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Some deeper thoughts on Wukong.

I progressed to the wind sage. Was pretty easy up until that, the Tiger Vangaurd is the only thing that gave me trouble and this Yellow Wind Sage is the first real boss that is a significant challenge that I'm finding difficulty overcoming and had to farm some sparks and try different builds as well as explore for items and equipment, just a pity he's not much fun and difficult in a poor sort of way. The Tiger Vangaird is where the game became fun but it's still not great, this game is a slightly more punchy and more fluid feeling version of The Witcher 3s combat on Death March difficulty when you get into late game and have a build.

I do like TW3s combat but it very basic. I see the transformations as sign and it's just doge and hit, no combos cause it's all done for you so Square, square, square and square with the odd heavy attack that has no relationship to the light attacks. Builds aren't at all useful, just choosing what spells you have attached is all there is. It is so very basic but I have to say it is pulling me back in for more and that's a feat cause I'm very much clinically depressed at the moment.

If they had added a parry to this game (I know it has a parry CD but that's useless) and focused on that, went Sekiro style this would be a great game but they'd also have to fix the visuals cause this is completely unoptimised nonsense, there is no excuse for it to be this graphically janky and ugly image quality just to get 60fps on PS5. Some parts look like a ps2 game, lots of clipping, artifacting, texture pop in and so on. Stellar Blade was made with UE4 and that's so much better and more stable than this. There is no excuse when KCD2 looks so great at 60fps with a lot more going on under the hood. It's even worse than a Team Ninja game cause they at least no where to cut back on graphics and maybe get jaggies for it but their games don't make you feel sick. On top, invisible walls and such poor exploration, it's very linear and not in a good souls like way. Everything is just kind of placed willy nilly.

Can't tell how many hours I'm in cause I was not taking my own account and I left the game running so the PS timer is off but it had to be way more than the length it took Stellar Blafe to get good. The story is also complete nonsense and I mean that quite literally cause they don't know how to tell a story whatsoever. Great VA and localisation but nonsense all the same.

If only it had a parry system for people who want to play that way it'd be great even if you could only parry very basic attacks and be pushed to doge half the time or there abouts it wpuld add that X factor. People could still enjoy the dodge combat while us Sekiro fanatics could get our dopamine fix.

So far it could not exceed a 7/10 for me but there is a lit of game left. I'm also very depressed so I could be better from what I see, could be an 8 or a 9 even, plenty of game left to find out. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 18 February 2025