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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - It's inexcusable if Switch 2 doesn't have boosted backwards compatibility


Does Switch 2 need a boost mode for BC?

Yes 19 35.85%
Meh 7 13.21%
No 7 13.21%
I want it, but it's not a big deal. 20 37.74%

If they have it's immediate purchase I think, Zelda really needs better hardware to improve the experience

If it doesn't I will withold my purchase for 2 years. Or until new Animal Crossing or Fire Emblem releases, whatever comes first

I'm buying a PC next month and between simulation games I plan to buy and my PS5 collection I estimate I have 2 years of backlog to play currently

Most Nitendo games are single player, so I don't mind waiting a few years to play them. The exceptions are FE because I'm just too addicted to FE, Animal Crossing because I enjoy the multiplayer focus of the game and playing at launch is the best way to experience it. I don't think they are planning Splatoon 4 to come do soon either, it could potentially be my 3rd game to make me buy Switch early

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I'd like it, but it won't be the end of the world if it doesn't have boosted performance.

It’s not really a yes or no answer. It will be up to the individual publishers whether they want to provide a frame rate or resolution boost.

For Nintendo games I think it will be a mixed bag where less popular games get nothing, more popular games get either a simple free boost or a more comprehensive paid ’remaster’.

Zkuq said:

Well, I'm still happily playing PS3 games on PS3, because I still have unplayed PS3 games, so... no, I just backwards compatibility, and everything on top of that is just a plus. And to be clear, I'm happy with the PS3 games, it's having to have a PS3 in my living room that I'm unhappy about.

I know there's some PS3 games on PS+ but with a rumor that the team behind the PS1, PS2 and PSP classics are looking into PS3 emulation - hopefully we'll have access to PS3 games in the future.

BasilZero said:
Zkuq said:

Well, I'm still happily playing PS3 games on PS3, because I still have unplayed PS3 games, so... no, I just backwards compatibility, and everything on top of that is just a plus. And to be clear, I'm happy with the PS3 games, it's having to have a PS3 in my living room that I'm unhappy about.

I know there's some PS3 games on PS+ but with a rumor that the team behind the PS1, PS2 and PSP classics are looking into PS3 emulation - hopefully we'll have access to PS3 games in the future.

Personally I'm not exactly fond of having to pay again (and again and again, in case of subscription services) for games I've already paid for. I'd have more to say about the matter, but I suppose it's best to try to stay on topic.

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Ehhh, not really?
Switch 1 games run just fine on Switch 1 so it's not really an urgent need for me.
I'm buying Switch 2... to play Switch 2 games. Just having backwards compatibility at all is a huge win in my view.
Would I love upgraded performance on top of that? Absolutely. But if it's not there. Then it's no big deal at all.

I guess it would be nice to play Bayonetta 2 at true 60fps...

It would be much appreciated. There are killer games on Switch which don't quite hold up on modern displays. I'm playing on 55" OLED and bigger TVs (40+) are the default in the west now. I don't need an FPS boost for most games but Kirby is one where I really felt it should be a 60fps experience.

Not a massive deal for me since I've been through almost all the games I want to play on Switch but Kirby and Pikmin 4 are the last on my list and I'm waiting for Switch 2 before finishing them. Would've loved to have done the same for TOTK but I wasn't going to wait that long

I'm in the camp of "that would be awesome!" but certainly not something I need. There are a lot of cool features that would be awesome, but not required. Witcher 3, for example, has graphical settings on the Switch version - I don't think it'll be a situation where Switch 1 software is locked into Switch 1 power - it'll be running on the updated SOC (I'm assuming).

I do want to play a more beautiful version of Witcher 3 on my Switch. Graphical settings are already a thing on the Switch version of Witcher 3, it'd just be a matter of adding in a "Switch 2" setting and running a check to make sure it's compatible on the current hardware.

Really, the main thing I want is true backward compatibility (not something like Wii Mode, where it is something separate; but, have Switch libraries integrated into Switch 2) so I can continue my library going forward rather than having it fragmented and locked to old hardware.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 13 January 2025

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Indeed indeed indeed.