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I'm playing Black blavk myth wukong right now, I'm the definition if clinically depressed so it's hard to stay focused on any game but this is sticky enough that it keeps me coming back which is a mighty feat. I'm not sure how I'd rare it if I wasn't depressed but right now it's a 7/10, so probably higher than that but there is objectively things wrong with the game and the way it plays is very much basic... but fun, no doubt.

I'm on chapter 3 right now, slowly inching my way to the finish line if I can get past the deagon there. Best boss fights so far among many that are too easy or mediocre and a few that are good but these two earn the right to be up there with From Software.   

LegitHyperbole said:

I defeated The Wind Sage pretty easily, just needed the right build and pellets.

...but I'm left wondering, did I just out build him or win as I learned the fight. That's a big problem with this game, The Tiger Vangauard is the only fight I felt like I actually improved by attempting to beat him. 

Tiger Vangaurd is the superior fight and actually a pretty great boss, if the game has more of these ahead I'll stick around.