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Norion said:

Looking at the estimates I wonder what made the PS4 do so well in May and June 2017 cause the PS5 was down a lot this month compared to May that year but wasn't far behind the average May for the PS4 in Europe.

JRPGfan said:

GTA is insanely huge in europe..  I think its much bigger in europe than in the US even.
Yes it will move consoles, anyone thinking otherwise is not being honest.

That year, esp as its being console exclusive (atleast at first),.... its gonna help consoles sales massively.

It'll definitely help but not massively. The consoles will be about 5 years old by the time it comes out so the vast majority of people who will buy GTA 6 on the PS5 or Xbox Series will already have one by then. Red Dead Redemption 2 didn't cause a spike in sales when it came out due to how old the PS4 and Xbox One were at the time though GTA 6 being as huge as it is will for sure cause sales to spike for a few weeks and it combined with the PS5 Pro will help the PS5 have a strong 2025.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a great game... but its not even in the same realm as a GTA is.
The differnce is GTA will move consoles, while RDR2 isn't enough to really have done so.
Atleast thats my take.... people wont buy a console for Red Dead Redemption, but will do so for GTA.

Again this is my european take here, but GTA is much much bigger here, than Red Dead Redemption.
I think RDR2 is more american focused, and probably does better there than in the RoW compairably.
This might lead people esp in the US, to think, one game or another, it doesnt matter, and RDR2 didn't move much consoles so GTA wont either.
I'm pretty sure, that won't be what happends with the new GTA release.

Kyuu said:

GTA will help the PS5 but it won't be enough to bring it close to PS4 levels in Europe. Blame PS5's high pricing and Europe's declining economy. I'd blame PC too as it's just too good of a platform.

PS5 had a super successful launch that iirc resulted in Playstation's historic best quarter profit-wise even though console launch quarters typically lead to losses. This among other details (Supply constraints, Xbox red flags, upcoming "true exclusives" etc) gave me the impression that PS5 would be hugely successful and that its pricecut trajectory would be somewhat similar to PS4. I was wrong. Chip prices aren't going down, covid and wars fucked things up, and Xbox being near-irrelevant won't stop PC from being more relevant than ever.

The fact that they moved from 399$ for the all digital to 449$ sucks.
At most I think they will go back down to 399$ again, if they are able to reduce prices of the hardware.

PS4 slim was 299$ at launch right? and they got it down to 249$ with 199$ specials during the holidays.
PS5 is never going to have that... so yeah it will effect its sales totals.

Next gen (PS6) I hope they aim for a low sales price.
Like PS5 was/is abit too expensive (not for what it is), but it could have been cheaper.
People that want bleeding edge tech go PC anyways.

Even right now, here in DK cheapest PS5 I could find was $405.
Thats above what most parents are willing to spend on say a birthday gift..... it would need to be like a christmas gift, and a big one.
Which in turn means most of the people that buy PS5s, are probably older and buying it for themselves.

Long term I think lower price points grow userbase as well.
You grow up on Playstation/Xbox, or Nintendo, chances are you stay that way even into adult life.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 25 June 2024