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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony and Nintendo are in competition. But are they really?

konnichiwa said:
BraLoD said:

Sony and Nintendo don't compete since the PS2 days.
Nintendo lost so bad in their game once Sony got in that they got sidelined by the developers that once made them so successful, thus aiming at gimmicks and heavily focusing on their own first party games.

The one that was still trying to compete with Sony was Microsoft, but they also keep losing so badly that they are completely changing as well.
If it wasn't obvious enough, just look at the system sales.

Sega tried to compete with Nintendo, they got moderate success on it, making the SNES sales drop considerably from the NES sales, but still leading the market, while the Mega Drive sales went up a lot from the Master System.

Sony tried to compete with Nintendo, they got massive success on it, the PS1 and PS2 made the Nintendo 64 and the Gamecube sales keep dropping even further, while Playstation were smashing sales records, so Nintendo just stopped trying to compete since the Wii. Which helped them a lot.

Microsoft tried to compete with Sony, they achieved big success during the 360 era, thus halving the sales Sony had from the PS2 to the PS3 era (this was also when Sony started getting a stronger first party success), but then they kept losing and the Xbox sales declined proportionally to how the Playstation sales went back up.

Now look at the Wii U and Switch sales for example, the sales exploded between those and yet it didn't affect Playstation sales in the slightest, PS4 and PS5 have basically the same performance sales wise. Why? Because the Switch did not compete with either. Most people were not making a decision whether to buy a Switch or a PS4/PS5, the sales clearly show that, but the reason was always crystal clear: the games, the games selling on both platforms were not the same. Unlike between Sony and Microsoft.

If the Switch 2 starts getting all the new big game releases that come for the PS5, then they could start having a competition again, and a possible Switch 2 success could tank the PS5 sales. But since 2006, there is simply no competition between both for customer sales, only for ego and between the fanbases.

Exactly my point I made before, till 2005 it was all 'Their is a grand canyon gap between the sales of PS2 and others' 'Psp will do the same with DS'

2006 came, PSP did not do that well like hoped and PS3 had a hard time...Nintendo was the one winning and since then the mood changed 'the competion that Nintendo fans think their is just silly'

In regions like Japan it is very clear that PS4/PS5 sales would have been better if their was no switch, early on PS4/Switch had both an healthy amount of titles in the top 30 but now it is basically only Switch titles and third party PS5 titels that do better on swith.

Playstation sales in Japan have been in decline for a long time, despite the PS4 worldwide success and it selling 30M more units than the PS3, the PS4 still sold less than the PS3 there. Despite the Switch completely dominating the physical games charts, the PS5 was not far behind the PS4 there, and the PS5 is now decling heavily because Sony is giving Japan the middle finger, raising prices and not having many exclusives that appeal for that market.

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Considering everything PlayStation has taken from Nintendo that is at least pretty similar and even Nintendo is now taking the PlayStation home console pattern of names, they certainly are.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

Chazore said:
killer7 said:

I hear so many "arguments" from peole:
PCs sell better, PC games sell better, PCs are longer supported...
Reality is: IF a PC gets supported longer you have to UPGRADE it. You spend more on that than on a console. So no! A PC does not get supported longer than a console! More PCs are sold,? Yes, when we take every PC into account for gaming, working, research, university, hospitals... yes of course. But for gaming? How many PCs can play current games? Less than consoles. A friend of mine modded his Xbox Series X, has an illigal mod chip inside and plays every game from steam on his Xbox. PCs get replaced through tablets and smartphones (not in gaming but work). I work in a retailer store and in sales promotion and i never use a PC! How many problems do PCs have? How often do they crash? "Error" is a PCs favourite word😉. I have an 8k TV at home that costes 7000€. This gives me a better quality than any PC monitor. If you watch movies with your family, you prefere a small PC monitor or a big 8k TV? If you play a game with Dolby Atmos, take a Dolby Set for PC or a full power amplifier that costs 5000€+ alone, and there are no boxes included. Take the same monwy and you got a full set. PCs are for working. But for Entertainment there is 8K TV, High End Home Cinema, Consoles and 0% PC! Thats the way i use it!

I can play games dating back to the 90's and even 80's. I can play games that were even exclusive to certain consoles for decades, and even above performance levels of what those consoles barely achieved back during those times.

You on the other hand cannot. You have to actually rely and be at the complete mercy of the console manufacturer to instill a tiny faction of BC support for said games, and even then you cannot guarantee better performance metrics, let alone visual improvements outside of a res bump, whilst we can brute force ours, change the code/mods the games with better visuals. 

We are not the same.

Your delusional takes on dated information and platform bias reminds me of when I first joined this site over a decade ago, and now you are practically the last of your kind of on here that still holds that mindset.

To put it bluntly:

I am no relec from a dated timeline, i just do not see computers as gods like some pc fanboys do. I do not need a PC for my work. Everything i do i do with my smartphone. PCs get replaced by tablets and smartphones. People who had laptops now have tablets. Its more easy to use them, they rearly break. If i use a PC: The more powerful and complex it is, the easier it can break. I don't need it when i have an 8K TV and a high end home cinema with an Ultra 4K BD Player, that does not only read (4K) BD, but also DVD and CD. And guess what? I can also download music and films, because i can connect an SSD to it. For streaming fans its important to use Amazon, Netflix... and surprise: I can also use that! So why do i need a PC? With ambilight hue i get an experience i would never want to exchange with anything else! Google "ambilight hue philips"! As you see, i also don't need a PC for entertainment!😎

Calling me "dellusional" or "a relic from the past" only shows informational lack of todays posibilities in technology! 

Wman1996 said:

Considering everything PlayStation has taken from Nintendo that is at least pretty similar and even Nintendo is now taking the PlayStation home console pattern of names, they certainly are.

Deffinitly! This shouldn't be a question!!

killer7 said:
Chazore said:

I can play games dating back to the 90's and even 80's. I can play games that were even exclusive to certain consoles for decades, and even above performance levels of what those consoles barely achieved back during those times.

You on the other hand cannot. You have to actually rely and be at the complete mercy of the console manufacturer to instill a tiny faction of BC support for said games, and even then you cannot guarantee better performance metrics, let alone visual improvements outside of a res bump, whilst we can brute force ours, change the code/mods the games with better visuals. 

I do not need a PC for my work. Everything i do i do with my smartphone. PCs get replaced by tablets and smartphones. People who had laptops now have tablets. Its more easy to use them, they rearly break. If i use a PC: The more powerful and complex it is, the easier it can break. I don't need it when i have an 8K TV and a high end home cinema with an Ultra 4K BD Player, that does not only read (4K) BD, but also DVD and CD. And guess what? I can also download music and films, because i can connect an SSD to it. For streaming fans its important to use Amazon, Netflix... and surprise: I can also use that! So why do i need a PC? With ambilight hue i get an experience i would never want to exchange with anything else! Google "ambilight hue philips"! As you see, i also don't need a PC for entertainment!😎

Chazore wrote about playing (older and current) games, you answer on that with a shitload of other topics: working, TVs, audio equipment, movies, video streaming, LED lights...

What has anything of that to do with gaming or which (gaming) systems are in comparison with each other?

If you want to talk about your 8K TV with Ambilight, your high end home cinema and/or your Ultra 4K BD Player, there are other thread.

I'd be happy to see some photos of that equipment in this thread:

And here is a great thread if you want to talk about your physical movie collection on UHDs, Blu-rays and DVDs and/or your physical game collection:

Photos of your collections would be very appreciated there.

Around the Network

I just bought Plucky Squire on my Switch rather than my PS5.

I hope this helps settle the argument.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

BraLoD said:

Sony and Nintendo don't compete since the PS2 days.
Nintendo lost so bad in their game once Sony got in that they got sidelined by the developers that once made them so successful, thus aiming at gimmicks and heavily focusing on their own first party games.

The one that was still trying to compete with Sony was Microsoft, but they also keep losing so badly that they are completely changing as well.
If it wasn't obvious enough, just look at the system sales.

Sega tried to compete with Nintendo, they got moderate success on it, making the SNES sales drop considerably from the NES sales, but still leading the market, while the Mega Drive sales went up a lot from the Master System.

Sony tried to compete with Nintendo, they got massive success on it, the PS1 and PS2 made the Nintendo 64 and the Gamecube sales keep dropping even further, while Playstation were smashing sales records, so Nintendo just stopped trying to compete since the Wii. Which helped them a lot.

Microsoft tried to compete with Sony, they achieved big success during the 360 era, thus halving the sales Sony had from the PS2 to the PS3 era (this was also when Sony started getting a stronger first party success), but then they kept losing and the Xbox sales declined proportionally to how the Playstation sales went back up.

Now look at the Wii U and Switch sales for example, the sales exploded between those and yet it didn't affect Playstation sales in the slightest, PS4 and PS5 have basically the same performance sales wise. Why? Because the Switch did not compete with either. Most people were not making a decision whether to buy a Switch or a PS4/PS5, the sales clearly show that, but the reason was always crystal clear: the games, the games selling on both platforms were not the same. Unlike between Sony and Microsoft.

If the Switch 2 starts getting all the new big game releases that come for the PS5, then they could start having a competition again, and a possible Switch 2 success could tank the PS5 sales. But since 2006, there is simply no competition between both for customer sales, only for ego and between the fanbases.

I feel what you’re saying is that Nintendo and PlayStation provide different offerings, which — while this is very relevant to the original question — doesn’t address the whole picture. Consider these examples: [1] PS5 sales (WW) would drop during May & June 2023 in response to NSW getting boosted up by Zelda TotK demand; [ii] NSW sales would slump temporarily at the start of 2023 in response to PS5 shortage ending; [iii] NSW sales saw a substantial boost in response to PS5 out-pricing consumers in JP starting in August last year. So, while Nintendo and Sony do provide different offerings, they do still compete for the money of consumers looking to play some video games. It’s not very common for a consumer to choose both at any single time; usually, they will opt for one system at one point in time, and the other system at another point (if they do ever feel they want to scratch this additional “gaming itch”.)

What would be an interesting question is how much gaming systems complement each other’s sales? For instance, as somebody who was introduced to gaming with NSW during 2017, I would go on to purchase a PS4 and PS5 in the coming years. Had I not purchased a NSW, and thereby remained disinterested in gaming as a whole, I may have never purchased a PS4/PS5.

Last edited by firebush03 - on 26 January 2025

killer7 said:
Wman1996 said:

Considering everything PlayStation has taken from Nintendo that is at least pretty similar and even Nintendo is now taking the PlayStation home console pattern of names, they certainly are.

Deffinitly! This shouldn't be a question!!

I feel like globally (namely outside of Japan) Sony's big rival during the late PS2, PS3, PS4, and early PS5 days was Xbox. With Xbox Series sales so low to date after a strong start, it seems like Nintendo is their big rival again despite Nintendo's Blue Ocean strategy. 

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

killer7 said:

I am no relec from a dated timeline, i just do not see computers as gods like some pc fanboys do. I do not need a PC for my work. Everything i do i do with my smartphone. PCs get replaced by tablets and smartphones. People who had laptops now have tablets. Its more easy to use them, they rearly break. If i use a PC: The more powerful and complex it is, the easier it can break. I don't need it when i have an 8K TV and a high end home cinema with an Ultra 4K BD Player, that does not only read (4K) BD, but also DVD and CD. And guess what? I can also download music and films, because i can connect an SSD to it. For streaming fans its important to use Amazon, Netflix... and surprise: I can also use that! So why do i need a PC? With ambilight hue i get an experience i would never want to exchange with anything else! Google "ambilight hue philips"! As you see, i also don't need a PC for entertainment!😎

Calling me "dellusional" or "a relic from the past" only shows informational lack of todays posibilities in technology! 

Yes you are, because the vast majority of users on this website have changed significantly over the years, and I know, because I've been here that long to notice.

Computers aren't "gods", but they do in fact help out a hell of a lot with humanity when it comes to a multitude of tasks and we naturally need computers to operate various systems and services, because without them we'd have nothing. Consoles owe practically everything to a computer, because you don't just sketch a console on papers and print it at the factor, no, it has to be designed specifically on a computer. Your games are made on computers, consoles in their alpha stage builds are basically Small Form Factor computers, as seen here:

Just because you do not need a computer for work does not mean others do not. What you are trying to imply here is that no one needs a computer, and that is just factually wrong, and you know this, but you're acting in a "baity" manner which harkens back to my comment about you being a relic of a deleted timeline.

People still use laptops and gaming laptops?. My partner has a gaming laptop, previous Computex showed off brand new gaming laptops, and Nvidia will have their brand new 5000 series GPU's for said laptops. So this myth of "no one needs anything related to a PC/Laptop" is horseshit, and again, you know this, but you're wanting to point and mock/laugh, but it only makes you look worse (and believe me, someone on the team is going to find out who you really are). 

There's nothing "important" for Streaming fans?. I used to sub to Amazon prime and used my PC to stream movies/shows, and my partner did the same on their gaming laptop. Why on earth would either of us want to watch a full length movie on a tiny phone screen when we could watch it from our respective PC's with our separate speaker systems?. 

No, you really are delusional, most of us here are citing your delusions with our own evidence and you're just sitting there wagging your finger, acting like that somehow matters. 

Last edited by Chazore - on 26 January 2025

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

160rmf said:
BasilZero said:

Yeah, none of the companies are competing against each other anymore and that is completely fine.

The only reason why people on here keeps telling themselves that is because they want their favorite company to be at top and consider the other companies as "enemies" like some tribal culture phenomenon - its the nature of the website too, since its focused on sales which at this point majority of people who consume video games dont even care to begin with.

You got the right spirit, but i think you are confused... You wouldnt be agreeing with him at all lol

Not the right spirit, it's tribalism at its best, trying to paint people who use common sense as unreasonable idol worshippers. So anyone who isn't on his side of thinking is tribal, according to him. That's a very tribal mindset and highly hypocritical. He needs to looks at himself very carefully and stop pointing fingers at everyone whose opinions he dislikes.

Then says it's the nature of the website. Why then dwell on a sales forum, and try to make people feel bad or make then look bad for talking sales? There are so many other gaming-centric forums to be on.