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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Stellar blade is average, avoid

Graphics are average, story, not interesting or engaging. Puzzles, not interesting, just a waste of time. Every chapter/ environemnt opens up with some kind of unlock this, power up this. It's generic and time tasting. 

The combat, well which is good  on the surface, is ruined by motion blur ( yes i have motion blur turned off), per frame and is fast moving. You can't even appreciate or truly see what you're pulling off. Which is an issue plaguing alot of games these days with combat. It may be nice to know you did some fancy  combo,  but you don't feel any real emotion ont the inside. It happens so fast and per frame image is blured.  This is a problem i think most people are sleeping on or just ignoring.  I've played it on both resolution and performance and the results are the same . Disapointing.   

Level design avrage.if you've played devil may cry/ bayonetta games,  big step down. Boss fights, average. 

Nothing stands out in this game except for the outfits, her thigh and butt cheeks. That's the only things they did right in this game, is the model animation.

5/10.  Don't bother.

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I will check it out when its cheaper. It looks fun, but I dont want to pay 70 bucks for it.

LegitHyperbole is going to have a few words for you.

My main gripe with this game is the lack of cancels and the bad story. Otherwise it can be a fun experience.






Yep, what Haxxiy said.

Watch out Kratos, you just picked a big fight with Legit. He loves this game with a passion!

As for me, thanks for the heads up. Besides, I hate sword games and LH knows this :)

I mostly agree with the opening post, even if my take is a bit milder.

The combat is better than your average action game and there is meat here for a sequel to be a truly good action game. But it does not reach the heights of the better games in the genre and everything else around it is very uninteresting. Wouldn't put it next to the offerings of Capcom, Team Ninja or the better part of Platinum's catalogue.

So, I would not say "avoid" but I would suggest other potential buys before it.

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The game doesn't appeal to me but I wouldn't tell someone to avoid a game that so many people clearly enjoyed very much.

Wrong. It's fucking amazing and a good-looking game. It's a great playing game. With a fantastic OST. My absolute GOTY of 2024. You can blame me for getting Legit on playing it. I followed the game since the first trailer and man all my hype and waiting paid off. Fucking amazing game. It's an ARPG not a stylish action game like DMC or Bayo. You can't compare them. Why not compare Mario Kart to Forza. Ys to Divine Divinity. It's a stupid comparison.

Last edited by Leynos - on 05 February 2025

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Played the demo a few times, I don’t see the appeal. Main character looks like one of my most dislikable characters in modern gaming. Gameplay wise Dark Souls 2 looks better and if I wanted to fetishise over ass I’d go play MGS4 with old man Snake.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Seems a bit too hard for me to enjoy, but otherwise looks very nice and fun. I'd say it's a pretty good first outing that they can build upon to make an amazing sequel.

Already finished it, and the game was stupid fun. Dont avoid.