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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GTA 6 Costing As Much As $100 Could Help Video Game Industry Rebound In 2025, Analyst Says

Last edited by Pajderman - on 22 January 2025

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I waited 10 years to buy GTA5 just because - I can wait another 10 for GTA6 if needed.

IcaroRibeiro said:

I hate GTA so I didn't get it even for free


I'm OK with companies charging different prices for different budget games. In first place the idea of a standardized price never made ANY sense for me. Like... who goes to the shopping mall and expect all shoes, clothes, food, etc to be charged the same price?

I'd like single player games with less than 20 hours of gameplay to be charged 40 USD, 70 USD is too expensive. Open world games with long term support of free expansions I think are ok for 100 USD

People getting crazy over this idea is missing the fact a package of a game+DLC already costs 100 USD, for probably less gameplay than they will get from GTA. That's not including games where you need to pay monthly subscriptions for online, like Final Fantasy XIV or World of War craft

If the price of 100 USD games turn out to be prohibitive, we could look for lower budget games, selling in the 30-50 price range

I don't think this is ever happening though. There are too much free to play games, and they skew the need of charging less to reach mass market. People who really pay for games seems to be now a minority, so they need to charge more from us...

$60-$70 is like a peak price for gamers. Those who buy the DLCs are less and can't sum it to the $100.

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Some people will point out that adjusted for inflation, this isn't historically THAT high. I agree on technicality, but think that the context matters.

  1. Video Games are a lot more popular now, meaning that developers and manufacturers should benefit from economy of scale and not developing for a small niche audience. Arguing that Legend of Zelda cost over $100 back in the day isn't that good an argument when sales for NES Zelda were under 20% of the Switch entries.
  2. Distribution costs are a fraction of what they once were, especially when distribution is largely digital. On the N64 for example, using cartridges instead of CD-ROMs pushed up the price of games an extra 20% or so compared to the PlayStation.
  3. People buy more games nowadays. Consoles like the NES and SNES sold maybe 8 games per console, while handhelds even in the 2010's sold 4 or 5. In contrast, the X360/PS3/PS4 have sales of 11 retail games per console, not including smaller indie titles and DLC, while the Switch is at 8.8 games per console.
  4. Smaller downloadable games and DLC now exist, and DLC in particular is frequently attached to full price releases.

If $100 games become the norm, you can expect people to buy fewer games and spend more time on F2P titles.

I honestly hope that an attempt to sell GTA 6 at $100 would blow up in Rockstar's face big-time and result in their stocks tanking. Not only are they trying to set a bad precedent, but GTA Online is heavily monetized. They have Shark Cards that cost $100. And unlike a lot of MTX-supported games, GTA Online has a heavy pay-to-win element to it. You can grind like hell to try to get everything in it, but you're going to be at a disadvantage to the whales. There's even a Shark Card called a "Whale Shark Card," and it isn't even the biggest one they offer.

But, they will get away with it. They've perfected digital heroin and their customers are hooked. Other studios might get punished for $100 games, but Rockstar won't. They're a meta example of the greed they parody in the games.