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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Switch's 2024 vs Wii U's 2014


Which was better?

Switch 2024 13 54.17%
Wii U 2014 11 45.83%

2014 is generally considered the Wii U's best year thanks to high profile releases like Mario Kart 8, Tropical Freeze, and Smash Bros. However, due to the system's almost total lack of third party support, there wasn't much else in between these handful of first party games.

2024 by contrast was a relatively quiet year for the Switch as it neared the end of its generation, yet nonetheless it had quite a number of first party releases, and due to the fact that the system actually has significant third party support, there was a much larger range of games on offer compared to any year of Wii U.

Which of these two years do you think was the better one, and why?

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Amiibo, Bayonetta 2, Smash Bros 4, MarioKart 8, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze (one of the greatest 2D platformers of all time), and 2014 was the first year in many where being a Nintendo fan actually felt okay... versus a year filled with remasters, low budget titles, and spinoff games. Doesn't matter how good the 3rd party support may have been for NSW this year, I would say 2014 >>> 2024. Very easily.

Last edited by joebanana123 - on 12 January 2025

I would definitely say Wii U 2014 because of the games released, but the Switch has gotten a lot of those 2014 releases itself over the years. That's really the only edge Wii U has over Switch in the two years. but since the comparison is generally just about games released, that is why I'd still give it to 2014.

For me, definitely bought more and played much much more in 2024 on Switch than I did Wii U in 2014. I did get Mario Kart 8 when it came out and played it for a couple of hours in total - the Switch deluxe version I’ve literally played over 100X as much.

In 2024, I bought about a dozen to 20 new Switch games, although most were on discount and released in previous years. The major full priced game I got was Dragon Quest 3 Remaster.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

I didn't own a Wii U, but I've played MK8 and Tropical Feeze and both are good games

As for 2024 for Switch... it was the first year I haven't bought a single game. The only game that got my attention was Prince of Persia, The Last Crown. But it's a Ubisoft game so I decided to wait until they sell it for dirty cheap like they always do

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That’s an interesting question. It really boils down to whether you want a handful of all-time greats or a deeper, more diverse list of good titles.

2024 was certainly lackluster by Switch standards but it had a handful of good-to-great (console/launch) exclusives, including The Mystery Dungeon of Serpentcoil Island, Banana Blitz, Bakeru, Natsu-Mon, Echoes of Wisdom, and Pepper Grinder. Plus it supported several great third-party games: The Lost Crown, Balatro, Unicorn Overlord, etc.

Is that enough to overpower Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros., Tropical Freeze, and Bayonetta 2? I guess not.

But it is closer than you’d think at first blush.

For me, Switch 2024 wins.

Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, and Bayonetta 2 were amazing games, but there were still only a few games all year with months of drought in between.

While nothing in 2024 was as great as the games above, there was just so much more on offer; Mario & Luigi, Echoes of Wisdom, Mario Party Jamboree, Princess Peach Showtime, Unicorn Overlord, Prince of Persia The Lost Crown, The Plucky Squire, Balatro, Nikoderiko, Stray, Ace Combat 7, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Grounded, Pentiment, Penny's Big Breakaway, Endless Ocean Luminous, Animal Well, Neva, the Western release of Bakeru, Chop Goblins, Ys X Nordics, Emio The Smiling Man, World of Goo 2...

I prefer a few high quality tiltes over a lot of average (Zelda Echoes of Wisdom was quite good though, but can't compete with MK 8 nor Smash nor Tropical Freeze). So I'd go with Wii U 2014.

I'll give two answers.
Switch 2024 is the better year for most people and far more third-party games in quantity and quality. As much as I love Paper Mario: TTYD it is a remake that is mostly the same as the GameCube original. Super Mario Party Jamboree has been fun for me so far as well.
Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U were quite a 1-2 Punch. 2014 was the year I got a Wii U because of those two games.
Switch 2024 I still have to vote for, but my heart is with Wii U 2014.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

2025 vs 2015 will be interesting. But I suppose we'll have to play Xenoblade Chronicles X first to see if the Switch version equals, exceeds, or falls short of the experience in 2015 on Wii U. As much as I didn't enjoy the console, that one (and perhaps the Wii U Wii Fit game) were games I did enjoy quite a lot.

I also feel like I didn't give Animal Crossing on Wii U a fair shake, I quit it early (for some forgotten reason), but I was enjoying it.
Earthbound was also a very nice surprise on Wii U - but overall, I felt Wii U had the weakest catalogue content. Switch has surpassed the Wii with its EShop and subscription offerings...

And if I may end this post on a small tangent the EShop/Subscription is still missing Chrono Trigger... I mean, I even Apple TV has that game - but somehow it has skipped the Switch this generation. I was hoping for a Pixel Remaster of the original game as I'm not particularly a fan of the additional content in the later ports - often stuff just felt either shoe-horned in or replacing the mysterious edges of the universe/story with unremarkable stuff. So a Pixel Remaster of the original game or a straight port of the SNES (same as Wii VC version) would be great.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.