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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Forza Horizon 5 announced for PlayStation 5, coming this Spring

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JohnVG said:

Calm down, Nintendo bitches... When I say "MK9 will suffer" I was not talking about sells, but about time played by casual gamers.

You mean the most casual fan base on the most casual system with one of the most casual franchises of all (MK) will choose to spend more time on FH5 than MK9? Yeah …. I don’t see it. 

Last edited by VersusEvil - on 31 January 2025

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

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VersusEvil said:
JohnVG said:

Calm down, Nintendo bitches... When I say "MK9 will suffer" I was not talking about sells, but about time played by casual gamers.

You mean the most casual fan base on the most casual system with one of the most casual franchises of all (MK) will choose to spend more time on FH5 than MK9? Yeah …. I don’t see it. 

Yes, in fact i totally do not mean that.

Nintendo fan base is not casual at all. They are ALL hardcore gamers of Nintendo. So, MK9 will be a success.

I'm talking about NON Nintendo fanbase, searching for any other racing game to play, with more realistic aesthetics.

It's coming to Switch 2 as well according to a XBox leaker that's gotten several things correct in the past. Possibly a launch window title I would guess.

JohnVG said:
VersusEvil said:

You mean the most casual fan base on the most casual system with one of the most casual franchises of all (MK) will choose to spend more time on FH5 than MK9? Yeah …. I don’t see it. 

Yes, in fact i totally do not mean that.

Nintendo fan base is not casual at all. They are ALL hardcore gamers of Nintendo. So, MK9 will be a success.

I'm talking about NON Nintendo fanbase, searching for any other racing game to play, with more realistic aesthetics.

Forza Horizon 5 won't have any more effect on MK9 than the average well-received game would. Even a brand new and exclusive Forza Horizon 6 on Switch 2 wouldn't have any real impact. They're two different genres.

Soundwave said:

It's coming to Switch 2 as well according to a XBox leaker that's gotten several things correct in the past. Possibly a launch window title I would guess.

I'm sure that would be true.

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twintail said:
Azzanation said:

There are more Casuals than Hardcore gamers. When people have enough for 1 car racer, it's now a toss up between the two  rather then the one choice.

When I started playing the horizon series, I lost interest in the Motorsport series. 

GT7 i think sold 15m however FH5 has 44m players before the PS release. 

I'm not even sure what point this reply has other than you trying to find a way to 1UP MS over Sony, as always. There are a ton of arcade racers on PS, and they haven't magically prevent GT7 from selling and finding an audience. FMH and GT7 can co-exist quite comfortably. 

Unless... and don't tell me this is true: you somehow believe that there can only be 1 game in any genre that sells and the rest all magically never find an audience????

lol get out of here dude. 

Please explain how this isnt good for MS?

They are literally making more money on an old game, and are daring to remove the toxicity of Exclusives. Everyone should play FH5, it's going to help fund FH6.

Also what kind of Mod posts like this

"lol get out of here dude."

Kyuu said:
Azzanation said:

There are more Casuals than Hardcore gamers. When people have enough for 1 car racer, it's now a toss up between the two  rather then the one choice.

When I started playing the horizon series, I lost interest in the Motorsport series. 

GT7 i think sold 15m however FH5 has 44m players before the PS release. 

Player metrics on GamePass games are irrelevant. If they were relevant, Xbox consoles would have sold much more to express the popularity of those games. The vast majority of those "players" are from Xbox gamers "playing" the game for a couple of minutes before moving to the next GamePass title and registering as "players" over there too. Rinse and repeat.

Forza Horizon is a great series and Microsoft's best original title imo. Actually it's the Microsoft title that interests me the most even among acquired titles. But it neither competes with GT7 nor quite beats it in popularity. Sales wise, they're both standing at around 10 million I'd guess. FH5 might be ahead thanks to PC, being cheaper, and not requiring a steering wheel to be truly enjoyed. But it is available on GamePass which hurts sales on Xbox.

They're both excellent series in their own right. But you guys can't help but use this moment to push your console war crap somehow even though it's a huge L for Xbox. Microsoft is like 5 times bigger than Sony as a game software company. How about you celebrate that instead of pushing more nonsense?

This logic is far from accurate. You have zero idea how many people brought a game and spent more than 2 minutes in it, and have zero idea how many copies have also been returned or traded. If you apply that logic with player counts, you can also apply that to phyiscal sales.

Kyuu said:
JohnVG said:

Yes, in fact i totally do not mean that.

Nintendo fan base is not casual at all. They are ALL hardcore gamers of Nintendo. So, MK9 will be a success.

I'm talking about NON Nintendo fanbase, searching for any other racing game to play, with more realistic aesthetics.

Forza Horizon 5 won't have any more effect on MK9 than the average well-received game would. Even a brand new and exclusive Forza Horizon 6 on Switch 2 wouldn't have any real impact. They're two different genres.

I would buy Switch 2 only for a game like Horizon 5 being portable.

Some big brain takes going on in this thread.

It looks like Fable is going to be Day and Date with PlayStation according to recent rumors.

PotentHerbs said:

It looks like Fable is Day and Date with PlayStation according to recent rumors.

As much as I hate repeating what certain insiders have said it seems if the teams where informed earlier enough about them going multiplatform the closer to day 1 they are. 

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed