on the surface, is ruined by motion blur ( yes i have motion blur turned off), per frame and is fast moving. You can't even appreciate or truly see what you're pulling off. Which is an issue plaguing alot of games these days with combat. It may be nice to know you did some fancy combo, but you don't feel any real emotion ont the inside. It happens so fast and per frame image is blured. This is a problem i think most people are sleeping on or just ignoring. I've played it on both resolution and performance and the results are the same . Disapointing. Level design avrage.if you've played devil may cry/ bayonetta games, big step down. Boss fights, average. Nothing stands out in this game except for the outfits, her thigh and butt cheeks. That's the only things they did right in this game, is the model animation. 5/10. Don't bother. |
"But but but... titties and butts for Xgen people..."
It is a classic hack and slash from what I saw. It is just that. The problem is, Ps5 had nothign more than remasters and Spidermans. That's why it sold well.
VersusEvil said: Played the demo a few times, I don’t see the appeal. Main character looks like one of my most dislikable characters in modern gaming. Gameplay wise Dark Souls 2 looks better and if I wanted to fetishise over ass I’d go play MGS4 with old man Snake. |
The main character is indeed a blank slate but she is so unbelievable cool, she doesn't need a bombastic personality for reasons I won't spoil story wise. She is what she is but she does much more impressive shit than Dante and Bayonetta and she's fragile, unlike those two or Kratos, the opening mission has her failing terribly and almost getting killed and she gets hurt, she's just so much cooler for that fact. Near the end of the game there are some scenes that are the coldest and coolest scenes around Eve's actions, in the genre.
BFR said: Yep, what Haxxiy said. |
I would never. I intend to calmly anf rationally explain to Kratos why he is so dead wrong.
Random_Matt said: DMC sucks, shit I know; controversial statement. |
And a stupid one. DMC is ace. DmC sucks tho.
Last edited by Leynos - on 05 February 2025Leynos said:
And a stupid one. DMC is ace. DmC sucks tho. |
Have you tried old DMC recently? It's terribly archaic and you don't need to do fuck all to keep your style up. DmC was a disaster aesthetically but it had much deeper systems that made you actually work and learn the deepness of them to keep your style up. At least on higher difficulties which I did for the plat, that game is legitimately skill based and there is no way around it other than getting really good to get that plat. DMC4's first real boss, tap square 50 times in different sequences and he's dead, really fun stuff.
LegitHyperbole said:
Have you tried old DMC recently? It's terribly archaic and you don't need to do fuck all to keep your style up. DmC was a disaster aesthetically but it had much deeper systems that made you actually work and learn the deepness of them to keep your style up. At least on higher difficulties which I did for the plat, that game is legitimately skill based and there is no way around it other than getting really good to get that plat. DMC4's first real boss, tap square 50 times in different sequences and he's dead, really fun stuff. |
God you are so wrong it's hilarious. DmC is shallow made for noobs who cannot grasp the depth of DMC. The West generally sucks at melee depth combat and Ninja Theory is esp bad at it. Yes, DmC is their best effort but if you want to see a Western Studio take on DMC combat with actual depth and a reward ceiling check out Soulstice. DmC has no idea how to do timing on frames. Esp when it launched at 30FPS. Yes the DE is 60 but it's 60 but the combat is still designed for 30. Sorry, but it sucks in comparison. DMC has a high skill ceiling. DmC I could mash buttons to earn a SSS. It was stupidly easy. DmC is hot trash overall as a DMC game. Now it is better than DMC2 but so is vomit in a pig troff. So not a high bar. DMC has not aged. Its combat is so in-depth and varied with the 4 playstyles that nothing comes close to it. Bayonetta as much as I love them doesn't quite have the same depth. It's designed differently and still has plenty of depth, however. DMC5 was made a little easier for newcomers but DMC4 combat has the highest skill ceiling of all of them. Go play it on Dante Must Die mode. DMC4SE is esp great as you get Vergil. Lady and Trish. But never play as Vergil until you beat the game with Nero/Dante. Vergil is always meant to be a reward for playing the game honestly as Vergil is purposefully meant to break the game. Much like Foxblade in Metal Gear Rising. Why it costs so much money nor let you use it against Armstrong.
This is DMC.
Leynos said:
God you are so wrong it's hilarious. DmC is shallow made for noobs who cannot grasp the depth of DMC. The West generally sucks at melee depth combat and Ninja Theory is esp bad at it. Yes, DmC is their best effort but if you want to see a Western Studio take on DMC combat with actual depth and a reward ceiling check out Soulstice. DmC has no idea how to do timing on frames. Esp when it launched at 30FPS. Yes the DE is 60 but it's 60 but the combat is still designed for 30. Sorry, but it sucks in comparison. DMC has a high skill ceiling. DmC I could mash buttons to earn a SSS. It was stupidly easy. DmC is hot trash overall as a DMC game. Now it is better than DMC2 but so is vomit in a pig troff. So not a high bar. DMC has not aged. Its combat is so in-depth and varied with the 4 playstyles that nothing comes close to it. Bayonetta as much as I love them doesn't quite have the same depth. It's designed differently and still has plenty of depth, however. DMC5 was made a little easier for newcomers but DMC4 combat has the highest skill ceiling of all of them. Go play it on Dante Must Die mode. DMC4SE is esp great as you get Vergil. Lady and Trish. But never play as Vergil until you beat the game with Nero/Dante. Vergil is always meant to be a reward for playing the game honestly as Vergil is purposefully meant to break the game. Much like Foxblade in Metal Gear Rising. Why it costs so much money nor let you use it against Armstrong. This is DMC. |
I don't particularly care anymore. Sekiro has brought about a new combat style and everyone's adopting it, I love this new infusion in Stelar Blade where it takes a bit of everything and hope to see it continued as a new standard. If they can figure out how to do group battles with it and have less, my turn your turn type stuff it'll be the best combat system ever. Hell it already is but it'll be even better.
Leynos said: That's like comparing Apples to Asparagus. |
I don't think so. It's an evolution, not a separate genre. It's like comparing 2d Mario to Mario Galaxy.