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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony and Nintendo are in competition. But are they really?

I think if you take the average game player, the interest in these two companies haven't overlapped in decades.

A person with a family isn't choosing between the Switch vs. the PS5. It's not a question what a person would choose there. A person who enjoys bleeding edge graphics and story focused epics with incredible set pieces, it's not a question what a person would choose.

There are very few instances where these two things really "compete" because people buy them for different reasons. 25 years ago sure, you picked a PS2 because it had GTA and a DVD player OR you picked a Gamecube because it had Mario and was dirt cheap. It's not 2003 anymore though, these machines might as well be in different galaxies.

If anything, the Switch competes with ASUS and Valve more than Sony, these days.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

Around the Network
killer7 said:

I am no relec from a dated timeline, i just do not see computers as gods like some pc fanboys do. I do not need a PC for my work. Everything i do i do with my smartphone. PCs get replaced by tablets and smartphones.

Anyone who does real work and needs real, reliable, precise and abundant input/output... Are using a PC.
Yes, some workloads have bifuricated into the mobile world, but mobile devices are primarily devices of content consumption/photos/videos.

You are not writing a 3,000+ word report on something using a phone, you just aren't, it's stupid and inefficient.
Real work is done on a PC.

killer7 said:

People who had laptops now have tablets. Its more easy to use them, they rearly break.

I literally have a tablet sitting next to my laptop as I use my tablet for safety/rescue audits. (Because it takes photos)
But I use my laptop for incident reporting because... Typing on a touch screen is about as useful as tits on a bull.

But guess what? PC isn't just desktop and laptops, It's also handhelds, tablets and yes... Consoles.

killer7 said:

Its more easy to use them, they rearly break. If i use a PC: The more powerful and complex it is, the easier it can break.

All things mechanical, electrical and man made are prone to fail eventually, it's a matter of when, not if.

Often it's the displays that are the common failure point in tablets and phones... Followed by the Lithium battery which actually does degrade over time.

killer7 said:

If i use a PC: The more powerful and complex it is, the easier it can break.

That's a blatant lie.

PC's have consolidated over the decades so that there are fewer moving components and points of failure.
A PC running a High-End Ryzen 9950X, 256GB of DDR5 Ram and a Geforce 4090 is as reliable as a Ryzen 5600X, 32GB DDR4 Ram and a Geforce 4060.

Quality of components is easily the biggest factor in reliability, not power.

killer7 said:

 I don't need it when i have an 8K TV and a high end home cinema with an Ultra 4K BD Player, that does not only read (4K) BD, but also DVD and CD.

Shame that 8k TV is a waste considering most 4k Blu-Ray content is actually mastered in 1080P and streaming doesn't have the bitrate to really take advantage of that output.

And despite Sony advertising the contrary, the Playstation 5 is not powerful enough to run AAA games at 8k.

But you know what can? A PC. Is there any point to 8k gaming? Not really.
But I guess it gives you a bragging right in a pretty irrelevant metric in the grand scheme of things.

I'll stick to my 4k 85" OLED and Dolby 5.2 high-end sound system... Because Panel Quality (OLED) definitely beats higher resolution lower quality panels. (LCD)

Xbox and PC have support for DVD and CD's as well. PS5 and Switch are the current consoles that lack CD support.

killer7 said:

And guess what? I can also download music and films, because i can connect an SSD to it. For streaming fans its important to use Amazon, Netflix... and surprise: I can also use that! So why do i need a PC? With ambilight hue i get an experience i would never want to exchange with anything else! Google "ambilight hue philips"! As you see, i also don't need a PC for entertainment!😎

Calling me "dellusional" or "a relic from the past" only shows informational lack of todays posibilities in technology! 

Anyone worth their salt is likely using a media server for this task.

With a PC you can actually do some post-processing/A.I upscaling to improve image quality so that... You know... You might actually be able to use some of those extra pixels on that 8k display? You should have probably thought of that before you tried to brag about having 8k... But then limit yourself to 1080P/4k content.

You really are showcasing your lack of information and understanding of PC's current technology and possibilities.


An 8K TV does a better job for movies and picture quality than a PC. A 20k home cinema will never be surpassed by a tiny speaker system with a PC. You need a good amplifier to get the maximum out of a sound system. You need an amplifier for a big subwoofer wich costs 1000$+ alone! For Loutspeakers that do Bi Amping, a high end emplifier is obligatory! A PC does not do that on its own. I workes for Dolby as well. If we only had PCs with their soundcards, well have fun with mickey mouse sound quality! Yes a smartphone is a tiny screen, but an 8k TV isn't. In fact its bigher than a PC monitor. So when you complain about small screens but you prefere PC montiors (wich cost just a piece of cake compared to good TVs) over TVs you are contradictong yourself. I love my movies and games physical. PC is pushing away from that. I can do everything i need without a PC. So why buy one? Thats my opinion and it will never ever change. Like i said, i am fine with my phone because i don't need a PC. And more and more people replace their desktop PCs with tablets and Smartphones. Because they do not need more than that. I see this in my job as well.

1) PC can be connected to your 8k TV.
2) PC can be connected to your home cinema.
3) PC can be connected to your amplifier and speaker system.

But most of all...

You -could- take 4x 8K (7680 × 4320) displays and build a massive single 16k (15360 × 8640 display. And it's all plug and play.
And then you can A.I upscale all your content for that canvas.

I can do everything you can do... But with a PC. And factually better.

only777 said:

I'm sorry, but if a post doesn't have proper gramma and correct spacing between sentences; I can't take is seriously.

No one wants to spend any time on a brick of text.

If he used a PC he could structure his posts appropriately. #Irony

killer7 said:

The logic to some fanboys here is: if n

If Nintendo is loosing, they are competition, they are doomed!

If Nintendo is winning, they are no competition!

You need to stop accusing others of being a fanboy.
Debate the points presented, don't delve into such childish rhetoric.

Nintendo competes with Sony and Sony competes with Microsoft and Microsoft competes with PC and PC competes with Mobile and Mobile competes with Nintendo.

How? It's simple and logical.

We only have a fixed amount of available "eyes-on" time during our day. - Those companies all need to compete for our time/eyes, they do that by offering a compelling product that we are willing to buy and invest our time in... And they need to offer a better product than their competitors to get our time.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
killer7 said:

I am no relec from a dated timeline, i just do not see computers as gods like some pc fanboys do. I do not need a PC for my work. Everything i do i do with my smartphone. PCs get replaced by tablets and smartphones.

Anyone who does real work and needs real, reliable, precise and abundant input/output... Are using a PC.
Yes, some workloads have bifuricated into the mobile world, but mobile devices are primarily devices of content consumption/photos/videos.

You are not writing a 3,000+ word report on something using a phone, you just aren't, it's stupid and inefficient.
Real work is done on a PC.

killer7 said:

People who had laptops now have tablets. Its more easy to use them, they rearly break.

I literally have a tablet sitting next to my laptop as I use my tablet for safety/rescue audits. (Because it takes photos)
But I use my laptop for incident reporting because... Typing on a touch screen is about as useful as tits on a bull.

But guess what? PC isn't just desktop and laptops, It's also handhelds, tablets and yes... Consoles.

killer7 said:

Its more easy to use them, they rearly break. If i use a PC: The more powerful and complex it is, the easier it can break.

All things mechanical, electrical and man made are prone to fail eventually, it's a matter of when, not if.

Often it's the displays that are the common failure point in tablets and phones... Followed by the Lithium battery which actually does degrade over time.

killer7 said:

If i use a PC: The more powerful and complex it is, the easier it can break.

That's a blatant lie.

PC's have consolidated over the decades so that there are fewer moving components and points of failure.
A PC running a High-End Ryzen 9950X, 256GB of DDR5 Ram and a Geforce 4090 is as reliable as a Ryzen 5600X, 32GB DDR4 Ram and a Geforce 4060.

Quality of components is easily the biggest factor in reliability, not power.

killer7 said:

 I don't need it when i have an 8K TV and a high end home cinema with an Ultra 4K BD Player, that does not only read (4K) BD, but also DVD and CD.

Shame that 8k TV is a waste considering most 4k Blu-Ray content is actually mastered in 1080P and streaming doesn't have the bitrate to really take advantage of that output.

And despite Sony advertising the contrary, the Playstation 5 is not powerful enough to run AAA games at 8k.

But you know what can? A PC. Is there any point to 8k gaming? Not really.
But I guess it gives you a bragging right in a pretty irrelevant metric in the grand scheme of things.

I'll stick to my 4k 85" OLED and Dolby 5.2 high-end sound system... Because Panel Quality (OLED) definitely beats higher resolution lower quality panels. (LCD)

Xbox and PC have support for DVD and CD's as well. PS5 and Switch are the current consoles that lack CD support.

killer7 said:

And guess what? I can also download music and films, because i can connect an SSD to it. For streaming fans its important to use Amazon, Netflix... and surprise: I can also use that! So why do i need a PC? With ambilight hue i get an experience i would never want to exchange with anything else! Google "ambilight hue philips"! As you see, i also don't need a PC for entertainment!ðŸ˜Å½

Calling me "dellusional" or "a relic from the past" only shows informational lack of todays posibilities in technology! 

Anyone worth their salt is likely using a media server for this task.

With a PC you can actually do some post-processing/A.I upscaling to improve image quality so that... You know... You might actually be able to use some of those extra pixels on that 8k display? You should have probably thought of that before you tried to brag about having 8k... But then limit yourself to 1080P/4k content.

You really are showcasing your lack of information and understanding of PC's current technology and possibilities.


An 8K TV does a better job for movies and picture quality than a PC. A 20k home cinema will never be surpassed by a tiny speaker system with a PC. You need a good amplifier to get the maximum out of a sound system. You need an amplifier for a big subwoofer wich costs 1000$+ alone! For Loutspeakers that do Bi Amping, a high end emplifier is obligatory! A PC does not do that on its own. I workes for Dolby as well. If we only had PCs with their soundcards, well have fun with mickey mouse sound quality! Yes a smartphone is a tiny screen, but an 8k TV isn't. In fact its bigher than a PC monitor. So when you complain about small screens but you prefere PC montiors (wich cost just a piece of cake compared to good TVs) over TVs you are contradictong yourself. I love my movies and games physical. PC is pushing away from that. I can do everything i need without a PC. So why buy one? Thats my opinion and it will never ever change. Like i said, i am fine with my phone because i don't need a PC. And more and more people replace their desktop PCs with tablets and Smartphones. Because they do not need more than that. I see this in my job as well.

1) PC can be connected to your 8k TV.
2) PC can be connected to your home cinema.
3) PC can be connected to your amplifier and speaker system.

But most of all...

You -could- take 4x 8K (7680 × 4320) displays and build a massive single 16k (15360 × 8640 display. And it's all plug and play.
And then you can A.I upscale all your content for that canvas.

I can do everything you can do... But with a PC. And factually better.

only777 said:

I'm sorry, but if a post doesn't have proper gramma and correct spacing between sentences; I can't take is seriously.

No one wants to spend any time on a brick of text.

If he used a PC he could structure his posts appropriately. #Irony

killer7 said:

The logic to some fanboys here is: if n

If Nintendo is loosing, they are competition, they are doomed!

If Nintendo is winning, they are no competition!

You need to stop accusing others of being a fanboy.
Debate the points presented, don't delve into such childish rhetoric.

Nintendo competes with Sony and Sony competes with Microsoft and Microsoft competes with PC and PC competes with Mobile and Mobile competes with Nintendo.

How? It's simple and logical.

We only have a fixed amount of available "eyes-on" time during our day. - Those companies all need to compete for our time/eyes, they do that by offering a compelling product that we are willing to buy and invest our time in... And they need to offer a better product than their competitors to get our time.

In fact i don't need a PC because i can do anything i want without it and better. Yes i can connect my PC to a home cinema/ 8K TV but then its a media player at best. It is not responsible for the audio quality. That does my amp. Its not responsible for the picture quality and size. That does my TV. Its not the PC that would be the entertainment center but the TV wich i look at and the amplifier wich creates the sound that i hear and to wich everything is connected. I don't need it for entertainment. Sure some people need it. I have my smartphone and thats it. And i can watch youtube, Netflix... with my 8K TV. And yes, there is 8K content. Not games, i never said that but videos. Some extreme PC fanatics go that far calling other electronic devices "PC" only because they can do things a PC can't. It would be the same if i called a PC a "home console" just because it could do something my console can't. I stand by it: I do not need a PC and never will! Not for work (yes some people do!) and not for entertainment! 

Last edited by killer7 - on 28 January 2025

ptofhearts said:

Why do people still ask that question? I mean, it's a lot simpler than some people normally make it out to be. Of course they are competing. They both sell traditional gaming consoles, mainly used to play games. It's that simple.
Funnily enough though, this discussion only arises when sony is "losing" the competition.

As I said in the opener:

Only777 said:

I think the answer is actually very nauanced and very much depends on what sort of user we are talking about.  Young/adult, causal/core, income, etc.  All of these change per person, but very much reflect if the user actually has to make a dollar choice between the two systems.

It's not a simple thing and you could make good arguments either way.

Sony want to make money by selling art, Nintendo want to make money by selling fun, Microsoft want to make money.

IkePoR said:

A person with a family isn't choosing between the Switch vs. the PS5.

As a father with kids and a wife, I disagree with this.

Although times are better now, I went through a period where I couldn't justify the money of having more than one console in the house, and I'm sure many others are still in this place.

So do you buy a Switch so everyone can play Mario Kart, or try to get the family into PS5 multiplayer games?

Sony want to make money by selling art, Nintendo want to make money by selling fun, Microsoft want to make money.

Around the Network
Pemalite said:
killer7 said:

I am no relec from a dated timeline, i just do not see computers as gods like some pc fanboys do. I do not need a PC for my work. Everything i do i do with my smartphone. PCs get replaced by tablets and smartphones.

Anyone who does real work and needs real, reliable, precise and abundant input/output... Are using a PC.
Yes, some workloads have bifuricated into the mobile world, but mobile devices are primarily devices of content consumption/photos/videos.

You are not writing a 3,000+ word report on something using a phone, you just aren't, it's stupid and inefficient.
Real work is done on a PC.

Well, to be fair, you can write a 3,000+ word report on a tablet with a connected keyboard.

In many schools, the pupils have their "school iPads" with keyboard-cover nowadays.

On the other hand... a tablet is a "personal computer" anyways, no matter if it has a slightly different formfactor or a gimped OS to keep the users in their walled garden.

killer7 said:

And i can watch youtube, Netflix... with my 8K TV. And yes, there is 8K content. Not games, i never said that but videos.

Yes, 8K videos exist.

But how do you play them? Does you UHD player support 8K output? If yes, which model do you have?

And where do you get the 8k-video content? Unfortunately physical discs are limited to UHD (4K).

Netflix, Prime, Apple, Disney, Paramount and most other streaming services also aren't offering 8K content.

So where do you buy/rent your 8K movies?

Conina said:

On the other hand... a tablet is a "personal computer" (...)

What exactly is a "personal computer" anyways. What defines such a system, what causes it to be differenciable from other systems?

Honestly interested.

TeachMeHisty said:
Conina said:

On the other hand... a tablet is a "personal computer" (...)

What exactly is a "personal computer" anyways. What defines such a system, what causes it to be differenciable from other systems?

Honestly interested.

Well, historically the term came up to differentiate computers you had at home that was a new thing, compared to the big cabinets or even rooms that were early computers in business, military and universities. These computers had to be installed. So the wave of miniaturization allowed to shrink computers down to the size they could be used in a household, as a personal device. Hence the term personal computer. In that sense the term includes tablets, phones and video game consoles, all computers used as a personal device. But it goes on: IBM who was big in the big business computers felt left behind by the new trend and at one point decided to enter the market. So they designed a personal computer, which consequently was called an IBM PC. As they needed an Operating System they asked the then pretty unknown company Microsoft. Over time the IBM PC became sort of an industry standard, with it outer connections for printer and keyboard and inside at how extension cards could be put in, so many competitors built IBM PC compatible PCs. Over time the IBM was shed and PC remained, which by then mostly meant a PC that followed these standards established by IBM. But these were also changing, serial and parallel ports were replaced by USB, the internal makeup changed, the connection to the monitor changed multiple times. So modern PCs aren't actually very 'IBM compatible' PCs anymore. Also non-IBM compatibles like Macs are started to be included again in the PC nomer (they would be by the original usage, but are clearly not IBM compatible). So yeah, what PC means has changed and shifted and is today still very much in flux.

Last edited by Mnementh - on 28 January 2025

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Mnementh said:
TeachMeHisty said:

What exactly is a "personal computer" anyways. What defines such a system, what causes it to be differenciable from other systems?

Honestly interested.

(...)  In that sense the term includes tablets, phones and video game consoles, all computers used as a personal device. (...)

Wouldnt that effectively mean that there is no such thing as a "pc-handheld", because gameing systems - the way they are currently build - are PCs from the start?

To this day I was mainly under the assumption that PC or personal computer simply refered to system, which the enduser has (almost) full control over its design (CPU, GPU, RAm type an amount, etc.) and that personal computer comes from personalized computer