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Coridden is fun, turns out it runs good enough on my nearly 6 year old gaming laptop (GTX 1060) to play together on TV. (@ 1080p30) Just need to move it over and pair two controllers via blue tooth. It supports the Dualsense so don't even have to guess where the Y button is lol. (correct prompts for a change)

Charming game, slower paced than PoE2, obviously far lower production values but feels very polished. The gameplay is very fluent, instant transitions for shape shifting, no delays in weapon swapping, fast movement, feels very good.

Combat feels good so far, far less chaotic than PoE2. Plenty skills to unlock but no skill tree web (which is a positive for us).

Hopefully it comes to consoles but the developer doesn't have any idea yet when. Would be a great game for Switch (2) as well!