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Forums - Sales Discussion - Astro-Bot or Zelda EoW? Clash of the 2024 September Titans


Which will sell more? Which will perform better with critics?

Astro Bot (Sales & Critical Reception) 20 19.61%
Zelda (Sales & Critical Reception) 35 34.31%
Astro Bot (Sales), Zelda (Critical Reception) 3 2.94%
Astro Bot (Critical Reception), Zelda (Sales) 44 43.14%
Sephiran said:

I think Astrobot and Echoes of Wisdom are probably selling pretty close to each other in the US and Europe, so Echoes of Wisdom will outsell Astrobot mainly because of the much higher Japanese sales.

Echoes probably outsold Astro in Europe already. The only market we have sales data is Spain but I think we can extrapolate it to mainland Europe minus UK?

but Astro legs are fine and it's possible by the end of the year both are equal of Christmas sales favors Astro 

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Not even close Asstrobot. So much for the so called "Nintendo evergreen like game" You wish. Zelda even outsold Asstrobot in the US Sept Circana if you include Digital Sales, plus Zelda was tracked only for 4 days, compared to Asstrobot's 20 more days. And in Japan Asstrobot's not even charting in the top 30's for 2 weeks now, And in Europe, didnt even cracked the top 10. Those who think it will sell more in the holidays, keep dreamin'. Those who want Asstrobot already bought it. Facts.

Zyphe said:

Not even close Asstrobot. So much for the so called "Nintendo evergreen like game" You wish. Zelda even outsold Asstrobot in the US Sept Circana if you include Digital Sales, plus Zelda was tracked only for 4 days, compared to Asstrobot's 20 more days. And in Japan Asstrobot's not even charting in the top 30's for 2 weeks now, And in Europe, didnt even cracked the top 10. Those who think it will sell more in the holidays, keep dreamin'. Those who want Asstrobot already bought it. Facts.

I'm not sure why Astro Bot got you so rattled.

You already face planted on your prediction that EoW would outsell Astro lifetime with just one week of Japan sales. You have no grounds to be calling out other users when you have a LiquidLaser level failure on your hands lol. 

IcaroRibeiro said:
Sephiran said:

I think Astrobot and Echoes of Wisdom are probably selling pretty close to each other in the US and Europe, so Echoes of Wisdom will outsell Astrobot mainly because of the much higher Japanese sales.

Echoes probably outsold Astro in Europe already. The only market we have sales data is Spain but I think we can extrapolate it to mainland Europe minus UK?

but Astro legs are fine and it's possible by the end of the year both are equal of Christmas sales favors Astro 

For sure we have nothing conclusive and have to wait til some sort of announcement or details from a fiscal report.

In many markets we'll only get physical sales from the retail chart (i.e Spain). And the games will not have equal digital/physical split. Astro's physical sales for example were 33% less than Ratchet and Clank in week one in the UK, but then including digital it was 20% higher than Ratchet. Zelda by comparison is likely a more physically driven game, even though we'll never know the exact split per game. Playstation software revenue is 70% digital versus 45% for Nintendo. 

My expectation remains Zelda for EOY, but Astro for lifetime sales. I think Zelda will benefit from a very uncrowded Switch holiday season. Playstation however is having at least one big (multiplat) release per week which will steal some mindshare from Astro.

firebush03 said:

My expectation is that Astro Bot will launch to around 3.5mil, Zelda EoW will see 2.5mil. 

Looks like my sales estimate for EoW was nearly spot on! :) We should hear about Astro during Sony’s financial briefing later this week, I presume? I’m a little hesitant to stick with my 3.5mil estimate, prolly closer to 2-2.5mil, though anything is possible ig. (Surely, Asstrobot couldn’t have beaten Zelda? No shot. Facts.)

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firebush03 said:
firebush03 said:

My expectation is that Astro Bot will launch to around 3.5mil, Zelda EoW will see 2.5mil. 

Looks like my sales estimate for EoW was nearly spot on! :) We should hear about Astro during Sony’s financial briefing later this week, I presume? I’m a little hesitant to stick with my 3.5mil estimate, prolly closer to 2-2.5mil, though anything is possible ig. (Surely, Asstrobot couldn’t have beaten Zelda? No shot. Facts.)

I fully expect Astro to beat Zelda simply because it's been out longer. Anything else would surprise me. LTD Zelda of course.


Last edited by Bandorr - on 05 November 2024

I think Atrobot will beat EoW even LT sales. Astrobot is going to have insane legs as more people upgrade but that's not counting on wheter it gets a PS+ release and it likely may well do so. IPS+ Catalogue additions nmlike Rift apart, Demon souls and returnal, The Last of us pt1 and so on give me the impression that Astro will follow suit after a year or two when sales dwindle, seems like a game they'd do that for.

I think Astro is still slightly bellow 2 million copies

Tracking for it in UK was slightly above Ratchet Rift Apart, which sold 1.1 million in first month

I think they are waiting Christmas sales to put it over 3 million, so they can announce some numbers

2.58 million in 5 days for Zelda are solid starting sales.