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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony and Nintendo are in competition. But are they really?

Of course i can connect my PC to an 8K TV and a home cinema. But for that you need to have it.😉 My home cinema was ~20k when i bought it. My amplifier is a bit older but still bonebraking. My speakers are Canton Ergo Series. Front, Rear, Center and Sub. It is an active one. My speakers are Bi Amping compatible. Yes If i connected a PC to my home cinema i could use it as a Blu Ray Player. But for me there is no need for that. I user a 4K BD player, a Series X and a PS5Pro. I use my 4K BD Player for Youtube, (4k) BD, DVD, CD but i could download movies, use Streaming plattforms like Netflix as well if i wanted. I play games on PS5 and the Xbox SX. The Switch i use for Handheld only. So i got everything i need!😎

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killer7 said:

Of course i can connect my PC to an 8K TV and a home cinema. But for that you need to have it.😉 My home cinema was ~20k when i bought it. My amplifier is a bit older but still bonebraking. My speakers are Canton Ergo Series. Front, Rear, Center and Sub. It is an active one. My speakers are Bi Amping compatible. Yes If i connected a PC to my home cinema i could use it as a Blu Ray Player. But for me there is no need for that. I user a 4K BD player, a Series X and a PS5Pro. I use my 4K BD Player for Youtube, (4k) BD, DVD, CD but i could download movies, use Streaming plattforms like Netflix as well if i wanted. I play games on PS5 and the Xbox SX. The Switch i use for Handheld only. So i got everything i need!😎

I'm sorry, but if a post doesn't have proper gramma and correct spacing between sentences; I can't take it seriously.

No one wants to spend any time on a brick of text.

Last edited by only777 - on 28 January 2025

Sony want to make money by selling art, Nintendo want to make money by selling fun, Microsoft want to make money.

only777 said:
killer7 said:

Of course i can connect my PC to an 8K TV and a home cinema. But for that you need to have it.😉 My home cinema was ~20k when i bought it. My amplifier is a bit older but still bonebraking. My speakers are Canton Ergo Series. Front, Rear, Center and Sub. It is an active one. My speakers are Bi Amping compatible. Yes If i connected a PC to my home cinema i could use it as a Blu Ray Player. But for me there is no need for that. I user a 4K BD player, a Series X and a PS5Pro. I use my 4K BD Player for Youtube, (4k) BD, DVD, CD but i could download movies, use Streaming plattforms like Netflix as well if i wanted. I play games on PS5 and the Xbox SX. The Switch i use for Handheld only. So i got everything i need!😎

I'm sorry, but if a post doesn't have proper gramma and correct spacing between sentences; I can't take is seriously.

No one wants to spend any time on a brick of text.

I don't know what happened to the text when i corrected it. But not accepting someone's opinion and attacking me, just because i am no PC fanboy and run with most people on this side is all but professional.

killer7 said:
only777 said:

I'm sorry, but if a post doesn't have proper gramma and correct spacing between sentences; I can't take is seriously.

No one wants to spend any time on a brick of text.

I don't know what happened to the text when i corrected it. But not accepting someone's opinion and attacking me, just because i am no PC fanboy and run with most people on this side is all but professional.

Bro you are literally doing this right now by calling anyone that doesn't agree with your faulty logic as a "PC Fanboy". Also again, multiple people, myself included have been citing evidence against your claims and you keep responding with mockery and poor phrasing, while focusing on subject matter that has no real tangible place within the context of this thread.

We don't use the term "fanboy" here anymore. Stop using it.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Why do people still ask that question? I mean, it's a lot simpler than some people normally make it out to be. Of course they are competing. They both sell traditional gaming consoles, mainly used to play games. It's that simple.
Funnily enough though, this discussion only arises when sony is "losing" the competition.

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Phenomajp13 said:
Pinkie_pie said:

If that's crushed then what did PS4 do to the Wii U? Or PS1 and PS2 do to the 64 and GC? Switch outselling PS5 4 to 3 isn't really crushing. And total software will be very close in the end. Playstation main profits are probably from subscriptions, dlc and micro-transactions

The same thing 3DS did to Vita, Wii did PS3, and DS did to PSP. Regardless, the "market leader" with all the 3rd party support has no business getting beat by 40 million. Nintendo is damn near carrying their own platforms while Sony has all the support in the world getting smoked. 

Wii did to PS3 and Switch to PS5 aren't even close to what PS1, PS2 and PS4 did to the N64, GC and WiiU. 3DS did crush the Vita though

Pinkie_pie said:
Phenomajp13 said:

The same thing 3DS did to Vita, Wii did PS3, and DS did to PSP. Regardless, the "market leader" with all the 3rd party support has no business getting beat by 40 million. Nintendo is damn near carrying their own platforms while Sony has all the support in the world getting smoked. 

Wii did to PS3 and Switch to PS5 aren't even close to what PS1, PS2 and PS4 did to the N64, GC and WiiU. 3DS did crush the Vita though

Yes and in those eras, Nintendo's resources were split with GBC, GBA, and 3DS. Nintendo combined their resources with Switch and solved their issues (supporting more than one platform simultaneously, Sony failed too). Its really that simply, give those platforms Nintendo's undivided attention like Switch and history is different. 

Chazore said:
killer7 said:

I don't know what happened to the text when i corrected it. But not accepting someone's opinion and attacking me, just because i am no PC fanboy and run with most people on this side is all but professional.

Bro you are literally doing this right now by calling anyone that doesn't agree with your faulty logic as a "PC Fanboy". Also again, multiple people, myself included have been citing evidence against your claims and you keep responding with mockery and poor phrasing, while focusing on subject matter that has no real tangible place within the context of this thread.

We don't use the term "fanboy" here anymore. Stop using it.

The therm "fanboy" is the definition of someone defending his/ her prefered plattform like soldirs fighting a war. I will use that word you can believe me. I will never ever buy a PC and thats my opinion. My boss knows it everyone who knows me knows it. Thats my opinion! Full Stop!!

ptofhearts said:

Why do people still ask that question? I mean, it's a lot simpler than some people normally make it out to be. Of course they are competing. They both sell traditional gaming consoles, mainly used to play games. It's that simple.
Funnily enough though, this discussion only arises when sony is "losing" the competition.

The logic to some fanboys here is: if n

If Nintendo is loosing, they are competition, they are doomed!

If Nintendo is winning, they are no competition!

killer7 said:
Chazore said:

Bro you are literally doing this right now by calling anyone that doesn't agree with your faulty logic as a "PC Fanboy". Also again, multiple people, myself included have been citing evidence against your claims and you keep responding with mockery and poor phrasing, while focusing on subject matter that has no real tangible place within the context of this thread.

We don't use the term "fanboy" here anymore. Stop using it.

The therm "fanboy" is the definition of someone defending his/ her prefered plattform like soldirs fighting a war. I will use that word you can believe me. I will never ever buy a PC and thats my opinion. My boss knows it everyone who knows me knows it. Thats my opinion! Full Stop!!

The people responding to your PC stuff are mostly not on PC as their preferred platform and they also not fighting a war, they are pointing out your faulty logic.

With "I will never ever buy a PC" you show much stronger fanboyism. I bought a Wii, multiple DS, PS3, PS2, WiiU, Switch, 3DS, Series X and I have a PC for work (none dedicated for gaming with just integrated intel graphics), which I also use for gaming. Oh yes, and a tablet. I played on all of them. So I got devices from all camps. I cannot say the words "I would never buy a X", because if X has a good offering I will get it. Someone saying that they would never buy from a competing camp is the thing that fanboys do.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]