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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is Switch 2 the start of the 10th Generation? (Poll)


Switch 2...

9th Gen 15 13.76%
10th Gen 53 48.62%
Generation don't matter anymore 37 33.94%
I have no opinion 4 3.67%

I’d say 7th Gen was “all about” HD output, if you’d boil it down to one arbitrary feature. But that’s why such a take is nonsense if you’d ask me. It can only be about timing, and what comes after something that came before. It’s basically the definition of the word.

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S.Peelman said:

I’d say 7th Gen was “all about” HD output, if you’d boil it down to one arbitrary feature. But that’s why such a take is nonsense if you’d ask me. It can only be about timing, and what comes after something that came before. It’s basically the definition of the word.

I wouldn't say that was the most important feature of the generation - especially since only 2 of the 3 consoles of that generation had HD graphics - the second and third ranked home consoles. But all three had motion controls, and featured them fairly extensively in their promotional material and press events.

E3 2006 showed what it was all about.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

This old childish question again🤣😂
Is 2025 part of the 20years?🤣😂
Will Donald Trump be part of the presidents worldwide elected in 2025?🤣😂
Will the new toilet paper you bought yesterday be a new or used product?🤣😂
Will the new Philips S9000 Prestige be part of a new line of shavers?🤣😂
Will the new Audi Q e-tron be part of the next generation of cars?🤣😂
If you can answer all these questions with "YES", then the answer is: YES of course the Switch 2 is part of the 10th generation of videogaming systems! Will the PS6 be part of the 10th generation?! I don't know... i have to think...🤣😂
If hardware power has to do with it, then the PS1 should not have been part of the 5. Generation, then Dreamcast and PS2 should have been gen 5,5 and Gamecube and Xbox should have been gen 6. So lets keep it simple: Switch 2 will be part of the 10th generation of videogaming systems, like it or not! Thats a worldwide accepted fact. Also Wikipedia sees it like that. They saw Wii as part of 7th gen as well!

The way MS is behaving right now we should ask ourselfes if there will even be a 10th gen system?! As it wont use discs anymore i would consider Switch 2 more Gen 10 than the new Xbox... 

Last edited by killer7 - on 30 January 2025

Pemalite said:

I always lump a generation in terms of their hardware capabilities... Each generation tends to introduce a set of technologies that are applicable to all hardware.

I.E. 9th generation is about rudimentary ray tracing.
8th generation was all about Tessellation.
7th generation was all about programmable pixel shaders.
6th generation was all about hardware Tranform and Lighting. (TnL)

And so on.

That would mean the WiiU and Switch 1.0 were 8th gen and Switch 2.0 is 9th gen.
Also means that the Gamecube and Wii are 6th gen.

So you would say that PS2 and Dreamcast where not part of Gen 6 but more a gen 5,5 thing? Because both systems where less powerfull than the Gamecube and the Xbox.

Both 9th/10th avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Around the Network
S.Peelman said:

I’d say 7th Gen was “all about” HD output, if you’d boil it down to one arbitrary feature. But that’s why such a take is nonsense if you’d ask me. It can only be about timing, and what comes after something that came before. It’s basically the definition of the word.

I would argue a massive percentage of Xbox 360 games and Playstation 3 games were sub-720P anyway.

I.E. PS3: Bioshock was 680P , Call of Duty was 1024x600, Crysis was 1024x720, Diablo 3 was 1120x584.
Xbox 360: Halo 3 was 1152x640, Fable 2 was 1120x720.

The thing is... Resolution isn't really a feature of the silicon, it's not a feature, it's completely up to developers.
It's a by-product of processing headroom and IO. - If you have a large enough frame buffer consoles like the Nintendo 64 and Playstation 1 could "technically" do 720P just fine. - But when the frambuffer is about 7MB for 720P, it doesn't really fit well with the N64's 4/8MB Ram pool when you need to include things like textures etc'.

Wii was a "DVD" quality console in terms of resolution output for the most part, like the OG Xbox and Playstation 2... Ignoring the fact the OG Xbox had 720P games and the PS2 had 1080i games.

killer7 said:

So you would say that PS2 and Dreamcast where not part of Gen 6 but more a gen 5,5 thing? Because both systems where less powerfull than the Gamecube and the Xbox.

Not sure how you managed to falsely draw that conclusion, because I never even insinuated that... In-fact I said the absolute opposite.

The Dreamcast and Playstation 2 were part of the "TnL" console generation shared with the Gamecube and Original Xbox, I said this in a previous post.

It's not about power. It's about hardware feature sets.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

DroidKnight said:

Both 9th/10th

And 8th gen. Its a trigenerational system



We reap what we sow

killer7 said:

This old childish question again🤣😂
Is 2025 part of the 20years?🤣😂
Will Donald Trump be part of the presidents worldwide elected in 2025?🤣😂
Will the new toilet paper you bought yesterday be a new or used product?🤣😂
Will the new Philips S9000 Prestige be part of a new line of shavers?🤣😂
Will the new Audi Q e-tron be part of the next generation of cars?🤣😂
If you can answer all these questions with "YES", then the answer is: YES of course the Switch 2 is part of the 10th generation of videogaming systems! Will the PS6 be part of the 10th generation?! I don't know... i have to think...🤣😂
If hardware power has to do with it, then the PS1 should not have been part of the 5. Generation, then Dreamcast and PS2 should have been gen 5,5 and Gamecube and Xbox should have been gen 6. So lets keep it simple: Switch 2 will be part of the 10th generation of videogaming systems, like it or not! Thats a worldwide accepted fact. Also Wikipedia sees it like that. They saw Wii as part of 7th gen as well!

The way MS is behaving right now we should ask ourselfes if there will even be a 10th gen system?! As it wont use discs anymore i would consider Switch 2 more Gen 10 than the new Xbox... 

Does this user think they are funny and use to many emoticons 🤣 😃 😊 

DroidKnight said:

Both 9th/10th

Actually that makes sense. 

LegitHyperbole said:

Does this user think they are funny and use to many emoticons 🤣 😃 😊 

He went back and changed his post after I quoted and replied.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--