We finally beat Act 1 in Path of Exile 2. It took us at least 20 tries and leveling up to 20 before we could last until the end of the fight. He didn't even drop anything we could use bleh, but glad we don't have to roam the manor anymore with the deadly blood pools.
It's chaotic with 2 players on the screen, I can't imagine how you keep track of anything in a 6 player party lol. But I guess at least then it should be easier (possible) to revive people in combat as with 2 players there's about a 5% chance you can get lucky enough to finish reviving between attacks.
The next area was very easy, including the bosses, I guess we out leveled that already to beat Act 1 :/ On to the caravan to the East. I hope the Act 2 boss will not require so much grinding! We've spend 18 hours on the game already for Act 1.