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Forums - Sales Discussion - Europe sales data- May 2024

JRPGfan said:
zeldaring said:

GTA6 is the only thing that can stop consoles from seeing a huge decline.

GTA is insanely huge in europe..  I think its much bigger in europe than in the US even.
Yes it will move consoles, anyone thinking otherwise is not being honest.

That year, esp as its being console exclusive (atleast at first),.... its gonna help consoles sales massively.

Or you know, basically releasing a new console, or an upgrade dix. Switch successor and PS5 Pro ?

Also considering the position of Xbox in the market and it's desirability, I think even a game like GTA VI wouldn't course correct or change in any meaningful way what's currently happening with it. 

PS5 will benefit the most from the release.

Not even counting what happens the moment Nintendo launches their console and certain big tentpole titles during the first year.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

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Looking at the estimates I wonder what made the PS4 do so well in May and June 2017 cause the PS5 was down a lot this month compared to May that year but wasn't far behind the average May for the PS4 in Europe.

JRPGfan said:
zeldaring said:

GTA6 is the only thing that can stop consoles from seeing a huge decline.

GTA is insanely huge in europe..  I think its much bigger in europe than in the US even.
Yes it will move consoles, anyone thinking otherwise is not being honest.

That year, esp as its being console exclusive (atleast at first),.... its gonna help consoles sales massively.

It'll definitely help but not massively. The consoles will be about 5 years old by the time it comes out so the vast majority of people who will buy GTA 6 on the PS5 or Xbox Series will already have one by then. Red Dead Redemption 2 didn't cause a spike in sales when it came out due to how old the PS4 and Xbox One were at the time though GTA 6 being as huge as it is will for sure cause sales to spike for a few weeks and it combined with the PS5 Pro will help the PS5 have a strong 2025.

Norion said:

Looking at the estimates I wonder what made the PS4 do so well in May and June 2017 cause the PS5 was down a lot this month compared to May that year but wasn't far behind the average May for the PS4 in Europe.

JRPGfan said:

GTA is insanely huge in europe..  I think its much bigger in europe than in the US even.
Yes it will move consoles, anyone thinking otherwise is not being honest.

That year, esp as its being console exclusive (atleast at first),.... its gonna help consoles sales massively.

It'll definitely help but not massively. The consoles will be about 5 years old by the time it comes out so the vast majority of people who will buy GTA 6 on the PS5 or Xbox Series will already have one by then. Red Dead Redemption 2 didn't cause a spike in sales when it came out due to how old the PS4 and Xbox One were at the time though GTA 6 being as huge as it is will for sure cause sales to spike for a few weeks and it combined with the PS5 Pro will help the PS5 have a strong 2025.

I think there is big difference with gta6 since this will is probably the first massive exclusive be to next-gen consoles only. If cod was exclusive to next-gen consoles 2-3 years ago I can guarantee that would have made a  big difference as well.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 24 June 2024

GTA will help the PS5 but it won't be enough to bring it close to PS4 levels in Europe. Blame PS5's high pricing and Europe's declining economy. I'd blame PC too as it's just too good of a platform.

PS5 had a super successful launch that iirc resulted in Playstation's historic best quarter profit-wise even though console launch quarters typically lead to losses. This among other details (Supply constraints, Xbox red flags, upcoming "true exclusives" etc) gave me the impression that PS5 would be hugely successful and that its pricecut trajectory would be somewhat similar to PS4. I was wrong. Chip prices aren't going down, covid and wars fucked things up, and Xbox being near-irrelevant won't stop PC from being more relevant than ever.

Last edited by Kyuu - on 25 June 2024

Norion said:

Looking at the estimates I wonder what made the PS4 do so well in May and June 2017 cause the PS5 was down a lot this month compared to May that year but wasn't far behind the average May for the PS4 in Europe.

JRPGfan said:

GTA is insanely huge in europe..  I think its much bigger in europe than in the US even.
Yes it will move consoles, anyone thinking otherwise is not being honest.

That year, esp as its being console exclusive (atleast at first),.... its gonna help consoles sales massively.

It'll definitely help but not massively. The consoles will be about 5 years old by the time it comes out so the vast majority of people who will buy GTA 6 on the PS5 or Xbox Series will already have one by then. Red Dead Redemption 2 didn't cause a spike in sales when it came out due to how old the PS4 and Xbox One were at the time though GTA 6 being as huge as it is will for sure cause sales to spike for a few weeks and it combined with the PS5 Pro will help the PS5 have a strong 2025.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a great game... but its not even in the same realm as a GTA is.
The differnce is GTA will move consoles, while RDR2 isn't enough to really have done so.
Atleast thats my take.... people wont buy a console for Red Dead Redemption, but will do so for GTA.

Again this is my european take here, but GTA is much much bigger here, than Red Dead Redemption.
I think RDR2 is more american focused, and probably does better there than in the RoW compairably.
This might lead people esp in the US, to think, one game or another, it doesnt matter, and RDR2 didn't move much consoles so GTA wont either.
I'm pretty sure, that won't be what happends with the new GTA release.

Kyuu said:

GTA will help the PS5 but it won't be enough to bring it close to PS4 levels in Europe. Blame PS5's high pricing and Europe's declining economy. I'd blame PC too as it's just too good of a platform.

PS5 had a super successful launch that iirc resulted in Playstation's historic best quarter profit-wise even though console launch quarters typically lead to losses. This among other details (Supply constraints, Xbox red flags, upcoming "true exclusives" etc) gave me the impression that PS5 would be hugely successful and that its pricecut trajectory would be somewhat similar to PS4. I was wrong. Chip prices aren't going down, covid and wars fucked things up, and Xbox being near-irrelevant won't stop PC from being more relevant than ever.

The fact that they moved from 399$ for the all digital to 449$ sucks.
At most I think they will go back down to 399$ again, if they are able to reduce prices of the hardware.

PS4 slim was 299$ at launch right? and they got it down to 249$ with 199$ specials during the holidays.
PS5 is never going to have that... so yeah it will effect its sales totals.

Next gen (PS6) I hope they aim for a low sales price.
Like PS5 was/is abit too expensive (not for what it is), but it could have been cheaper.
People that want bleeding edge tech go PC anyways.

Even right now, here in DK cheapest PS5 I could find was $405.
Thats above what most parents are willing to spend on say a birthday gift..... it would need to be like a christmas gift, and a big one.
Which in turn means most of the people that buy PS5s, are probably older and buying it for themselves.

Long term I think lower price points grow userbase as well.
You grow up on Playstation/Xbox, or Nintendo, chances are you stay that way even into adult life.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 25 June 2024

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Mar1217 said:
JRPGfan said:

GTA is insanely huge in europe..  I think its much bigger in europe than in the US even.
Yes it will move consoles, anyone thinking otherwise is not being honest.

That year, esp as its being console exclusive (atleast at first),.... its gonna help consoles sales massively.

Or you know, basically releasing a new console, or an upgrade dix. Switch successor and PS5 Pro ?

Also considering the position of Xbox in the market and it's desirability, I think even a game like GTA VI wouldn't course correct or change in any meaningful way what's currently happening with it. 

PS5 will benefit the most from the release.

Not even counting what happens the moment Nintendo launches their console and certain big tentpole titles during the first year.

We are mainly talking about the HD  twins here since they share mainly the same audience and games.

Switch 2 will be very interesting but I think it's  gonna be mainly compared to switch 1 to see if that market is growing or shrinking. 

zeldaring said:
Norion said:

Looking at the estimates I wonder what made the PS4 do so well in May and June 2017 cause the PS5 was down a lot this month compared to May that year but wasn't far behind the average May for the PS4 in Europe.

It'll definitely help but not massively. The consoles will be about 5 years old by the time it comes out so the vast majority of people who will buy GTA 6 on the PS5 or Xbox Series will already have one by then. Red Dead Redemption 2 didn't cause a spike in sales when it came out due to how old the PS4 and Xbox One were at the time though GTA 6 being as huge as it is will for sure cause sales to spike for a few weeks and it combined with the PS5 Pro will help the PS5 have a strong 2025.

I think there is big difference with gta6 since this will is probably the first massive exclusive be to next-gen consoles only. If cod was exclusive to next-gen consoles 2-3 years ago I can guarantee that would have made a  big difference as well.

Well stock issues would've prevented that from making any difference but if that wasn't an issue back then then it would've caused a spike in sales sure. The thing is though is that happening early on in the generation doesn't go against my point since the first COD not on the PS4 and Xbox One isn't gonna impact sales that much since by then the vast majority of the COD console audience will already have bought a gen 9 console. 

JRPGfan said:
Norion said:

Looking at the estimates I wonder what made the PS4 do so well in May and June 2017 cause the PS5 was down a lot this month compared to May that year but wasn't far behind the average May for the PS4 in Europe.

It'll definitely help but not massively. The consoles will be about 5 years old by the time it comes out so the vast majority of people who will buy GTA 6 on the PS5 or Xbox Series will already have one by then. Red Dead Redemption 2 didn't cause a spike in sales when it came out due to how old the PS4 and Xbox One were at the time though GTA 6 being as huge as it is will for sure cause sales to spike for a few weeks and it combined with the PS5 Pro will help the PS5 have a strong 2025.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a great game... but its not even in the same realm as a GTA is.
The differnce is GTA will move consoles, while RDR2 isn't enough to really have done so.
Atleast thats my take.... people wont buy a console for Red Dead Redemption, but will do so for GTA.

Again this is my european take here, but GTA is much much bigger here, than Red Dead Redemption.
I think RDR2 is more american focused, and probably does better there than in the RoW compairably.
This might lead people esp in the US, to think, one game or another, it doesnt matter, and RDR2 didn't move much consoles so GTA wont either.
I'm pretty sure, that won't be what happends with the new GTA release.

My point is that a game as big as RDR2 is plenty big enough to cause a spike in sales when released early on in a generation but when released late in the gen its immediate impact is heavily diminished. You're right that GTA is in its own league though so it'll still cause a big spike the month it comes out but I do think sales will return to normal after a few weeks since since by then the rush of people buying a console for GTA 6 will be over.

Norion said:
zeldaring said:

I think there is big difference with gta6 since this will is probably the first massive exclusive be to next-gen consoles only. If cod was exclusive to next-gen consoles 2-3 years ago I can guarantee that would have made a  big difference as well.

Well stock issues would've prevented that from making any difference but if that wasn't an issue back then then it would've caused a spike in sales sure. The thing is though is that happening early on in the generation doesn't go against my point since the first COD not on the PS4 and Xbox One isn't gonna impact sales that much since by then the vast majority of the COD console audience will already have bought a gen 9 console. 

JRPGfan said:

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a great game... but its not even in the same realm as a GTA is.
The differnce is GTA will move consoles, while RDR2 isn't enough to really have done so.
Atleast thats my take.... people wont buy a console for Red Dead Redemption, but will do so for GTA.

Again this is my european take here, but GTA is much much bigger here, than Red Dead Redemption.
I think RDR2 is more american focused, and probably does better there than in the RoW compairably.
This might lead people esp in the US, to think, one game or another, it doesnt matter, and RDR2 didn't move much consoles so GTA wont either.
I'm pretty sure, that won't be what happends with the new GTA release.

My point is that a game as big as RDR2 is plenty big enough to cause a spike in sales when released early on in a generation but when released late in the gen its immediate impact is heavily diminished. You're right that GTA is in its own league though so it'll still cause a big spike the month it comes out but I do think sales will return to normal after a few weeks since since by then the rush of people buying a console for GTA 6 will be over.

Also, I think there's a clear underestimating of how patient a good amount of players on PC aren't gonna cave in to play it immediately. 

Rockstar knows a large chunk of their audience are only PC players. I doubt the port there is gonna take more than a year or two if they wish to really make that revenue.

The PC release was 10M on launch day so Rockstar isn't gonna forego such a market for too long.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Mar1217 said:
Norion said:

Well stock issues would've prevented that from making any difference but if that wasn't an issue back then then it would've caused a spike in sales sure. The thing is though is that happening early on in the generation doesn't go against my point since the first COD not on the PS4 and Xbox One isn't gonna impact sales that much since by then the vast majority of the COD console audience will already have bought a gen 9 console. 

JRPGfan said:

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a great game... but its not even in the same realm as a GTA is.
The differnce is GTA will move consoles, while RDR2 isn't enough to really have done so.
Atleast thats my take.... people wont buy a console for Red Dead Redemption, but will do so for GTA.

Again this is my european take here, but GTA is much much bigger here, than Red Dead Redemption.
I think RDR2 is more american focused, and probably does better there than in the RoW compairably.
This might lead people esp in the US, to think, one game or another, it doesnt matter, and RDR2 didn't move much consoles so GTA wont either.
I'm pretty sure, that won't be what happends with the new GTA release.

My point is that a game as big as RDR2 is plenty big enough to cause a spike in sales when released early on in a generation but when released late in the gen its immediate impact is heavily diminished. You're right that GTA is in its own league though so it'll still cause a big spike the month it comes out but I do think sales will return to normal after a few weeks since since by then the rush of people buying a console for GTA 6 will be over.

Also, I think there's a clear underestimating of how patient a good amount of players on PC aren't gonna cave in to play it immediately. 

Rockstar knows a large chunk of their audience are only PC players. I doubt the port there is gonna take more than a year or two if they wish to really make that revenue.

The PC release was 10M on launch day so Rockstar isn't gonna forego such a market for too long.

As a mainly PC gamer I'll just wait for the PC version before playing GTA6. I have enough of a backlog to keep me busy for a long time. GTA5 came out for PS3/X360 in September 2013, for PS4/XOne in November 2014, and for PC in April 2015. So we are likely talking at most 1.5 years before the PC version releases. However, I see a year or so later the most likely.

VGChartz Sales Analyst and Writer - William D'Angelo - I stream on Twitch and have my own YouTubeFollow me on Twitter @TrunksWD.

Writer of the Sales Comparison | Weekly Hardware Breakdown Top 10 | Weekly Sales Analysis | Marketshare Features, as well as daily news on the Video Game Industry.

A PS5/Pro GTA6 bundle will sell millions. This is not inspite of PC but rather because of PC. First keep in mind that most PCs out there aren't even as powerful as the base PS5. The PS5 Pro will obvious get a nice boost as well being as though it will be the premier way to play this for at least a year. The most realistic case is where people buy it on PS5 and then double dip on PC. GTA 6 should keep Xbox from falling off a cliff even more for at least a few months. Microsoft's best play here is to hope that people on a super budget get the S for this. I would really love to see what would happen in 2026 if it is possible to play this on the Switch 2.