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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you have enough time to game? How much?


I game per week...

1 hour 4 7.41%
2 hours 3 5.56%
2-5 hours 11 20.37%
5-10 hours 9 16.67%
10-15 hours 9 16.67%
15-20 hours 3 5.56%
20-30 hours 4 7.41%
30-40 hours 3 5.56%
50 hours+ 3 5.56%
I have no time to game at all. 5 9.26%
LegitHyperbole said:
Pemalite said:

I have periods where I will dump 60-80~ hours in a week.
Other periods I won't touch a game for weeks.

It's entirely dependent on season (Fire/Rescue) or outside extra-curricular activities like taking my motorcycle down to the race track or the dirt bike out to the dirt track.

Video games are a lesser priority for me as I have gotten older, but I do still love everything about it, but life is there to be lived first and foremost.
And thus, video games have sort of fallen into my relax/recovery time, where I need to unwind/unthink after a bad job and it's great for that.

I am looking forward to Dragon Age, I will likely take a week off work and 100% that game like all the previous entries.

80 hours, jesus. That'd make me very ill. Do ya not get screen time sickness, ya know that feeling like your eyes are gonna bleed and your body is dehydrated. 

It's not healthy. Maybe for an isolated week here and there it's ok, yet I've messed up my neck in my late teens and twenties from gaming too much. Everquest left me with a partly fused neck. But that was combined with working behind computer screens all day as well. So in effect I was behind a PC screen from 9 AM to 3 AM with lunch and dinner break (and travel home of course) for years... That was up to 16 hours a day behind a screen.

It wasn't just Everquest, but that was the most intense period. Still dealing with the permanent damage to my neck and RSI in my right shoulder, right wrist.

Good memories of my adventures though. Everquest is where I met my wife after all. No regrets.

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LegitHyperbole said:
Pemalite said:

I have periods where I will dump 60-80~ hours in a week.
Other periods I won't touch a game for weeks.

It's entirely dependent on season (Fire/Rescue) or outside extra-curricular activities like taking my motorcycle down to the race track or the dirt bike out to the dirt track.

Video games are a lesser priority for me as I have gotten older, but I do still love everything about it, but life is there to be lived first and foremost.
And thus, video games have sort of fallen into my relax/recovery time, where I need to unwind/unthink after a bad job and it's great for that.

I am looking forward to Dragon Age, I will likely take a week off work and 100% that game like all the previous entries.

80 hours, jesus. That'd make me very ill. Do ya not get screen time sickness, ya know that feeling like your eyes are gonna bleed and your body is dehydrated. 

It's over a week or so, not all in one sitting... And it might happen once a year.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
LegitHyperbole said:

80 hours, jesus. That'd make me very ill. Do ya not get screen time sickness, ya know that feeling like your eyes are gonna bleed and your body is dehydrated. 

It's over a week or so, not all in one sitting... And it might happen once a year.

I'm not knocking ya, ai think it's bad ass. I wish I could go that hard. You don't get sick? I thought everyone got the screen time sickness. 

SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:

80 hours, jesus. That'd make me very ill. Do ya not get screen time sickness, ya know that feeling like your eyes are gonna bleed and your body is dehydrated. 

It's not healthy. Maybe for an isolated week here and there it's ok, yet I've messed up my neck in my late teens and twenties from gaming too much. Everquest left me with a partly fused neck. But that was combined with working behind computer screens all day as well. So in effect I was behind a PC screen from 9 AM to 3 AM with lunch and dinner break (and travel home of course) for years... That was up to 16 hours a day behind a screen.

It wasn't just Everquest, but that was the most intense period. Still dealing with the permanent damage to my neck and RSI in my right shoulder, right wrist.

Good memories of my adventures though. Everquest is where I met my wife after all. No regrets.

That sucks man. You can get surgey for the wrist these days though if it's carpal tunnel, ya don't have to deal with it. Did you ever feel sick? My limit is when my eyes go bloodshot and my body feels ill, I have to limit to no longer than a four hour session to avoid it and go and walk around. I've not done any damage to myself but I did once do a Minecraft session that was three days long with a few light naps and ended up with severe insomnia for months before I had to go to the doctor and get it treated. It was worth building that castle though, one of the best memories I have in regards to games. 

I split my usual past time activities into three separate things:
1. Multiplayer gaming and some single player games - which I'll do on lunch breaks and days off. Rarely outside of those timeframes. Certain single player games I'll play with an audience.
2. Single player games/reading - which I'll do during commutes or when I want to relax alone. I generally pick whichever I'm in the mood for. Most single player games I play are text heavy as well.
3. Television/films/sports entertainment/online videos - which I watch socially (probably 99%+ of the time), usually during meal times and on weekend days (mainly Friday and Sunday nights, although sometimes will go to the cinema on weekdays). Probably 90% of the online videos I watch are fail army, documentaries, and clips relating to TV shows I like. When I'm not doing this, it's deciding what to watch... sometimes for 20+ minutes :)
(note, I'm not the picky one, generally we pass at least three dozen things I want to watch until we settle on something!).

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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As for the people commenting on massive gaming weeks of 50-100 hours... I'm pretty sure I've done that with Civilization 2, Witcher 3, and Crusader Kings 2 before :D

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

LegitHyperbole said:
SvennoJ said:

It's not healthy. Maybe for an isolated week here and there it's ok, yet I've messed up my neck in my late teens and twenties from gaming too much. Everquest left me with a partly fused neck. But that was combined with working behind computer screens all day as well. So in effect I was behind a PC screen from 9 AM to 3 AM with lunch and dinner break (and travel home of course) for years... That was up to 16 hours a day behind a screen.

It wasn't just Everquest, but that was the most intense period. Still dealing with the permanent damage to my neck and RSI in my right shoulder, right wrist.

Good memories of my adventures though. Everquest is where I met my wife after all. No regrets.

That sucks man. You can get surgey for the wrist these days though if it's carpal tunnel, ya don't have to deal with it. Did you ever feel sick? My limit is when my eyes go bloodshot and my body feels ill, I have to limit to no longer than a four hour session to avoid it and go and walk around. I've not done any damage to myself but I did once do a Minecraft session that was three days long with a few light naps and ended up with severe insomnia for months before I had to go to the doctor and get it treated. It was worth building that castle though, one of the best memories I have in regards to games. 

Luckily it's not that bad and mostly OK nowadays. My right wrist 'cracks' as well as my right shoulder when I shrug. Normally it doesn't bother me, only when I'm behind a PC for over an hour using the mouse.

I have had migraines from gaming and I did tend to push on too long, ignoring the pain and then ending up with a stiff locked neck for days, unable to do shoulder checks while driving. It's much better now I don't KB+mouse game anymore and not a lot of gaming in general.

My worst was getting sleep paralysis and burnout at age 24. The doctor ordered me to stay home for at least a month (I made it 3 weeks before I went back to work lol) But I managed to get my sleep pattern restored by living 30 hour days until I was waking up at regular hours again. Turning a 7 day week into 6 days worked quite well to loop my sleep pattern around back to 'normal'. Obviously only possible when on sick leave.

I still have insomnia though, now treat it with cannabis after it was legalized here. Nothing else works :/

I fondly remember my Minecraft castles and constructions as well. Building can be very addictive! However no allnighters, those were in my younger days with Civilization. One more turn! Oh why is it light outside again.

LegitHyperbole said:
Pemalite said:

It's over a week or so, not all in one sitting... And it might happen once a year.

I'm not knocking ya, ai think it's bad ass. I wish I could go that hard. You don't get sick? I thought everyone got the screen time sickness. 

Yeah, nah. Don't get sick.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Noo not really, i dont play online games.

Just a lot of ps2 rpgs.

This whas a reply but it seems the og message was not included hahaha


My youtube gaming page.

I have more than enough time for it, but right now I'm in one of my periods where gaming doesn't do much for me. I find myself reading or watching something instead. This happens about twice a year, where I more or less don't play anything for a few weeks or so.
On average though, I play north of 20 hours a week for sure. I have three jobs (one full-time and two smaller, extra gigs), but none of them are sedentary at all. Games and gaming have been a huge part of my life since around 1990 or so, and shows no sign of dissipating with age.