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Forums - Movies & TV - Lord of The Rings anime film 2024


This looks...

Great 5 33.33%
Good 5 33.33%
Mediocre 2 13.33%
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Terrible 2 13.33%
No opinion 1 6.67%
TheLegendaryBigBoss said:

Is this based on something Tolkien actually wrote?

Very loosely. It's based on a few pages of text in the appendices to The Lord of the Rings. The film's main protagonist isn't even named in the books and almost nothing is known about her beyond who she was related to.

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Mummelmann said:
HoloDust said:

Have you watched Bakshi's LotR from 1978? Around mid 80s, I discovered Tolkien's books and that film, and, while constrained by production budget and running time, that animated feature, IMO, managed to translate books in very believable and honest way, while having distinct tone of its own. Honestly, I disliked Jackson's version when it released, from my POV, it missed the tone and character of books quite a bit, but came to appreciate it somewhat at much later date, after watching it with kids.

As for this anime, apart from not liking anime style in general and seeing people of Rohan with manga eyes and faces inducing immediate cringe reaction in me, whole story (at least from trailer) seems like yet another "modern" take on Tolkien's world - I managed to watch pilot of Rings of Power, and said fuck no, so this seems to me like another fuck no moment, at least for me.

I have seen the 1978 classic, not all that long ago (think around 2015-2016), mostly out of interest for the technique used in the animation. It's a pretty early version of rotoscope visuals, and appealed to me for that reason. It's campy and charming, and it does follow the books more precisely, but it lacks scope (for obvious reasons). I did like it though, it has dark and unique nerve to it.

The trilogy makes quite a few changes, perhaps most of all to Aragorn and his arc, but I see most of them as necessary from a narrative and pacing standpoint. I love both the books and the movies (I finished my long overdue re-read of the books about one week ago). Rings of Power is a travesty, I have yet to meet a single person who actually likes it. Most give it a shot doe to the debacle surrounding it, and then simply leave it unfinished. It has very impressive visuals, and the score is actually very good, but the writing, acting, plot, pacing, massive disservice to the lore, and many more things, are just incredibly poor. I was shocked at how bad it was, even with low expectations. I've watched Wheel of Time as well; it's pretty weak, but nowhere near RoP levels. At least I've watched the second season of that, I have no plans to torment myself further with RoP season 2. Some say that it "looks better" than season 1, but that's like saying losing one arm is better than losing both; I prefer to keep my arms if the choice is given to me.

There's one specific theme from the LotR books that I feel like Jackson missed a bit in his movies. The contrast between the simplicity of hobbits and the enormity of the task at hand and the factions involved. In the books there are a lot scenes, especially with Sam, which serve to really hammer home how down to earth (pun intended), innocent, and incorruptible hobbits are as a species. This is further enhanced in the ending with the Scouring; the difference between the four hobbits from the Fellowship and the other small folk is easy to spot. But even here, Frodo remains the most hobbit-like in his sensibilities, by insisting that no one be harmed when they send the brigands running, for instance. He, if anyone, should be corrupted and angry, but still has the mildest heart of the four. In spite of this, I think Jackson made the right choice by skipping the Scouring, and by offing Saruman in Two Towers rather than in Return of the King.

Edit; I can watch anime, but the whole concept and feel of it doesn't properly capture Middle-Earth and its inhabitants for me. It's just the wrong type of story. I loved Record of Lodoss War back in the day, it's a classic fantasy concept, but much more suited to the anime style and structure. LotR just feels like the wrong IP.

Edit 2; can't believe I forgot to add this! I really don't like how they use footage from the trilogy in the trailer. It's off-putting, and it lends a sense that the studio doesn't have faith that the concept will sell on its own rights and grounds. It's a very strange creative choice, and only makes half sense from a marketing perspective. It almost bothers me as much as the music in the Gladiator II trailer.

Jackson made a lot of changes, so much that upon watching the first movie back in days I jested with some of my friends that I watched film with, who were also Tolkien fans, that he obviously didn't even read LotR books. I mean, there is a reason why Tolkien's son said about those movies what he did. But as I said, I came to somewhat appreciate Jackson's trilogy later, and in the light of what's been done with Tolkien's world currently, I'd probably appreciate it even more if I am to watch it again. Personally, I think LotR would be best as a TV show, but expecting from any network to do it proper justice in this day and age is just silly talk.

I'll check it out sure.

I’ll definitely watch it. I’ve been a giant fan of Middle Earth and Lord of the Rings since my childhood.

But what I really want is an adaptation of the Silmarillion. I don’t even care if it’s a crappy one, I just want to see the first age come to life in film or TV. I think the last time I saw anything (beyond flashback snippets) was a Silmarillion mod for Sid Meier’s Civilization 2 back in the 90s - and that inspired me into scripting for the first time.

I’m so much a fan of The Silmarillion that I’ve read the multiple versions Tolkien wrote that were published in the 12 volume series The History of Middle Earth - which is more a history of the creation of Middle Earth in the form of collections of earlier versions and drafts. Much of it differs substantially from the Silmarillion, which is mainly based on JRR Tolkien’s incomplete last version, but includes some of the older stuff to fill in the blanks, edited together by the late Christopher Tolkien, the last of the Inklings.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 23 August 2024

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

I've watched it three times now. I'm not feeling it, might be the trailer but it lacks atmosphere, feels stale and not LOTRs nor does it feel like it's gonna be a great anime like Castlevania on Netflix. I'd might watch it when it drops on streaming but I'm holding no hope for anything good.