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Graphics are average, story, not interesting or engaging. Puzzles, not interesting, just a waste of time. Every chapter/ environemnt opens up with some kind of unlock this, power up this. It's generic and time tasting. 

The combat, well which is good  on the surface, is ruined by motion blur ( yes i have motion blur turned off), per frame and is fast moving. You can't even appreciate or truly see what you're pulling off. Which is an issue plaguing alot of games these days with combat. It may be nice to know you did some fancy  combo,  but you don't feel any real emotion ont the inside. It happens so fast and per frame image is blured.  This is a problem i think most people are sleeping on or just ignoring.  I've played it on both resolution and performance and the results are the same . Disapointing.   

Level design avrage.if you've played devil may cry/ bayonetta games,  big step down. Boss fights, average. 

Nothing stands out in this game except for the outfits, her thigh and butt cheeks. That's the only things they did right in this game, is the model animation.

5/10.  Don't bother.