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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is Switch 2 the start of the 10th Generation? (Poll)


Switch 2...

9th Gen 15 13.76%
10th Gen 53 48.62%
Generation don't matter anymore 37 33.94%
I have no opinion 4 3.67%

Not that generations reqlly matter anymore but I wanna concensus on this which gets really tricky to answer. Personally I don't consider the OG Switch to be 9th gen but since it has spent more time in the 9th gen period than 8th, I'm less stubborn about it.

In your opinion will Switch 2 it 9th or 10 gen?

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Switch 2 is Generation 10.

Generations are certainly more slippery than they used to be, but I would classify it as a 10th gen console. Nintendo launched its 8th gen consoles 3DS and WiiU in 2011 and 2012 respectively, and followed them up with its 9th gen console Switch in 2017. Since Switch 2 is the successor to Switch, it’s 10th gen.

Is this important? No, not really. But it makes it easier to categorize and compare things.

Gen 10 is probably the best choice, given that the Switch 2 will probably be competing with the PS6 and co longer than the PS5.

I dont believe in generations tbh.

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I use to say this was simple, because gens are not about power, they are about successive hardware launches. But the Switch is not the successor to the Wii-U (home console). The Switch is the successor of the 3DS (handheld). So I don't know, anymore. I think when it comes to this particular debate, I'm going to check out.

I view it like Nintendo's shot at 9th gen..... this is their version of a PS5/XSX.... just in handheld form.
Nintendo is just... going at their own pace, abit behinde the others when it comes to pushing technology.
This is them kinda catching up.

Salnax said:

Gen 10 is probably the best choice, given that the Switch 2 will probably be competing with the PS6 and co longer than the PS5.

Switch has spent 4years against the PS5... and 4years against the PS4.
Switch 2 might repeat that, depending on when PS6 launches.

I like to think in terms of the technology.
Switch 2, is the nintendo version of this gen (ps5/xsx), switch 2 is current gen... nothing it can do shouts "this is some next gen sh*t" to me.

And honestly theres nothing wrong with that.

JackHandy said:

I use to say this was simple, because gens are not about power, they are about successive hardware launches. But the Switch is not the successor to the Wii-U (home console). The Switch is the successor of the 3DS (handheld). So I don't know, anymore. I think when it comes to this particular debate, I'm going to check out.

But non of us use "generations" like that.
We don't talk about singular console cycles....when we use what gen is this? we view it as a collective (ei. generations of consoles, is more than 1 device all competeing at the same time).

The thing is Nintendo is like right smack in the middle.
Switch 1 spent as much time, against the PS4 as its done with the PS5.
So what gen is it? What if it (Switch2) spends as much time against the PS6 as the PS5?

Nintendo doesn't care about being the faster best hardware possible.... it wants affordability and profits on sale.
That leads them to be a step or two behinde the others when it comes to the technology inside (which is why I have issue saying its a gen head).

The Short Wii U gen, and going with the Switch is what lead to this.... what gen is this thing?
Its by direct choice, to not be apart of the same race.
Nintendo is purposefully launching consoles between the time the others do, to avoid competition for your wallets, on the very same day/month/year as the others.

You could say nintendo don't care about generations anymore... so the word loses meaning.
This is just product number 9 or 10 of ours... sure, whatever (your reasoning).

I still think then looking at whats actually inside the consoles should play some part.
In that sense, Switch 2 is their take on 9th gen.

Salnax said:

Gen 10 is probably the best choice, given that the Switch 2 will probably be competing with the PS6 and co longer than the PS5.

Same argument was used on the first switch... and its now spent 4years against PS4 and 4years against PS5.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 28 January 2025

Generations are a stupid discussion. That said Switch is in it's own market and so will Switch 2. Stop trying to force consoles in definitions like this. It's dumb.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

I thought the original Switch was considered part of "Gen 8.5" with the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X? That being the case, wouldn't the Switch 2 be in a "Gen 9.5" with the PS5 Pro and any upgraded Series X that Microsoft might come up with?