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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you have enough time to game? How much?


I game per week...

1 hour 4 7.41%
2 hours 3 5.56%
2-5 hours 11 20.37%
5-10 hours 9 16.67%
10-15 hours 9 16.67%
15-20 hours 3 5.56%
20-30 hours 4 7.41%
30-40 hours 3 5.56%
50 hours+ 3 5.56%
I have no time to game at all. 5 9.26%

I used to game a lot more, but I only managed ~20-30h this year. It's to the point I have not kept my subscription to GamePass active. I canceled the renewal after completing Hellblade 2 earlier this year, I may be renewing for a month for the expansion of Starfield but with a 3rd child coming in early September I don't even know if it'll be worth it.

Part of the issue though is accepting side projects (website development) from family members and friends which use most of my free time but after I complete those I won't be taking new ones so I may have more time going into next year (hopefully).

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I'm pretty on and off. I can play for 10-15 hours a week for months then for months i won't play anything. Partly cause i always feel tired, and just far more relaxing surfing the web or watching a movie.

My kid forced me to play tonight, he needed a pick up from a birthday party at 1:30 AM. So couldn't take my sleep meds, still wide awake now waiting for them to kick in.

But that prompted me to have a lovely 2:40 with GT7 in PSVR2, right when my favorite track (Nurburgring) is in the dailies, with rain, 6 laps. 40 minutes practice getting used to the new physics in my go to GR.3 car, then 2 races back to back (11 and midnight race). So I did 16 laps in VR, 9 in the rain.

I'll be paying for it tomorrow but late at night at least the online crowd races clean. (And the rain keeps the troublemakers away, as well as an hour long race)

Despite lacking some crucial information in VR (leader board with gap times) it's far superior to flat racing. No need for radar or other things to know where other cars are in relation to yours, peripheral vision, shoulder checks and real mirrors do the trick. Thus no fiddling with the hud to switch back and forth to radar and other info. Much better.

My laife situation changed a lot last year and since then I usually don't have the time nor the energy, I usually work all day and in the evening I crash down and watch youtube and netflixxx. The last big single player game I played was TLoU2 like 2 years ago?

My Etsy store

My Ebay store

Deus Ex (2000) - a game that pushes the boundaries of what the video game medium is capable of to a degree unmatched to this very day.

m0ney said:

My laife situation changed a lot last year and since then I usually don't have the time nor the energy, I usually work all day and in the evening I crash down and watch youtube and netflixxx. The last big single player game I played was TLoU2 like 2 years ago?

WOW i thought i was bad lol but yea i'm in the same boat now i went crazy playing heavy but i did finish about 6 games in the past 19 moths. I still enjoy gaming but my energy has been crap since i hit 40, and even have a hard time going to the gym as well.

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I have periods where I will dump 60-80~ hours in a week.
Other periods I won't touch a game for weeks.

It's entirely dependent on season (Fire/Rescue) or outside extra-curricular activities like taking my motorcycle down to the race track or the dirt bike out to the dirt track.

Video games are a lesser priority for me as I have gotten older, but I do still love everything about it, but life is there to be lived first and foremost.
And thus, video games have sort of fallen into my relax/recovery time, where I need to unwind/unthink after a bad job and it's great for that.

I am looking forward to Dragon Age, I will likely take a week off work and 100% that game like all the previous entries.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

It took me 2 and a half months to finish AC Odyssey. So no I don't have enough time to game as games I'm interested in release much much faster than I can play them.

I got in 32 hours the week that past, most I've done in 7 days all year but right back to slacking again at 3 hours this week so far. For such a seemingly easy hobby it's tougher to get yourself going than most, it's not quite as easy as picking up the controller and playing.

Pemalite said:

I have periods where I will dump 60-80~ hours in a week.
Other periods I won't touch a game for weeks.

It's entirely dependent on season (Fire/Rescue) or outside extra-curricular activities like taking my motorcycle down to the race track or the dirt bike out to the dirt track.

Video games are a lesser priority for me as I have gotten older, but I do still love everything about it, but life is there to be lived first and foremost.
And thus, video games have sort of fallen into my relax/recovery time, where I need to unwind/unthink after a bad job and it's great for that.

I am looking forward to Dragon Age, I will likely take a week off work and 100% that game like all the previous entries.

80 hours, jesus. That'd make me very ill. Do ya not get screen time sickness, ya know that feeling like your eyes are gonna bleed and your body is dehydrated. 

LegitHyperbole said:
Pemalite said:

I have periods where I will dump 60-80~ hours in a week.
Other periods I won't touch a game for weeks.

It's entirely dependent on season (Fire/Rescue) or outside extra-curricular activities like taking my motorcycle down to the race track or the dirt bike out to the dirt track.

Video games are a lesser priority for me as I have gotten older, but I do still love everything about it, but life is there to be lived first and foremost.
And thus, video games have sort of fallen into my relax/recovery time, where I need to unwind/unthink after a bad job and it's great for that.

I am looking forward to Dragon Age, I will likely take a week off work and 100% that game like all the previous entries.

80 hours, jesus. That'd make me very ill. Do ya not get screen time sickness, ya know that feeling like your eyes are gonna bleed and your body is dehydrated. 

He'll be fine. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.