L1: Ghost(91 until level 2)
Playing Luigis Mansion 2 hd and whatching Card Captor Sakura and Breaking Bad.
- A 39 year old male gamer
- Joined on July 3rd 2024, last online on 04 September 2024.
- Profile Views: 745
- Forum posts: 42 times which averages 1 posts per day
- User Reviews: 0 reviews
- VG$ 560.00
Banned (Expires: 25th Sep 24)
Trolling (You recieved a 7-day ban less than a month ago, but you're continuing with toxic comments, some of which attempt to instigate rather than discuss the subject matter. And when people refute your claims with a counter-argument, you ignore it. Take 20 days off and consider trying to be more productive if/when you come back. Explain your position, discuss or debate with others rather than these hit-and-run comments.) ~ Hiku[718688]