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Forums - Sony Discussion - State of Play Sept 24

twintail said:

Thinking about it, I'm surprised they didn't shadow drop the GT7 demo thing they announced a week or 2 ago. I guess for after TGS.

LegitHyperbole said:

I would prefer to be happy. I want them to make me happy. I don't want to be dissatisfied. Why would I want to be to be unhappy 🙁 

tbh your original message was leading towards just being disappointed before the event even began. If I made a wrong assumption, then apologies on my part. That's my mistake. 

I hope the SoP was good enough to make you consider getting a PS5. 

Yeah, I'm in this year. I also this Hell is US and Arche mage look really cool. GoY in 2025 shows that they do have the Sucker punches and Naughty dogs put to the work and we'll get them eventually however I would have like had the announced one or two more, like Cory Barlogs game and what Bend and Naughty dog are up to even if they only teased and it wouldn't kill them to do a €50 price cut on the slim.

Did you notice that Fair game$ was missing from the stream which is also a good sign to me that they know they are becoming a joke and lesser brand in people's eyes because of these pursuits. I feel confinement we won't get a PS3 situation and they will correct course but that's just my gut feeling which I hope is right. 

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Frank_kc said:

Utter Garbage show.... 90% of show is about remasters, DLCs, expansions, and VR.

Sony is sliding downhill quickly...Jim Rayan is fully responsible for the mesriable Sony first party game status.... His plan for GaaS has backfired and put most of first party studios in a huge hole.

It really hasn't. Most of the live service push came from new or external studios (Firewalk, Firesprite, Haven, Neon Koi, Bungie, Arrowhead). 

Pretty much the only first party studio damaged by the live service push was Naughty Dog. 

The big reasons for Sony's "struggles": 

1.) Game development takes longer. We are frequently going 4-5 years between games instead of 2 years during the PS3 gen. And Sony doesn't have double the games in development. 

2.) Shorter marketing cycles. It's a lot more common for games to only show up at a single conference. Whereas it was common for games to show up at multiple conferences to pad them out. 

3.) less reliance on smaller games. No Japan studio putting out a few games every year, fewer third parties like thatgamecompany. 

LegitHyperbole said:

Did you notice that Fair game$ was missing from the stream which is also a good sign to me that they know they are becoming a joke and lesser brand in people's eyes because of these pursuits. I feel confinement we won't get a PS3 situation and they will correct course but that's just my gut feeling which I hope is right. 

Neither was Wolverine.

They're not going to show more Fairgame$ until they are ready, likely with a release date. It hasn't been at any of the last 5 State of Plays either. I wouldn't be expecting another showing of it until May 2025, and that's assuming it comes out next year. 

People want to complain about live service, but the reality is live service is what people are spending a ton of money on. Sony is going after live service because the data shows it is popular. 

PotentHerbs said:
Norion said:

Overall a nice presentation but man if it wasn't for Yotei saving the end this would've kinda been a flop. Playstation's 2025 is looking better though hopefully there's at least one more big first party game for that year and they finally have another full on big showcase before too much longer.

Maybe Sony is gearing up for a showcase to celebrate PlayStation's 30th Anniversary lol! 

Honestly though, if State of Plays are going to include first party reveals, I don't think Sony needs another big showcase until the PS6 launch, despite how disappointing it might sound now. 

There's no outright need but it would feel like a missed opportunity to me since a big show that is really well received would generate a nice amount of attention and positive PR to the brand. Revealing a game when it's just a year away is a perfectly fine option but revealing a big game that's multiple years away should happen occasionally so people have more stuff to look forward to. Playstation fans know they have Wolverine to look forward to probably within the next couple years at this point for example. 

A big showcase next year that shows off the PS5's 2026-2027 lineup in depth would work well I think since then the next one could be focused on the PS6.

I've rewatched it again without the pressure of not having a new big first party game announcement anymore, as we got GoY, and... the SoP was actually quite decent.
It lacks in the wow factor but what was shown was actually mostly pretty good.

Horizon Remaster was the only big complain, I doesn't need to exist yet, but even that would only be $10 as I own the game since day one, still don't care about it at all, but heh, a nice gesture for original onwers nonetheless.

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Good state of play, mein highlight is "Ghost of Yotei".

Would be cool, if we see a big playstation experience in december, because state of play's are always small(er).
And now is Tokyo Games Show with Sony. We see "Death Stranding 2" and other japanese titles =)

I think companies need to be more judicious about when they do a direct or state of play. There are other ways to announce content that may be more appropriate.

Not a peep from Media Molecule. Is anybody else interested in what they might be working on or is it just me?

Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.

Signalstar said:

Not a peep from Media Molecule. Is anybody else interested in what they might be working on or is it just me?

Im interested in knowing what like 80% of the PS Studios are working on, especially those (including MM) who haven't even released (or announced) a game primarily on PS5 yet.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

Signalstar said:

Not a peep from Media Molecule. Is anybody else interested in what they might be working on or is it just me?

They wasted so much time on Dreams. They spent the better part of a decade developing it, and then they only stopped supporting it a year ago. 

Hopefully they started something much earlier, could be a while before their next game.