It'll be significantly better than Switch 1, especially in the beginning with 3rd parties on board right from the jump as opposed to the "wait and see" approach they had with early Switch 1 years from 2017-2019.
Basically, it'll get all of Switch 1's support right from the start + a handful of AAA, major titles that you see on PS5/XSXS. I'd even go as far as to say you'll see some of them released on the same day as the other versions and run and look better on Switch 2 than those PS4/XBO ports ran and looked on Switch 1.
With that said, the 3rd party support for Switch 2 will still take a backseat/not be as much of a priority for 3rd party devs as their support for PS, PC, and even Xbox - Even though Xbox sells around 1/3rd of the units that Switch 1 sells.
And the reason for that is simple: On PlayStation, Xbox, and PC - Third Party games will sell the best or get the most spotlight. Especially on Xbox and PC. And will even sell more than most, if not all, of PlayStation's 1st party games with the exception of Spider-Man and maybe God of War or Gran Tursimo. Or hell depending on the game (Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty, for example) It'll outsell even those. You look at the best-selling software titles on PS4 and Xbox One and the vast majority of the Top 10-15-20-30 titles are 3rd party games. And I'd imagine it's the same case with the PS5 and Xbox Series.
But on the Switch? You have to go all the way down to #24 (Stardew Valley) and #25 (Monster Hunter Rise) to find 3rd party games. The rest of the Top 30 are all 1st party Nintendo titles. Third parties will always be second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth fiddle behind Nintendo's 1st party games. You will NEVER see a 3rd party game outselling Mario Kart, 3D Mario, 2D Mario, Mario Party, Open-World Zelda, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, or Smash Bros on a Nintendo system. And some will have a tough time outselling even Kirby, Donkey Kong, or Fire Emblem.
For that reason, no matter how successful Switch 2 is - Hell, it could even outsell Switch 1. And I've no doubt its 3rd party support will be better than Switch 1. Third party devs and publishers will never prioritize it over PlayStation, Xbox, and PC, because they know their games will always take a backseat to Nintendo's own lineup.
Last edited by PAOerfulone - on 01 February 2025