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2025 vs 2015 will be interesting. But I suppose we'll have to play Xenoblade Chronicles X first to see if the Switch version equals, exceeds, or falls short of the experience in 2015 on Wii U. As much as I didn't enjoy the console, that one (and perhaps the Wii U Wii Fit game) were games I did enjoy quite a lot.

I also feel like I didn't give Animal Crossing on Wii U a fair shake, I quit it early (for some forgotten reason), but I was enjoying it.
Earthbound was also a very nice surprise on Wii U - but overall, I felt Wii U had the weakest catalogue content. Switch has surpassed the Wii with its EShop and subscription offerings...

And if I may end this post on a small tangent the EShop/Subscription is still missing Chrono Trigger... I mean, I even Apple TV has that game - but somehow it has skipped the Switch this generation. I was hoping for a Pixel Remaster of the original game as I'm not particularly a fan of the additional content in the later ports - often stuff just felt either shoe-horned in or replacing the mysterious edges of the universe/story with unremarkable stuff. So a Pixel Remaster of the original game or a straight port of the SNES (same as Wii VC version) would be great.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.