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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 7th gen or 8th gen


Which was the better gen in your opinion?

Wii/PS3/360/DS/PSP 54 66.67%
Wii U/PS4/XBO/3DS/Vita 27 33.33%
S.Peelman said:

Definitely not nostalgia. (Ugh)

Mario Galaxy was and is still brilliance, like Curl says it’s scope is incomparable to 3D World. Uncharted 2 and 3 beat 4 hands down and the 7th Gen also has Guitar Hero; my final gaming addiction. There hasn’t been anything like it afterwards that I ended up playing like I played Guitar Hero, and I’d still have as much fun with it today. The 8th Gen can technically claim BotW as a clear win, sure, but in my perception that game was never really the WiiU or 8th Gen’s to claim (if you consider Switch 9th) because of how the Switch version overshadows the WiiU version in every way. Not just sales, but also exposure. Similarly I consider Twilight Princess, which is excellent so WiiU’s win through BotW is minor anyway, to be Wii’s.

Yeah, Galaxy is great; I actually like Galaxy 2 better because it ixnays the hub world in favor of straight level to level structure.  The cloud power-up was really clever even though Mario looks pretty stupid in it.  That Boomsday Machine boss battle was particularly fun.

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zeldaring said:
S.Peelman said:

Definitely not nostalgia. (Ugh)

Mario Galaxy was and is still brilliance, like Curl says it’s scope is incomparable to 3D World. Uncharted 2 and 3 beat 4 hands down and the 7th Gen also has Guitar Hero; my final gaming addiction. There hasn’t been anything like it afterwards that I ended up playing like I played Guitar Hero, and I’d still have as much fun with it today. The 8th Gen can technically claim BotW as a clear win, sure, but in my perception that game was never really the WiiU or 8th Gen’s to claim (if you consider Switch 9th) because of how the Switch version overshadows the WiiU version in every way. Not just sales, but also exposure. Similarly I consider Twilight Princess, which is excellent so WiiU’s win through BotW is minor anyway, to be Wii’s.


I really hate saying this but all of it sounds like a skill issue

zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

We're just gonna have to disagree there as I thought they were excellent.

I love Odyssey, but that was a Switch game so for the purposes of this specific thread, the relevant 8th gen equivalent would be Super Mario 3D World, which I thought was a good game but far less creative and ambitious than Galaxy.

For me the Wii U and Xbone drag down the 8th gen average a lot compared to Wii and 360.

I'm not really seeing how the wii line up is  better then wiiu. Botw is considered the goat by many, tropical freeze considered the best 2d platformer ever by many, and mario kart 8 is the best mario kart, just look at the top wiiu games it seems like you are judging the wiiu more on sales then actual great games.

Wii U did have some great games, but it's library was really small overall; there was just so much more to play on Wii, as it was supported for longer both on the first and third party side.

My Wii U collection topped out at 19 games, whereas I own 50 games on Wii.

RedKingXIII said:
zeldaring said:

I really hate saying this but all of it sounds like a skill issue

Naw i don't mind challenging games in fact they are my favorite. Bloodborne, sekiro, god of war on god war mode, and even tropical freeze 100%. the problem with mario galaxy mainly the first is it's just doesn't know what it wants to be  and just fails at being a good mario game, it a course clear mario game that doesn't have great controls and never lets mario get any momentum. If you have 15 minutes this really explains all the glaring flaws mario galaxy has.  

Last edited by zeldaring - on 03 July 2024

G2ThaUNiT said:
Chrkeller said:

Wow, I expected the 8th gen to win by a mile, I guessed that wrong. I am 8th, because of the quality. GoW 2018, Horizon, Bloodborne, Souls 3, Mario 3D World, Bayonetta 2, Breath of the Wild, etc. I thought the 8th generation was just superb.

Spider-man, Elden Ring, RE2 Remake, RE3 Remake, RE7, RE8, RE4 remake, Witcher 3, Automata, 13 Sentinels,

Many of the most notable games that are always brought up were primarily during the second half of the 8th gen, but they were also individual titles. Throughout the 7th gen, you had entire trilogies of fantastic games whether it was Gears of War, Mass Effect, Bioshock, or Uncharted trilogies, and all the platforms were pretty much firing on all cylinders from the beginning to the end of the generation, including handhelds.

To this day, 2007 alone is considered to be one of, if not the greatest year in video game history. 

Bayonetta started out as a series on 7th gen first anyway.

Resident Evil 2, 3, 4 are older generation titles with a new coat of paint... Remakes don't set a good precedent on platform originality or quality in terms of game library.

curl-6 said:

Wii U did have some great games, but it's library was really small overall; there was just so much more to play on Wii, as it was supported for longer both on the first and third party side.

My Wii U collection topped out at 19 games, whereas I own 50 games on Wii.

I have about 60 physical WiiU games, pretty much the extent of the Australian PAL releases.

WiiU had some of the most successful and highly rated games of all time, ironically enough.

Thankfully Wii Games can run on the console just fine... And look better thanks to native HDMI.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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Galaxy 2 is definitely better than Galaxy 1, but 3D World is better than both.
Playing on spheres was no fun at all, motion controls also are really not my cup of tea, at all.

3D World was Wonder before Wonder, New Super Mario Bros. games across DS, Wii, 3DS and Wii U were by far the worst phase Mario ever had, and 3D World (and also 3D Land to an extent) finally felt like traditional Mario was finally back at being fun.
Traditional Mario is leagues above 3D Mario, and 3D World could be Traditional Mario in 3D and very good, it finally felt like Mario World had a succesor.
Plus it's about cats, that's the definite best theme it could ever get.

PS3 has a bunch of masterpieces, I mean The Last of Us, Demon's Souls, Red Dead Redemption, God of War 3, some real crazy stuff, but the bulk of the "good" games is by far the weakest from any PS console, PS4 brought it back up a lot, plus 8th was the gen indies finally shined, they started to bloom during 7th gen but they massively peaked during 8th gen, and that's a LOT of great games for an affordable price.

It's not like 7th gen is bad, but it's actually the worst 3D gen without a doubt.

IMO only 3rd gen loses to 7th gen, 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th beat it no contest.

1st and 2nd gen are to far behind to even compare, so I pretend they only exist to evolve tech and game development enough until it truly got good.

BraLoD said:

Galaxy 2 is definitely better than Galaxy 1, but 3D World is better than both.
Playing on spheres was no fun at all, motion controls also are really not my cup of tea, at all.

3D World was Wonder before Wonder, New Super Mario Bros. games across DS, Wii, 3DS and Wii U were by far the worst phase Mario ever had, and 3D World (and also 3D Land to an extent) finally felt like traditional Mario was finally back at being fun.
Traditional Mario is leagues above 3D Mario, and 3D World could be Traditional Mario in 3D and very good, it finally felt like Mario World had a succesor.
Plus it's about cats, that's the definite best theme it could ever get.

PS3 has a bunch of masterpieces, I mean The Last of Us, Demon's Souls, Red Dead Redemption, God of War 3, some real crazy stuff, but the bulk of the "good" games is by far the weakest from any PS console, PS4 brought it back up a lot, plus 8th was the gen indies finally shined, they started to bloom during 7th gen but they massively peaked during 8th gen, and that's a LOT of great games for an affordable price.

It's not like 7th gen is bad, but it's actually the worst 3D gen without a doubt.

IMO only 3rd gen loses to 7th gen, 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th beat it no contest.

1st and 2nd gen are to far behind to even compare, so I pretend they only exist to evolve tech and game development enough until it truly got good.

I think Mario 64 and odyssey are the best 3d Mario games. Mario 64 especially for it time and the hardware nailed it, it had exploring, great controls and platforming. Mario odyssey is great as well but it's more of Banjo-kazooie sequel and i really want a Mario 64 sequel.

As for for mario galaxy, mario just feels so floaty and sluggish. The game is basically go to a little plant do brain dead things and shoot a star to another little planet extremely linear, bad camera angles and bases most of the game on a gravity gimmick.

Those games you mentioned while great for their time i have to be honest last of us combat sucks now, god of war 3 is a button masher, and red redemption well it's rockstar they never make good combat, this has been massively improved for 8th gen. The best game of the 7th gen is arkham city for me.  

7 generation to me way better than 8 generation for Playstation as games, i played many games on ps3 and still love it while ps4 little games i like and i am not fan of remakes games and i dont care about graphic i still play to this days ps2 games that to me way more fun than ps5 games

Playing ps3 at my friends and halo 3 at home. Those were the good old days.


zeldaring said:

Naw i don't mind challenging games in fact they are my favorite. Bloodborne, sekiro, god of war on god war mode, and even tropical freeze 100%. the problem with mario galaxy mainly the first is it's just doesn't know what it wants to be  and just fails at being a good mario game, it a course clear mario game that doesn't have great controls and never lets mario get any momentum. If you have 15 minutes this really explains all the glaring flaws mario galaxy has. 


For every one of those videos though one could post like a hundred about why Galaxy is good.

I do agree with you on one thing you mention in another post though; Mario 64 is the best, easily. However, isn’t liking that game, since it’s even older, not just because of ‘nostalgia’?

BraLoD said:

Galaxy 2 is definitely better than Galaxy 1, but 3D World is better than both.
Playing on spheres was no fun at all, motion controls also are really not my cup of tea, at all.


Then you’re in luck, because Galaxy barely uses motion controls. Just to activate the jump stars (by only flicking you wrist really) and as a way to quickly grab the Starbits. And if you play the Switch version there’s even less of it!

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 04 July 2024