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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What games are you playing right now? Anything you'd recommend?


9th gen will fully get going in...

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It will never gain the mo... 9 36.00%

Considering whetwr I should put my FF birth playthrough on hold at Costa Del Sol to pull out a Christmad playrhough of The Witcher 3, both seem like the right move. Rebirth is such fun but I'm not finding much comfort in it.

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Mummelmann said:

Path of Exile 2. Having a blast, but there's a huge difference between viability and difficulty between classes right now. It's an EA, so it's to be expected. I'd highly recommend it to any ARPG fan; it's the kahuna right now.

As soon as they fix the lag and all builds become viable instead of having to look up a guide to beat bosses, I'm in. I think they're taking the piss with 30 euro for Early Access though, that's rough pricing. Not saying it should be free but 30 euro to help them balance the game seems unfair. 

I bought the last of us part 1 and spiderman to play on PC before the sequels come out on PC in early 2025. Arleady played them on ps4 years ago but just for a refresher (I also sold my ps4)

LegitHyperbole said:
Mummelmann said:

Path of Exile 2. Having a blast, but there's a huge difference between viability and difficulty between classes right now. It's an EA, so it's to be expected. I'd highly recommend it to any ARPG fan; it's the kahuna right now.

As soon as they fix the lag and all builds become viable instead of having to look up a guide to beat bosses, I'm in. I think they're taking the piss with 30 euro for Early Access though, that's rough pricing. Not saying it should be free but 30 euro to help them balance the game seems unfair. 

To be fair, I beat the bosses without guides, but it was rough. Especially Act 1 and 2 main bosses are hard with sub-optimal planning and building.

I gladly paid my 30 euros for it, knowing what they're capable of, and seeing the trite BS we're sold for twice that by large studios (Blizzard - I might be looking your way right now).

On another note; I'm going back into STALKER 2 in the coming days, A-life is a literal game-changer.

I beat the first 3 acts of Path of Exile 2 and already beat cruel act 1 in a few hours. Much faster this time around.

I am playing Monk. I wanted to play the highest dps melee class, and this class seemed to be that. But in the end I had to pivot to ranged. Act 2 boss would have taken me over 100 tries with my suboptimal build, after that I pivoted to the ranged build. Act 3 boss went down first try.

I want Marauder, and I want it to feel strong in close combat. Hoping GGG gives us that in the next 6 months, along with the the rest of the 3 acts.

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Mummelmann said:
LegitHyperbole said:

As soon as they fix the lag and all builds become viable instead of having to look up a guide to beat bosses, I'm in. I think they're taking the piss with 30 euro for Early Access though, that's rough pricing. Not saying it should be free but 30 euro to help them balance the game seems unfair. 

To be fair, I beat the bosses without guides, but it was rough. Especially Act 1 and 2 main bosses are hard with sub-optimal planning and building.

I gladly paid my 30 euros for it, knowing what they're capable of, and seeing the trite BS we're sold for twice that by large studios (Blizzard - I might be looking your way right now).

On another note; I'm going back into STALKER 2 in the coming days, A-life is a literal game-changer.

Good luck with STALKER 2, I hear the game is great despite technical issues but as for PoE 2, Idk, I don't like diablo likes to be overly difficult cause there's fuck all you can do to take on the difficulty besides out build the boss. Adding in mechanics is cool and all but again, they just are never fun since you're so limited in how you can approach the game and because mechanics usually end up with one shot design, out building is always the solution cause mechanics become to harsh. Like, Uber Lilith in Diablo 4 was impossible cause one mistake was a one shot death and that lavked fun until some builds made it approachable in season 2 but it wasn't actually fun until you were able to fully out build her and just delete her, bypassing mechanics. These games are all about building so you don't really have to play the game and just breeze through enjoying the dopamine, that's where the fun comes from, in my opinion and the reason Diablo is so much more popular than PoE even though PoE is free and that's why nerf patches get so much push back. 

LegitHyperbole said:
Mummelmann said:

To be fair, I beat the bosses without guides, but it was rough. Especially Act 1 and 2 main bosses are hard with sub-optimal planning and building.

I gladly paid my 30 euros for it, knowing what they're capable of, and seeing the trite BS we're sold for twice that by large studios (Blizzard - I might be looking your way right now).

On another note; I'm going back into STALKER 2 in the coming days, A-life is a literal game-changer.

Good luck with STALKER 2, I hear the game is great despite technical issues but as for PoE 2, Idk, I don't like diablo likes to be overly difficult cause there's fuck all you can do to take on the difficulty besides out build the boss. Adding in mechanics is cool and all but again, they just are never fun since you're so limited in how you can approach the game and because mechanics usually end up with one shot design, out building is always the solution cause mechanics become to harsh. Like, Uber Lilith in Diablo 4 was impossible cause one mistake was a one shot death and that lavked fun until some builds made it approachable in season 2 but it wasn't actually fun until you were able to fully out build her and just delete her, bypassing mechanics. These games are all about building so you don't really have to play the game and just breeze through enjoying the dopamine, that's where the fun comes from, in my opinion and the reason Diablo is so much more popular than PoE even though PoE is free and that's why nerf patches get so much push back. 

PoE games are much more nerdy in every aspect than Diablo, that's for sure. I find Grim Dawn to be a decent balance between the two, its skill system reminds me of Titan Quest - allowing one to combine two archetypes into one hybrid class. I enjoy PoE, but I stopped enjoying Diablo when it became a tad too simple, the skill system in D4 is atrocious in its linearity (in my opinion).

LegitHyperbole said:
Mummelmann said:

Path of Exile 2. Having a blast, but there's a huge difference between viability and difficulty between classes right now. It's an EA, so it's to be expected. I'd highly recommend it to any ARPG fan; it's the kahuna right now.

As soon as they fix the lag and all builds become viable instead of having to look up a guide to beat bosses, I'm in. I think they're taking the piss with 30 euro for Early Access though, that's rough pricing. Not saying it should be free but 30 euro to help them balance the game seems unfair. 

Make the move to PC

Koragg said:
LegitHyperbole said:

As soon as they fix the lag and all builds become viable instead of having to look up a guide to beat bosses, I'm in. I think they're taking the piss with 30 euro for Early Access though, that's rough pricing. Not saying it should be free but 30 euro to help them balance the game seems unfair. 

Make the move to PC

I used to PC since I was a kid but I fell into a rather unproductive and immersion breaking habit of spending more time fiddling with settings and mods than enjoying games, moving solely to PS4 (and now Switch sometimes) was the best thing I ever done for my gaming. I have went back to enjoying games despite getting caught up in the trophies from time to time which interferes in the same way. If steam make a Steam box work or the prices and size of the handhelds as well as battery life, come down and increase, I'll go straight back in. I need things to be limited for me, I need console peasantry. 

Mummelmann said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Good luck with STALKER 2, I hear the game is great despite technical issues but as for PoE 2, Idk, I don't like diablo likes to be overly difficult cause there's fuck all you can do to take on the difficulty besides out build the boss. Adding in mechanics is cool and all but again, they just are never fun since you're so limited in how you can approach the game and because mechanics usually end up with one shot design, out building is always the solution cause mechanics become to harsh. Like, Uber Lilith in Diablo 4 was impossible cause one mistake was a one shot death and that lavked fun until some builds made it approachable in season 2 but it wasn't actually fun until you were able to fully out build her and just delete her, bypassing mechanics. These games are all about building so you don't really have to play the game and just breeze through enjoying the dopamine, that's where the fun comes from, in my opinion and the reason Diablo is so much more popular than PoE even though PoE is free and that's why nerf patches get so much push back. 

PoE games are much more nerdy in every aspect than Diablo, that's for sure. I find Grim Dawn to be a decent balance between the two, its skill system reminds me of Titan Quest - allowing one to combine two archetypes into one hybrid class. I enjoy PoE, but I stopped enjoying Diablo when it became a tad too simple, the skill system in D4 is atrocious in its linearity (in my opinion).

Well, I'll agree with that, it could use a tad more complexity and a move away from this fill up the gauge to use CDs gameplay that they came up with for Diablo 4 but PoE REALLY needs to pull back on the atrocious loot space and dumping, in fact both games do, they need to space out the amount you return to town to dump loot. Genre is still at its best when you're blasting your way through mobs with little effort, I do believe.