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Indiana Jones, highly recommended. One of the best movie based game iv played and they nailed the IP. My best game of 2024.

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Azzanation said:

Indiana Jones, highly recommended. One of the best movie based game iv played and they nailed the IP. My best game of 2024.

Just beat the story a couple of days ago and now working on the collectibles (which are turning into a bit of a nightmare lol) but my god what a GREAT story and performances across the board! This truly felt like a proper interactive Indiana Jones movie from the original trilogy. Well deserving of it officially being canon to the series.

What a final performance by Tony Todd as well! RIP.

If there were any "gripes" I would say the game leaned a bit too much into the stealth gameplay. It would even punish you whenever you tried using a gun by alerting every single enemy, but even then, it made me come up with lots of difference ways to completely bypass entire groups of enemies like an Immersive Sim. The Dishonored/CoR: Escape from Butcher Bay influences were strong with this one.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Azzanation said:

Indiana Jones, highly recommended. One of the best movie based game iv played and they nailed the IP. My best game of 2024.

Wow. Big praise. I'll keep an eye on its PS5 release. 

Coridden is fun, turns out it runs good enough on my nearly 6 year old gaming laptop (GTX 1060) to play together on TV. (@ 1080p30) Just need to move it over and pair two controllers via blue tooth. It supports the Dualsense so don't even have to guess where the Y button is lol. (correct prompts for a change)

Charming game, slower paced than PoE2, obviously far lower production values but feels very polished. The gameplay is very fluent, instant transitions for shape shifting, no delays in weapon swapping, fast movement, feels very good.

Combat feels good so far, far less chaotic than PoE2. Plenty skills to unlock but no skill tree web (which is a positive for us).

Hopefully it comes to consoles but the developer doesn't have any idea yet when. Would be a great game for Switch (2) as well!

I'm playing Black blavk myth wukong right now, I'm the definition if clinically depressed so it's hard to stay focused on any game but this is sticky enough that it keeps me coming back which is a mighty feat. I'm not sure how I'd rare it if I wasn't depressed but right now it's a 7/10, so probably higher than that but there is objectively things wrong with the game and the way it plays is very much basic... but fun, no doubt.

I'm on chapter 3 right now, slowly inching my way to the finish line if I can get past the deagon there. Best boss fights so far among many that are too easy or mediocre and a few that are good but these two earn the right to be up there with From Software.   

LegitHyperbole said:

I defeated The Wind Sage pretty easily, just needed the right build and pellets.

...but I'm left wondering, did I just out build him or win as I learned the fight. That's a big problem with this game, The Tiger Vangauard is the only fight I felt like I actually improved by attempting to beat him. 

Tiger Vangaurd is the superior fight and actually a pretty great boss, if the game has more of these ahead I'll stick around. 

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Some deeper thoughts on Wukong.

I progressed to the wind sage. Was pretty easy up until that, the Tiger Vangaurd is the only thing that gave me trouble and this Yellow Wind Sage is the first real boss that is a significant challenge that I'm finding difficulty overcoming and had to farm some sparks and try different builds as well as explore for items and equipment, just a pity he's not much fun and difficult in a poor sort of way. The Tiger Vangaird is where the game became fun but it's still not great, this game is a slightly more punchy and more fluid feeling version of The Witcher 3s combat on Death March difficulty when you get into late game and have a build.

I do like TW3s combat but it very basic. I see the transformations as sign and it's just doge and hit, no combos cause it's all done for you so Square, square, square and square with the odd heavy attack that has no relationship to the light attacks. Builds aren't at all useful, just choosing what spells you have attached is all there is. It is so very basic but I have to say it is pulling me back in for more and that's a feat cause I'm very much clinically depressed at the moment.

If they had added a parry to this game (I know it has a parry CD but that's useless) and focused on that, went Sekiro style this would be a great game but they'd also have to fix the visuals cause this is completely unoptimised nonsense, there is no excuse for it to be this graphically janky and ugly image quality just to get 60fps on PS5. Some parts look like a ps2 game, lots of clipping, artifacting, texture pop in and so on. Stellar Blade was made with UE4 and that's so much better and more stable than this. There is no excuse when KCD2 looks so great at 60fps with a lot more going on under the hood. It's even worse than a Team Ninja game cause they at least no where to cut back on graphics and maybe get jaggies for it but their games don't make you feel sick. On top, invisible walls and such poor exploration, it's very linear and not in a good souls like way. Everything is just kind of placed willy nilly.

Can't tell how many hours I'm in cause I was not taking my own account and I left the game running so the PS timer is off but it had to be way more than the length it took Stellar Blafe to get good. The story is also complete nonsense and I mean that quite literally cause they don't know how to tell a story whatsoever. Great VA and localisation but nonsense all the same.

If only it had a parry system for people who want to play that way it'd be great even if you could only parry very basic attacks and be pushed to doge half the time or there abouts it wpuld add that X factor. People could still enjoy the dodge combat while us Sekiro fanatics could get our dopamine fix.

So far it could not exceed a 7/10 for me but there is a lit of game left. I'm also very depressed so I could be better from what I see, could be an 8 or a 9 even, plenty of game left to find out. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 18 February 2025

Also about Wukong, I can see from the trophy data that many people are getting filtered around Chapter 3, stats plummet from 50% trophies to 35% which is a massive drop off, I hope they didn't pull a Dark Souls 2, you must die again and again and suffer BS before thinking about the game being fun. If it doesn't, I may go for the platinum on this one and be in it for the long haul. 

Jedi Survivor went on PS Extra and High on life is in the monthly games. Jedi Survivor as a nice, easy and effortless (150 gig file 👀) action game to get into but High on life has a HLTB of 9 hours. Noth look so tempting. 

SvennoJ said:

Coridden is fun, turns out it runs good enough on my nearly 6 year old gaming laptop (GTX 1060) to play together on TV. (@ 1080p30) Just need to move it over and pair two controllers via blue tooth. It supports the Dualsense so don't even have to guess where the Y button is lol. (correct prompts for a change)

Charming game, slower paced than PoE2, obviously far lower production values but feels very polished. The gameplay is very fluent, instant transitions for shape shifting, no delays in weapon swapping, fast movement, feels very good.

Combat feels good so far, far less chaotic than PoE2. Plenty skills to unlock but no skill tree web (which is a positive for us).

Hopefully it comes to consoles but the developer doesn't have any idea yet when. Would be a great game for Switch (2) as well!

Looks pretty generic tbh. But hey, do you know what would make a great game for you and the wife, Vampire Survivors! It's a "Bullet heaven or Reverse bullet hell game as they call them) like a roguelite, sort of ARPG but you don't need to press any buttons. All you do is choose your build as you progress a run and there are loads of games in the genre now too that are pretty damn good. Vampire survivors is so damn good, like 10/10 masterpiece good despite how it looks on the surface. It's cheap to and so are the copy cats, all around 5 euro. 

LegitHyperbole said:
SvennoJ said:

Coridden is fun, turns out it runs good enough on my nearly 6 year old gaming laptop (GTX 1060) to play together on TV. (@ 1080p30) Just need to move it over and pair two controllers via blue tooth. It supports the Dualsense so don't even have to guess where the Y button is lol. (correct prompts for a change)

Charming game, slower paced than PoE2, obviously far lower production values but feels very polished. The gameplay is very fluent, instant transitions for shape shifting, no delays in weapon swapping, fast movement, feels very good.

Combat feels good so far, far less chaotic than PoE2. Plenty skills to unlock but no skill tree web (which is a positive for us).

Hopefully it comes to consoles but the developer doesn't have any idea yet when. Would be a great game for Switch (2) as well!

Looks pretty generic tbh. But hey, do you know what would make a great game for you and the wife, Vampire Survivors! It's a "Bullet heaven or Reverse bullet hell game as they call them) like a roguelite, sort of ARPG but you don't need to press any buttons. All you do is choose your build as you progress a run and there are loads of games in the genre now too that are pretty damn good. Vampire survivors is so damn good, like 10/10 masterpiece good despite how it looks on the surface. It's cheap to and so are the copy cats, all around 5 euro. 

Ha no, those are all negatives. roguelite, builds, runs, bullet hell. That's why we quit 'mapping' in PoE2 since it feels like all that!

We haven't played Coridden since trying it out. Still too much hassle to set it all up, and a lot of info to retain again. Will wait for ps5 version before spending more time on that.

Recently we picked up our newbies in Poe2 again, started Act 2 again last night. My wife isn't interested in builds at all, so I'm doing all the 'busy work', setting up the equipment, skills, button binds, spirit gems, support gems, find where to go in the passive tree. (Plus it's broken further now for couch co-op, p2 can't pick skill and support gems anymore, so I have to log in as my wife to set everything up) Then again all for my new Ranger.

So an hour+ work preparing then a couple hours playing, ignoring loot, before repeating the cycle. We could really use a game that's more straight forward but does let you progress your character through the game. (And doesn't unload everything on you, and leave you in the dark, in the first hour like Coridden) PoE2 makes things unnecessarily convoluted. But it's a lot easier now since we have all unique armor/weapons from our first characters.

I see Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 1+2 had remasters for ps4/ps5. Maybe it's time to replay those.