I hear so many "arguments" from peole:
PCs sell better, PC games sell better, PCs are longer supported...
Reality is: IF a PC gets supported longer you have to UPGRADE it. You spend more on that than on a console. So no! A PC does not get supported longer than a console! More PCs are sold,? Yes, when we take every PC into account for gaming, working, research, university, hospitals... yes of course. But for gaming? How many PCs can play current games? Less than consoles. A friend of mine modded his Xbox Series X, has an illigal mod chip inside and plays every game from steam on his Xbox. PCs get replaced through tablets and smartphones (not in gaming but work). I work in a retailer store and in sales promotion and i never use a PC! How many problems do PCs have? How often do they crash? "Error" is a PCs favourite word😉. I have an 8k TV at home that costes 7000€. This gives me a better quality than any PC monitor. If you watch movies with your family, you prefere a small PC monitor or a big 8k TV? If you play a game with Dolby Atmos, take a Dolby Set for PC or a full power amplifier that costs 5000€+ alone, and there are no boxes included. Take the same monwy and you got a full set. PCs are for working. But for Entertainment there is 8K TV, High End Home Cinema, Consoles and 0% PC! Thats the way i use it!