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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What games are you playing right now? Anything you'd recommend?


9th gen will fully get going in...

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2027 1 4.00%
2028 3 12.00%
2029 0 0%
2030 0 0%
It will never gain the mo... 9 36.00%
HoloDust said:
G2ThaUNiT said:

With A-Life 2.0 finally getting proper fixes, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 just turned into a GOTG level experience!

I refused to play it till A-Life is implemented (my son was playing it before that and says it's great).

Is it everything as it should be now?

Not 100% yet, but it is beyond a day/night difference. No more randomly spawning enemies behind you and the zone is insanely lively now! Constantly coming across NPCs in a variety of organic ways.

Within the first 20 minutes of picking up from my last save (110GB update btw) I came across a couple of warring factions and I noticed another group off in the distance watching. I went over behind them and they were talking about waiting to see who won and they would ambush them to get their loot. Once it started getting dark, they attacked the survivors and looted them. I proceeded to attack them and got the loot they just looted lol. Which turned out to be pretty god tier stuff. I never once actually interacted with any of them, but I watched everything play out.

I read another user who came across a faction getting attacked by a couple of bloodsuckers. A search party came by a few minutes later after they were all killed, and they were expressing sorrow for their fallen comrades. The guy attacked them and stole their loot. He went to a nearby town which turned out to be where the group was from. He was wearing their armor and townsfolk recognized it and killed him it blew his mind how that all played out.

I would say the game is 1 or 2 patches away from being in a perfect state. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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G2ThaUNiT said:
HoloDust said:

I refused to play it till A-Life is implemented (my son was playing it before that and says it's great).

Is it everything as it should be now?

Not 100% yet, but it is beyond a day/night difference. No more randomly spawning enemies behind you and the zone is insanely lively now! Constantly coming across NPCs in a variety of organic ways.

Within the first 20 minutes of picking up from my last save (110GB update btw) I came across a couple of warring factions and I noticed another group off in the distance watching. I went over behind them and they were talking about waiting to see who won and they would ambush them to get their loot. Once it started getting dark, they attacked the survivors and looted them. I proceeded to attack them and got the loot they just looted lol. Which turned out to be pretty god tier stuff. I never once actually interacted with any of them, but I watched everything play out.

I read another user who came across a faction getting attacked by a couple of bloodsuckers. A search party came by a few minutes later after they were all killed, and they were expressing sorrow for their fallen comrades. The guy attacked them and stole their loot. He went to a nearby town which turned out to be where the group was from. He was wearing their armor and townsfolk recognized it and killed him it blew his mind how that all played out.

I would say the game is 1 or 2 patches away from being in a perfect state. 

Wow, that's sounds marvelous, just as I hoped. Other open world developers should really pay more attention to this kind of stuff and implement more of world simulation mechanics into their games, cause this is what open worlds should really be about.

Can't way to play it...somewhere in February, when I'm finally out of crunch.

I can't understand why they won't put Wu Kong on sale already, it's not even in the January sale. Surely they have to know they've swiped up all the audience they are going to get short of discounts. If even it wads 20%, I'd be on it. I refuse to pay full price for digital games unless I'm very sure I'll love the game, if they hold out any longer I and I'd assume many others will forget about it because there are so many games coming in 2025, Perhaps this was their last shot for many people and have now lost out on many people who would have bought it in Holiday sales. I guess they don't understand the market since they were mobile devs in China prior to this or else they don't want to make money. They better have a sale going three weeks at least before Monster Hunter Wilds or this'll be one I'll pass it up until waaaay down the road in the bargin bin.

Mummelmann said:
LegitHyperbole said:

As soon as they fix the lag and all builds become viable instead of having to look up a guide to beat bosses, I'm in. I think they're taking the piss with 30 euro for Early Access though, that's rough pricing. Not saying it should be free but 30 euro to help them balance the game seems unfair. 

To be fair, I beat the bosses without guides, but it was rough. Especially Act 1 and 2 main bosses are hard with sub-optimal planning and building.

I gladly paid my 30 euros for it, knowing what they're capable of, and seeing the trite BS we're sold for twice that by large studios (Blizzard - I might be looking your way right now).

On another note; I'm going back into STALKER 2 in the coming days, A-life is a literal game-changer.

We're playing couch co-op and got to the first main boss today. At least I assume the boss at the bottom of the manor is the end of Act 1.

It's a very cool fight but we're not surviving phase 3 yet and went back to level up some more. We're currently lvl 18, monk + warrior. We know nothing of optimal builds, just playing the game together for fun. Hopefully we can get to Act 2 before the normal enemies stop giving xp :/

Initially the game had some issues at the default 4K graphics mode. Very bad shimmering and missing tiles on the ramparts, holes in the floor. It runs better now at 1440p, still the PS5 Pro is struggling a bit, screen tearing visible now and then. (Better then before when it had regular slow down just walking)

It's definitely worth $30 already in its current state, we racked up 15 hours together already and are only in Act 1.

There seems to be a bug introduced in the latest patch (I read). We tried getting our oldest into the party but however we try it we immediately get kicked out to the character select screen again for "performing too many actions at once" error.

We're playing couch co-op, trying to invite our oldest to the party and then that happens :/ We also don't see any other players in couch co-op who do appear when walking around alone in the village. It would be cool if all 4 of us could play, double couch co-op, two TVs in the living room, but that doesn't seem to want to work in its current state.

I've got STALKER 2 as well, but doesn't run on my gaming laptop. I'm waiting for the PS5 version and then buy it again. My CPU is simply too slow (2.2 ghz) for the game to run even at the lowest settings. The input lag kills it. Meeting minimum GPU requirements doesn't make it playable doh. Need a 4 ghz CPU minimum.

Bought more games on sale even though I have months worth of games now sitting on my PS5. Alan Wake 2, Crash Team racing and Robocop all for over 50% off. Too good to pass up. Fired up Robovop and the shooting mechanics are amazing, feels so punchy, I can tell this is gonna be a good one. Gotta skip Alan Wake 2 for now since it's a 30 hours game, main + sides whoch is oddly long for a survival horror game, I' really put off by the concept of a game in this genre being that long and I hope it justifies its length by switching things up cause if it's Alan Wake 1 for 20-to 30 hours, I don't think I'd complete it no matter how good the story is.

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 24 December 2024

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SvennoJ said:
Mummelmann said:

To be fair, I beat the bosses without guides, but it was rough. Especially Act 1 and 2 main bosses are hard with sub-optimal planning and building.

I gladly paid my 30 euros for it, knowing what they're capable of, and seeing the trite BS we're sold for twice that by large studios (Blizzard - I might be looking your way right now).

On another note; I'm going back into STALKER 2 in the coming days, A-life is a literal game-changer.

We're playing couch co-op and got to the first main boss today. At least I assume the boss at the bottom of the manor is the end of Act 1.

It's a very cool fight but we're not surviving phase 3 yet and went back to level up some more. We're currently lvl 18, monk + warrior. We know nothing of optimal builds, just playing the game together for fun. Hopefully we can get to Act 2 before the normal enemies stop giving xp :/

Initially the game had some issues at the default 4K graphics mode. Very bad shimmering and missing tiles on the ramparts, holes in the floor. It runs better now at 1440p, still the PS5 Pro is struggling a bit, screen tearing visible now and then. (Better then before when it had regular slow down just walking)

It's definitely worth $30 already in its current state, we racked up 15 hours together already and are only in Act 1.

There seems to be a bug introduced in the latest patch (I read). We tried getting our oldest into the party but however we try it we immediately get kicked out to the character select screen again for "performing too many actions at once" error.

We're playing couch co-op, trying to invite our oldest to the party and then that happens :/ We also don't see any other players in couch co-op who do appear when walking around alone in the village. It would be cool if all 4 of us could play, double couch co-op, two TVs in the living room, but that doesn't seem to want to work in its current state.

I've got STALKER 2 as well, but doesn't run on my gaming laptop. I'm waiting for the PS5 version and then buy it again. My CPU is simply too slow (2.2 ghz) for the game to run even at the lowest settings. The input lag kills it. Meeting minimum GPU requirements doesn't make it playable doh. Need a 4 ghz CPU minimum.

Is STALKER 2 confirmed for Payststion? 

LegitHyperbole said:
SvennoJ said:

We're playing couch co-op and got to the first main boss today. At least I assume the boss at the bottom of the manor is the end of Act 1.

It's a very cool fight but we're not surviving phase 3 yet and went back to level up some more. We're currently lvl 18, monk + warrior. We know nothing of optimal builds, just playing the game together for fun. Hopefully we can get to Act 2 before the normal enemies stop giving xp :/

Initially the game had some issues at the default 4K graphics mode. Very bad shimmering and missing tiles on the ramparts, holes in the floor. It runs better now at 1440p, still the PS5 Pro is struggling a bit, screen tearing visible now and then. (Better then before when it had regular slow down just walking)

It's definitely worth $30 already in its current state, we racked up 15 hours together already and are only in Act 1.

There seems to be a bug introduced in the latest patch (I read). We tried getting our oldest into the party but however we try it we immediately get kicked out to the character select screen again for "performing too many actions at once" error.

We're playing couch co-op, trying to invite our oldest to the party and then that happens :/ We also don't see any other players in couch co-op who do appear when walking around alone in the village. It would be cool if all 4 of us could play, double couch co-op, two TVs in the living room, but that doesn't seem to want to work in its current state.

I've got STALKER 2 as well, but doesn't run on my gaming laptop. I'm waiting for the PS5 version and then buy it again. My CPU is simply too slow (2.2 ghz) for the game to run even at the lowest settings. The input lag kills it. Meeting minimum GPU requirements doesn't make it playable doh. Need a 4 ghz CPU minimum.

Is STALKER 2 confirmed for Payststion? 

It's confirmed not to be coming to PS5 (but so was GTA 5 confirmed not to be coming to PS4 lol)

I don't know what will come first, me getting a new windows machine to play it on (when hell freezes over) or Stalker coming to PS5.
I can always play it on Series X when I'm bored and out of games to play (when hell freezes over)

Anyway I don't see why they would be leaving money on the table by not bringing it to PS5?

SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Is STALKER 2 confirmed for Payststion? 

It's confirmed not to be coming to PS5 (but so was GTA 5 confirmed not to be coming to PS4 lol)

I don't know what will come first, me getting a new windows machine to play it on (when hell freezes over) or Stalker coming to PS5.
I can always play it on Series X when I'm bored and out of games to play (when hell freezes over)

Anyway I don't see why they would be leaving money on the table by not bringing it to PS5?

They’re a PC first studio and they reached out directly to Phil Spencer about bringing Stalker 2 to console, otherwise it would’ve continued to be a PC only franchise. But now that they’ve already turned a profit on Stalker 2, GSC has ambitions of it becoming a billion dollar franchise. Can’t do that by limiting the player base.

I’m sure it’ll happen eventually though. Only timeline we have is from Epic vs Apple where 3 month exclusivity window was mentioned. So we wouldn’t hear anything about a potential PS5 port until at least the end of February 2025.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

We finally beat Act 1 in Path of Exile 2. It took us at least 20 tries and leveling up to 20 before we could last until the end of the fight. He didn't even drop anything we could use bleh, but glad we don't have to roam the manor anymore with the deadly blood pools.

It's chaotic with 2 players on the screen, I can't imagine how you keep track of anything in a 6 player party lol. But I guess at least then it should be easier (possible) to revive people in combat as with 2 players there's about a 5% chance you can get lucky enough to finish reviving between attacks.

The next area was very easy, including the bosses, I guess we out leveled that already to beat Act 1 :/ On to the caravan to the East. I hope the Act 2 boss will not require so much grinding! We've spend 18 hours on the game already for Act 1.

I'm playing Street Fighter 6 and I highly recommend this game!

The World Tour mode may become my favorite Single Player experience in a fighting game since The Subspace Emissary.