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My kid forced me to play tonight, he needed a pick up from a birthday party at 1:30 AM. So couldn't take my sleep meds, still wide awake now waiting for them to kick in.

But that prompted me to have a lovely 2:40 with GT7 in PSVR2, right when my favorite track (Nurburgring) is in the dailies, with rain, 6 laps. 40 minutes practice getting used to the new physics in my go to GR.3 car, then 2 races back to back (11 and midnight race). So I did 16 laps in VR, 9 in the rain.

I'll be paying for it tomorrow but late at night at least the online crowd races clean. (And the rain keeps the troublemakers away, as well as an hour long race)

Despite lacking some crucial information in VR (leader board with gap times) it's far superior to flat racing. No need for radar or other things to know where other cars are in relation to yours, peripheral vision, shoulder checks and real mirrors do the trick. Thus no fiddling with the hud to switch back and forth to radar and other info. Much better.