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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Trying to keep myself awake while gaming, advice that works

The worst thing is trying to game at night, hoping to get a few hrs. After 20 mins you start yawning.. And can't truly enjoy the game.  What do you take to keep yourself awake and alert , energized. I need some tips that help. Coffee doesn't do much for me.

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I just drink until I get sleepy.

Not a big gamer though so not sure how much this helps

I like it when my mom goes out of town because I get to sleep on her side of the bed. -William Montgomery

Power nap before gaming?


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

I avoid caffeine and laying down for a nap can put me out for hours if I'm not careful.

Seated naps seem to work best for me. Let myself nod off on the couch instead of fighting it and I'll be back up and reenergized within 15 minutes.

-Eat. Food increases adrenaline and natural stimulants. Eat a good meal, don't eat poultry.

-Cold shower. Cold shower's increase natural stimulants.

-Quit binging caffeine, if coffee doesn't do anything to you, then mabey you have it too often, just my thoughts. Save it for when you really need it.

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Play your favorite games. Boring games put me to sleep. My favorite games can be played all night.

Caffeine about 5 hours before bedtime is guaranteed to keep me awake and hard to get to sleep.

If you feel yourself slipping, walk around for a bit, go to toilet, get a drink etc.

Get more sleep. I usually sleep 8-9 hours a night, so these strategies work well for me.

I blast up the volume in my headphones.

KratosLives said:

The worst thing is trying to game at night, hoping to get a few hrs. After 20 mins you start yawning.. And can't truly enjoy the game.  What do you take to keep yourself awake and alert , energized. I need some tips that help. Coffee doesn't do much for me.

That sounds like you're not really enjoying the games you play, as if it was more of an obligation or like a job than just a game, some entertainment you do for the fun of it.

For reference, I sometimes played games that kept me up all night, got me really tired, but yawning? Never happened in those instances unless I could barely stay awake from exhaustion.

1-4 beers.
Or alternatively, a whisky drink (or a few). Rye whisky & Gingerale is always great.

I find caffeine can only keep you wired for so long without something else. Adding the alcohol in seems to be the magic ingredient.

Another thing is to go for a short run or jog for 5-10 minutes. Do a few fast pushups, like two or three sets.

Combine exercise with caffeine and booze, and you’re set :D

Stay away from weed, though. That will conk you out.

But, as mentioned above. If you’re tired from gaming, sleep. Isn’t that kind of the point of settling down and relaxing with a game? But, I don’t know your situation.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Farsala said:

Play your favorite games. Boring games put me to sleep. My favorite games can be played all night.

Caffeine about 5 hours before bedtime is guaranteed to keep me awake and hard to get to sleep.

If you feel yourself slipping, walk around for a bit, go to toilet, get a drink etc.

Get more sleep. I usually sleep 8-9 hours a night, so these strategies work well for me.

Days are too short man... I usually only get like 6hours.

If your lucky enough to get 8-9hours everyday, your obviously not going to suffer OP's problem.
He probably doesn't get that much sleep on avg.
Esp if hes making a thread about this, hes likely cutting into his sleep hours, to get a few hours of gaming done at night.

OP I think you should listen to your body.
If your too tired to stay awake to game at night.... don't.
Go to bed, make sure you get a good nights rest, try again tomorrow.