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LegitHyperbole said:
Pemalite said:

I have periods where I will dump 60-80~ hours in a week.
Other periods I won't touch a game for weeks.

It's entirely dependent on season (Fire/Rescue) or outside extra-curricular activities like taking my motorcycle down to the race track or the dirt bike out to the dirt track.

Video games are a lesser priority for me as I have gotten older, but I do still love everything about it, but life is there to be lived first and foremost.
And thus, video games have sort of fallen into my relax/recovery time, where I need to unwind/unthink after a bad job and it's great for that.

I am looking forward to Dragon Age, I will likely take a week off work and 100% that game like all the previous entries.

80 hours, jesus. That'd make me very ill. Do ya not get screen time sickness, ya know that feeling like your eyes are gonna bleed and your body is dehydrated. 

It's not healthy. Maybe for an isolated week here and there it's ok, yet I've messed up my neck in my late teens and twenties from gaming too much. Everquest left me with a partly fused neck. But that was combined with working behind computer screens all day as well. So in effect I was behind a PC screen from 9 AM to 3 AM with lunch and dinner break (and travel home of course) for years... That was up to 16 hours a day behind a screen.

It wasn't just Everquest, but that was the most intense period. Still dealing with the permanent damage to my neck and RSI in my right shoulder, right wrist.

Good memories of my adventures though. Everquest is where I met my wife after all. No regrets.