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Which was the better gen in your opinion?

Wii/PS3/360/DS/PSP 54 66.67%
Wii U/PS4/XBO/3DS/Vita 27 33.33%
zeldaring said:
RedKingXIII said:

But how? XCX is like a very polished PS360 open world game running in a stable FPS. These consoles are a generation ahead of the Wii.

Gtav and red dead were the only open world games I played and they look like they belong in a different generation while x looks like it's running on wii pro.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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I'm not the only that thinks this go watch videos and plenty of times it looks like a ps2 game only time it looks good with some vistas rest of the time 6th gen level graphics in a open world. Yea im blown away. I'm watching Los Angeles new city gameplay now that shit look vice city graphics  lol.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 18 July 2024

This looks like a ps2 game similar to vice city, there are many times it looks this bad while watching gameplay videos. Lighting is flat, doesn't react to anything, shadows nonexistent,  go watch gtav and red dead redemption the detail, character  and lighting are on another level. Probably a car model and character have more advanced shaders then anything in this pic.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 18 July 2024

Anyone who claims Xenoblade Chronicles X has PS2/6th gen graphics is either trolling or simply knows nothing about video game graphics, or both.

Cherry-picking one horribly compressed low res screenshot of the worst looking area in the game only shows dishonesty.

curl-6 said:

Anyone who claims Xenoblade Chronicles X has PS2/6th gen graphics is either trolling or simply knows nothing about video game graphics, or both.

Cherry-picking one horribly compressed low res screenshot of the worst looking area in the game only shows dishonesty.

Says the guy who claims X has more detail then GTAV lol. Anyway i'm watching more footage and in new la it looks near 6th gen and the forest i'm actually not seeing huge step above chronicals X with HD textures. yes someplace it looks descent enough for 7th gen but many times it does look near 6th granted of course it 720p and more geometry.  

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zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

Anyone who claims Xenoblade Chronicles X has PS2/6th gen graphics is either trolling or simply knows nothing about video game graphics, or both.

Cherry-picking one horribly compressed low res screenshot of the worst looking area in the game only shows dishonesty.

Says the guy who claims X has more detail then GTAV lol. Anyway i'm watching more footage and in new la it looks near 6th gen and the forest i'm actually not seeing huge step above chronicals X with HD textures. yes someplace it looks descent enough for 7th gem but many times it does look near 6th granted of course it 720p and more geometry.  

No offense, but you simply don't understand how video game graphics work if you apparently can't spot the difference between fixed function shaders and per-vertex lighting rooted in technology of the late 1990s as seen in the original Xenoblade and fully programmable pixel, vertex and geometry shaders as utilized on Wii U.

curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

Says the guy who claims X has more detail then GTAV lol. Anyway i'm watching more footage and in new la it looks near 6th gen and the forest i'm actually not seeing huge step above chronicals X with HD textures. yes someplace it looks descent enough for 7th gem but many times it does look near 6th granted of course it 720p and more geometry.  

No offense, but you simply don't understand how video game graphics work if you apparently can't spot the difference between fixed function shaders and per-vertex lighting rooted in technology of the late 1990s as seen in the original Xenoblade and fully programmable pixel, vertex and geometry shaders as utilized on Wii U.

We aren't developers and we know wiiu is a massive jump to wii and we know the game is technically more advanced but in the end its what my eyes see on the screen i see 2d grass everywhere, bad lighting, bad shadowing and character models, and mostly ugly looking environments, and the city of course is always the most taxing part in gaming said by many developers looks horrible but what's your excuse for saying this game has more detail then GTAV when it not even casting proper shadows anywhere, never mind one character model is more detailed then anything in X.

looking at this for example i'm not seeing how x blows it away because it really doesn't do anything great that stands out.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 19 July 2024

zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

No offense, but you simply don't understand how video game graphics work if you apparently can't spot the difference between fixed function shaders and per-vertex lighting rooted in technology of the late 1990s as seen in the original Xenoblade and fully programmable pixel, vertex and geometry shaders as utilized on Wii U.

We aren't developers and we know wiiu is a massive jump to wii and we know the game is technically more advanced but in the end its what my eyes see on the screen i see 2d grass everywhere, bad lighting, bad shadowing and character models, and mostly ugly looking environments, and the city of course is always the most taxing part in gaming said by many developers looks horrible but what's your excuse for saying this game has more detail then GTAV when it not even casting proper shadows anywhere.

The city is the worst looking area of X though, so it's not really representative of how the other 98% of the game looks. And XCX does feature shadows; characters cast shadows, and environmental shadowmaps are fixed, but still present.

Every open world game has compromises, it's simply necessary when you're spreading your rendering load over a massive world. GTA5 has plenty of its own, such as alpha-to-coverage dithering on foliage, motion blur removed compared to GTA4, and drops to 20fps.

At the end of the day both are extremely impressive for the hardware they are running on, it's just that XCX having twice as much RAM to work with shows through in its scope and seamlessness, even if its budget is clearly lower.

curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

We aren't developers and we know wiiu is a massive jump to wii and we know the game is technically more advanced but in the end its what my eyes see on the screen i see 2d grass everywhere, bad lighting, bad shadowing and character models, and mostly ugly looking environments, and the city of course is always the most taxing part in gaming said by many developers looks horrible but what's your excuse for saying this game has more detail then GTAV when it not even casting proper shadows anywhere.

The city is the worst looking area of X though, so it's not really representative of how the other 98% of the game looks. And XCX does feature shadows; characters cast shadows, and environmental shadowmaps are fixed, but still present.

Every open world game has compromises, it's simply necessary when you're spreading your rendering load over a massive world. GTA5 has plenty of its own, such as alpha-to-coverage dithering on foliage, motion blur removed compared to GTA4, and drops to 20fps.

At the end of the day both are extremely impressive for the hardware they are running on, it's just that XCX having twice as much RAM to work with shows through in its scope and seamlessness, even if its budget is clearly lower.

Honestly i would not call it impressive botw is impressive for wiiu. a open world with out proper  dynamic lighting for the time of day, and not doing proper shadows just kills it for me, and those models come on, plus the 2d grass no its not impressive.

Notice of the lighting and shadows how they give life to the  environments, never mind that it's also way more detailed on the similar specs as the wiiu, an came out in 2010.  

zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

The city is the worst looking area of X though, so it's not really representative of how the other 98% of the game looks. And XCX does feature shadows; characters cast shadows, and environmental shadowmaps are fixed, but still present.

Every open world game has compromises, it's simply necessary when you're spreading your rendering load over a massive world. GTA5 has plenty of its own, such as alpha-to-coverage dithering on foliage, motion blur removed compared to GTA4, and drops to 20fps.

At the end of the day both are extremely impressive for the hardware they are running on, it's just that XCX having twice as much RAM to work with shows through in its scope and seamlessness, even if its budget is clearly lower.

Honestly i would not call it impressive botw is impressive for wiiu. a open world with out proper  dynamic lighting for the time of day, and not doing proper shadows just kills it for me, and those models come on, plus the 2d grass no its not impressive.

Notice of the lighting and shadows how they give life to the  environments, never mind that it's also way more detailed on the similar specs as the wiiu, an came out in 2010.  

Since you posted Digital Foundry's video on Xenoblade Chronicles X, maybe their review can help explain why they found it impressive:

"The end result is nothing short of spectacular for the platform, with a sublime balance between visual ambition and overall performance"

"As you start navigating the terrain, you might start to notice some of the subtle but impressive visual touches. Motion blur, for instance, is applied to camera movement and scenery alike helping to accentuate the fast movement speed of the game. Screen-space crepuscular rays are also present with subtle shafts of light emanating from the sun above while a basic ambient occlusion implementation handles contact shadows below. Animation is a huge step up from the previous game with characters that feel more connected to the world during exploration sequences"

"Open world games such as this often struggle with performance on consoles but we were pleasantly surprised by just how stable this game really is"

"Ultimately, Xenoblade Chronicles X is a beautiful and expansive game"

"it's hard not to be impressed by what has been achieved on Nintendo's home console."