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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kingdom Come Deliverence 2 reviews Opencritic 89


KCD2 opencritic 89...

I'm in day one 4 26.67%
Will wait for a sale 7 46.67%
Not interested 4 26.67%

This may be a nothing-burger to most people playing this game, but it always really bothered me that looting corpses was counted on my crime record in the first game, even though none of the items were considered stolen.

I figured they could have fixed this distinction to only the corpses you stole from, but instead they actually made it worse, because now it seems like every item you loot from a corpse goes on your record as stolen goods, even though none of the items are listed as stolen in my inventory.

I've got well over 100 stolen items on my crime record now, yet the only time I intentionally stole anything was a few herbs to create a fever potion to heal a guy for the main quest, and a couple bottles of alcohol to clean wounds and heal people for an optional task.

Maybe it's just a bug (Lord knows this game is full of those right now), but it really bothers me that my pure God-fearing Henry is being misrepresented on his crime record like this.

Edit: Some historical context I found on reddit:


I’ve mentioned it elsewhere, but during Medieval times there was a fairly clear distinction between battlefield looting on the one hand, and claiming rightful spoils of war on the other.

  Turning up at a battlefield and sitting on the sidelines so you can pick up whatever you find would definitely have been considered distasteful looting.

However, for a participant in the battle to strip fallen enemies of valuables like money, weapons and armour would’ve been considered anything but dishonourable. E.g. even during Ancient times, the act of going one on one with an enemy, killing him and stripping him of his armour was considered a legendary and honourable deed in Roman society that several generations of descendants would’ve bragged about incessantly to anyone within ear shot.

That hadn’t changed much by Medieval times. There even a legend that the Prince of Wales’s badge came from the Black Prince taking not only the helmet but even the motto of John of Bohemia (the grandfather of Charles Sigismund and Wenceslaus), after someone (not the Black Prince himself even) had killed the (blind, old) king at the Battle of Crécy. It’s a legend, but it still gives a pretty good indication at how these things were considered at the time. It’s certainly not a story derived from gossip and slander.

Last edited by Shaunodon - on 11 February 2025

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Shaunodon said:

This may be a nothing-burger to most people playing this game, but it always really bothered me that looting corpses was counted on my crime record in the first game, even though none of the items were considered stolen.

I figured they could have fixed this distinction to only the corpses you stole from, but instead they actually made it worse, because now it seems like every item you loot from a corpse goes on your record as stolen goods, even though none of the items are listed as stolen in my inventory.

I've got well over 100 stolen items on my crime record now, yet the only time I intentionally stole anything was a few herbs to create a fever potion to heal a guy for the main quest, and a couple bottles of alcohol to clean wounds and heal people for an optional task.

Maybe it's just a bug (Lord knows this game is full of those right now), but it really bothers me that my pure God-fearing Henry is being misrepresented on his crime record like this.

Edit: Some historical context I found on reddit:


I’ve mentioned it elsewhere, but during Medieval times there was a fairly clear distinction between battlefield looting on the one hand, and claiming rightful spoils of war on the other.

  Turning up at a battlefield and sitting on the sidelines so you can pick up whatever you find would definitely have been considered distasteful looting.

However, for a participant in the battle to strip fallen enemies of valuables like money, weapons and armour would’ve been considered anything but dishonourable. E.g. even during Ancient times, the act of going one on one with an enemy, killing him and stripping him of his armour was considered a legendary and honourable deed in Roman society that several generations of descendants would’ve bragged about incessantly to anyone within ear shot.

That hadn’t changed much by Medieval times. There even a legend that the Prince of Wales’s badge came from the Black Prince taking not only the helmet but even the motto of John of Bohemia (the grandfather of Charles Sigismund and Wenceslaus), after someone (not the Black Prince himself even) had killed the (blind, old) king at the Battle of Crécy. It’s a legend, but it still gives a pretty good indication at how these things were considered at the time. It’s certainly not a story derived from gossip and slander.

I've heard that you have to stash them. What I wanna know is how do you get rid of the blood on them so you can use them without being noticed by a guard. 

Playing very early and lightly with this game, fumbling around trying to figure out some stuff and find mutt but mainly just overwhelmed and not taking in any of the systems which are straightforward but my attention won't allow it. Very difficult to get into this game when you are told to do one thing but progression is tied to a different task. I spent a long time making horseshoes and axe heads for no reason at all it seems and the pay from them is terrible until I found out quest progression is in a smaller side squest like deal that gets tied in with the main quests description
You have to be in a seriously focused headspace for this game and I definetly don't have the focus for it right now. I'll continue to bum around but probably end up loading a save shortly after the stockades at some point and park the game until my head is in the space for it. It's very deep and nuanced which is usually a good thing, just a pity I can't get locked in, I need something easy and effortless right now so Black Myth Wu Kong will be my main despite it being not nearly the height of quality. 

HYPE!!! This game is gonna be a gift that keeps on giving for a LONG time!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

LegitHyperbole said:

Playing very early and lightly with this game, fumbling around trying to figure out some stuff and find mutt but mainly just overwhelmed and not taking in any of the systems which are straightforward but my attention won't allow it. Very difficult to get into this game when you are told to do one thing but progression is tied to a different task. I spent a long time making horseshoes and axe heads for no reason at all it seems and the pay from them is terrible until I found out quest progression is in a smaller side squest like deal that gets tied in with the main quests description
You have to be in a seriously focused headspace for this game and I definetly don't have the focus for it right now. I'll continue to bum around but probably end up loading a save shortly after the stockades at some point and park the game until my head is in the space for it. It's very deep and nuanced which is usually a good thing, just a pity I can't get locked in, I need something easy and effortless right now so Black Myth Wu Kong will be my main despite it being not nearly the height of quality. 

Yeah, with this kind of game, you are meant to get utterly lost in for 100-200 hours. I saw one guy who reviewed the game that it took him 40 hours before he finally started the main quest lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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G2ThaUNiT said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Playing very early and lightly with this game, fumbling around trying to figure out some stuff and find mutt but mainly just overwhelmed and not taking in any of the systems which are straightforward but my attention won't allow it. Very difficult to get into this game when you are told to do one thing but progression is tied to a different task. I spent a long time making horseshoes and axe heads for no reason at all it seems and the pay from them is terrible until I found out quest progression is in a smaller side squest like deal that gets tied in with the main quests description
You have to be in a seriously focused headspace for this game and I definetly don't have the focus for it right now. I'll continue to bum around but probably end up loading a save shortly after the stockades at some point and park the game until my head is in the space for it. It's very deep and nuanced which is usually a good thing, just a pity I can't get locked in, I need something easy and effortless right now so Black Myth Wu Kong will be my main despite it being not nearly the height of quality. 

Yeah, with this kind of game, you are meant to get utterly lost in for 100-200 hours. I saw one guy who reviewed the game that it took him 40 hours before he finally started the main quest lol

40 hours. Damn, that's a full RPG, lol. I suppose that's a good thing, this game if not anything else has that Oblivion/Skyrim feel perhaps even more than Elder scrolls itself. It does nerf you and the fog of war slightly diminishes it but my God does it feel wide and open and like a big adventure awaits at a turn in the road or perhaps over the hill, nice a slow to progress and a session feels like you didn't even chip away at the game cause it tricks the brain into thinking it must be such an infinitely sprawling world. You can break that feeling with Oblivion and Skyrim and reduce them to a checklist video game but you definetly wouldn't be able to do that with this. 

Nothing prepares you for that first time seeing and entering Kuttenburg. Incredible. And the fact they were confident enough to keep this half way into the game.

Great fun in terms of what I have played so far. About 12.5 hours in and looking for that water goblin

LegitHyperbole said:

Playing very early and lightly with this game, fumbling around trying to figure out some stuff and find mutt but mainly just overwhelmed and not taking in any of the systems which are straightforward but my attention won't allow it. Very difficult to get into this game when you are told to do one thing but progression is tied to a different task. I spent a long time making horseshoes and axe heads for no reason at all it seems and the pay from them is terrible until I found out quest progression is in a smaller side squest like deal that gets tied in with the main quests description
You have to be in a seriously focused headspace for this game and I definetly don't have the focus for it right now. I'll continue to bum around but probably end up loading a save shortly after the stockades at some point and park the game until my head is in the space for it. It's very deep and nuanced which is usually a good thing, just a pity I can't get locked in, I need something easy and effortless right now so Black Myth Wu Kong will be my main despite it being not nearly the height of quality. 

That time spent blacksmithing may seem like a waste now, but it's actually not a bad idead to spend a lot of time trying to hone your skills-- particularly the timing to get the perfect swing and sound off the metal --because the jump in difficulty from early-mid blacksmithing compared to the late-game blacksmithing is massive, especially if you want to get the best tier 4 weapons. It's incredibly unforgiving on mistimed swings and not having the blade heated enough.