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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

Focusing on demographics change used to be a winning position for democrats, it has now completely turned against them. Latinos used vote for them upwards of 3 to 1, now is close to even. And when the electoral votes get readjusted in 2030 according to the new census Democrats are going to feel a demographic pain. If this new census had already been in place Trump would have easily won without any of the rust belt states, except Ohio which is not even a swing state anymore.

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Valdney said:

Focusing on demographics change used to be a winning position for democrats, it has now completely turned against them. Latinos used vote for them upwards of 3 to 1, now is close to even. And when the electoral votes get readjusted in 2030 according to the new census Democrats are going to feel a demographic pain. If this new census had already been in place Trump would have easily won without any of the rust belt states, except Ohio which is not even a swing state anymore.

Coalitions change all of the time. The Obama coalition failed to show up this time, but that is just a hint that Democrats need a new campaign message different from Obama's. Trump's coalition changed in the last ten years as well. 

Adopting a left-populist message probably would bring Latinos back and a significant enough share of rural working class whites too. Bernie Sanders did better among these groups than Biden, Harris, and Clinton. 

Mr.GameCrazy said:
sundin13 said:

I just want to say for the record, I firmly believe that every single person who voted for Donald Trump is either evil or stupid.

That is all.

Believe it or not, voters have valid reasons to vote for Trump over Harris, and they're certainly not "evil" or "stupid" for choosing him.

For one, the Biden administration could've left Trump's immigration policies alone since they kept illegal border crossings under control, but instead, they were thrown away, creating a spike in illegal border crossings in the process. When concerns were expressed, the administration dismissed them by insisting "The border is closed. The border is secure," despite video evidence contradicting that claim. They didn't seem to care about it until it was election year. Sure, the House Republicans shut down that bipartisan bill, but the Biden administration should've taken action when the issue got out of control.

The other issue is that when inflation started to tick up in Biden's first year, the Fed initially dismissed it as "transitory". They didn't take action until some time after they realized they were wrong. While I give them credit for being cautious before reducing interest rates after inflation got under control, I think they should've started increasing interest rates sooner to control inflation.

Lastly, the Democratic party has not been helping themselves at all. They think insulting people by calling them names like garbage, being poorly educated, and stuff like that for not supporting them will help them get voters when, in reality, it doesn't. Instead, it alienates them, pushing potential voters away from them and bringing them to the Republican party.

If they want to get voters back on their side, they need to stop alienating them, stop dismissing their concerns, and start listening to them, because if they keep up with their current rhetoric, they'll lose more seats in the House and the Senate, and even potentially lose more states to the Republican party.

I disagree.

I think those people who voted based on those issues are idiots and/or evil.

So long as the left decides to double down and learn nothing, they will continue to lose people.

Now is the time for introspection and change, for rethinking how the left can reach those outside their bubble.

By all means, keep screaming at anyone who disagrees with leftist ideology, but then don't act surprised if they vote against you.

Mr.GameCrazy said:

The other issue is that when inflation started to tick up in Biden's first year, the Fed initially dismissed it as "transitory". They didn't take action until some time after they realized they were wrong. While I give them credit for being cautious before reducing interest rates after inflation got under control, I think they should've started increasing interest rates sooner to control inflation.

Speaking about inflation, do any of you recall learning this in school: "Inflation is slow starting and slow stopping"

However, in our present case, did Covid accelerate the onset of our current inflationary problem? That's another debate.

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the-pi-guy said:
IkePoR said:

How has the right shifted, exactly?

More importantly, how the HELL have the left shifted right?  On a national level, the democratic candidate hinged her entire campaign on abortion and LGBT.

Abortion: 5 out of 7 of the original Supreme Court justices that effectively paved the way for abortion to be legal, were Republican appointed. 

Greater LGBT acceptance is one of a few things that the parties have shifted a little bit left.

We're a long ways away from left wingers busting down corporations, building up unions. 

A large chunk of the 1900's had 70-90% marginal tax rate for upper income. 

The EPA was created by Richard Nixon by an executive order. The Affordable Care Act/Obamacare is heavily based on Republican proposals and healthcare bills. 

There are Republicans today that run on dismantling the very things that they were pushing just 20 years ago. 

And Democrats are not generally pushing for the same kinds of left wing policy that I was mentioning. 

Economic policy for both parties is much more right wing than it used to be. 

Socially, a lot of left wing policy has won out. 

Truth is Democrats have been bought out. Most of the big companies like Google and Microsoft they donated more to Kamala than Trump. Watch the DNC a big arena with corporate media and investors watching from the balcony and sponsorships all over the convention. The major corporations arent doing this for free. They're so embedded into the Democratic Party (RNC as well) that its going to take soem serious policy to change lobbying and big money in elections or the right progressive candidate just refuses to take the money.

curl-6 said:

So long as the left decides to double down and learn nothing, they will continue to lose people.

Now is the time for introspection and change, for rethinking how the left can reach those outside their bubble.

By all means, keep screaming at anyone who disagrees with leftist ideology, but then don't act surprised if they vote against you.

If shit is still expensive in 4 years (and it probably will be, companies have no incentive to drop their prices for any administration) the Dems are likely well positioned to win in 2028 with a male candidate. There's no one else on the Republican side that has Trump's stage presence either.  

This is just the continuing fall out of the COVID era and the continuing after effects of it. 

The only way to solve inflation after prices have inflated is to basically have a recession, but that doesn't work well for an incumbent party either because then you're blamed for (well) the recession. 

There is no good solution to inflation, no politician will admit it out loud. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 10 November 2024

RolStoppable said:
Mnementh said:

The quality of discussion was high before?

And I learn stuff like I first time hear about the details of Kropotkins theories and 'Maakbare Samenleving', which is all very interesting to me.

No, I am not saying it was high, I just said it got worse. And you know I wrote my post in response to what zorg was talking about, and I wrote my post before the things you just mentioned were brought up.

I imagine your perspective would be a lot different if Kamala had won. Be careful what you say, it could come back to haunt you someday.

Also, I surmise this post from you is when you started your "NFL joke" and it was targeted at Chrkeller at first, but I was the first one to call you out.

(From Page 122 of this thread, last post)

Last edited by BFR - on 10 November 2024

There is all this talk about Democrats needing to learn from this. Yes, you can always evaluate policies and how to better message them but let's not forget just 4 years ago 81 million Americans voted for Biden. That is more than total votes Trump is going to recieve.

What is troubling to me is that half this country thinks it's appropriate to send someone who tried to undermine our democracy to the white house. The fact the majority of Republicans still think 2020 was a "stolen election" is more troubling to me. In comparison the conversation around was Kamala the right candidate, or are the democrats too "woke" on cultural issues doesn't matter. We have a problem with our news media and blatant misinformation/disinformation.

For the life of me, I cannot understand why politicians, and those talking about them are so easily allowed to lie. Companies will be sued if they falsely advertise or defraud customers. However we have such a high standard to prove defamation with public officials.

Per google - "When it comes to public officials, the First Amendment protects statements about their conduct unless they are made with "actual malice". This means that the person making the statement knew it was false or made it with reckless disregard for the truth."

This high standard is incredibly hard to prove. I understand why this is this case for average Joe on the street but Joe Rogan with his millions of listeners should have to follow a higher standard regarding the truth.

Last edited by PDF - on 10 November 2024


My Real Redneck friends

BFR said:
RolStoppable said:

No, I am not saying it was high, I just said it got worse. And you know I wrote my post in response to what zorg was talking about, and I wrote my post before the things you just mentioned were brought up.

I imagine your perspective would be a lot different if Kamala had won. Be careful what you say, it could come back to haunt you someday.

Also, I surmise this post from you is when you started your "NFL joke" and it was targeted at Chrkeller at first, but I was the first one to call you out.

(From Page 122 of this thread, last post)

Yep.  Betting firms nailed it.  Polls were worse than ever.  In 2028 I'm not bothering with polls, instead I'll be looking at odds by professional statisticians.