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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - First trailer for Metroid Prime 4: Beyond, coming 2025

zeldaring said:
Leynos said:

"but the reviews said" Nice to know you don't think for yourself. You let a former Gamestop employee turned IGN "writer" or whatever decide for you. The only significant thing about Prime that aged was the controls which Prime Remastered fixed. A minor issue was the backtracking. Yes, it's a part of Metroid but in Prime, had a couple of progression sections that feel like going way out of your way and back. Something later games fixed.

I never said they decided for me but from everything I read the combat sounds simple and with no real challenge.  Lock on system for a fps doesn't sound fun. I will give it a try though. I also completed super Metroid like 8 years ago and honestly didn't think it was great just good at best.

I'd say try it out, don't just assume some random reviewer is the source of truth on a game. Most people view Metroid Prime as an incredibly good game. But again, it's not halo. The point of the game is not to be a high action shooter. It's a first person exploration game with shooting. The combat is perfectly fine. Sometimes it is just taking out a few enemies easily, sometimes it's very intense and you get torn up. But it sounds like you are already trying to pre-judge it from a "it should be like halo/etc" perspective. Yeah the combat isn't gonna be as challenging and as constant as an action focused shooter because that's literally not Metroid's genre, but that in no way means the combat is not good and has no challenge.

You mostly explore and find things and figure out how to get to new areas and get upgrades and take out enemies you see and occasionally there are intense battle sequences and big boss battles. That is Metroid's formula. Just don't expect to be having to blow away endless hordes of enemies, because it's a Metroid game, not an action shooter game. If you expect it to be Halo or CoD in a Metroid world you will be disappointed, and it sounds like that's what you want. It's Metroid. The combat isn't bad as you say you think it will be, but it's Metroid, so combat isn't the focus, it's just a fun part of the game. But if all you want is to fight hordes of enemies then Metroid is not a genre for you.

Having played through Prime Remastered I can say the game holds up extremely well after 20 years. One of my favorite gaming experiences on the Switch.

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The first time I ever played Prime I went in expecting it to be like Halo and was severely disappointed by how slow it was. I'd never played a Metroidvania before and I just didn't "get it".

Years later I revisited it with adjusted expectations and more of an open mind, and now I consider it one of the best games of all time.

Prime 4 has some big shoes to fill, as the first three entries are all fantastic, but I'm optimistic that Retro can deliver; what they've shown here is incredibly promising, and they have yet to release a game that's not excellent.

Slownenberg said:
zeldaring said:

I never said they decided for me but from everything I read the combat sounds simple and with no real challenge.  Lock on system for a fps doesn't sound fun. I will give it a try though. I also completed super Metroid like 8 years ago and honestly didn't think it was great just good at best.

I'd say try it out, don't just assume some random reviewer is the source of truth on a game. Most people view Metroid Prime as an incredibly good game. But again, it's not halo. The point of the game is not to be a high action shooter. It's a first person exploration game with shooting. The combat is perfectly fine. Sometimes it is just taking out a few enemies easily, sometimes it's very intense and you get torn up. But it sounds like you are already trying to pre-judge it from a "it should be like halo/etc" perspective. Yeah the combat isn't gonna be as challenging and as constant as an action focused shooter because that's literally not Metroid's genre, but that in no way means the combat is not good and has no challenge.

You mostly explore and find things and figure out how to get to new areas and get upgrades and take out enemies you see and occasionally there are intense battle sequences and big boss battles. That is Metroid's formula. Just don't expect to be having to blow away endless hordes of enemies, because it's a Metroid game, not an action shooter game. If you expect it to be Halo or CoD in a Metroid world you will be disappointed, and it sounds like that's what you want. It's Metroid. The combat isn't bad as you say you think it will be, but it's Metroid, so combat isn't the focus, it's just a fun part of the game. But if all you want is to fight hordes of enemies then Metroid is not a genre for you.

Having played through Prime Remastered I can say the game holds up extremely well after 20 years. One of my favorite gaming experiences on the Switch.

I'll give it a try soon.

curl-6 said:

The first time I ever played Prime I went in expecting it to be like Halo and was severely disappointed by how slow it was. I'd never played a Metroidvania before and I just didn't "get it".

Years later I revisited it with adjusted expectations and more of an open mind, and now I consider it one of the best games of all time.

Prime 4 has some big shoes to fill, as the first three entries are all fantastic, but I'm optimistic that Retro can deliver; what they've shown here is incredibly promising, and they have yet to release a game that's not excellent.

That's interesting. I can't really replay a game and have fun with it  unless it's about seeing how improved my skill has gotten in the game, like it usually that means a game with deep combat mechanics.

The final boss of Prime isn't exactly a cakewalk either. This is not a pun. Prime is atmospheric. MP has a great sense of dread. Sometimes downright feels like a horror. Fitting for a series inspired by Ridley Scott's Alien.

Sidenote this is still one of the best commercials ever.

Last edited by Leynos - 4 days ago

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Yeah one of the coolest things about Metroid and particularly the Prime games is how dark they are compared to most Nintendo games; the opening of Prime 1 for instance aboard the frigate Orpheon where you find the dismembered corpses of the pirates and their subjects, complete with scan logs detailing their injuries, which we can see carried over to Prime 4 in this recent trailer, is a brilliant touch.

Much like the Xenoblade series, they bring some invaluable diversity to a most light hearted first party catalog.

I won't lore dump the entire series but Metroid aside from Xenoblade has the most lore of any Nintendo franchise. From games to comics. Samus's parents were killed by an invading force when she was 3. She is rescued by a Chozo. A bird-like race who are some of the most advanced beings. She is infused with Chozo DNA enhancing her abilities to superhuman speeds and strength. Her suit is Chozo tech and she summons it by will. So when she is severely hurt, her concentration goes down so she loses some abilities. Again not dumping the entire franchise lore. Prime series the space pirates are often found dead as they try to replicate Samus morph ball ability and it liquifies their guts. We see that in the Prime 4 trailer with the corpse. Ridley is intelligent and the leader of the space pirates as a general rule.

Metroids are creatures that I won't spoil why they exist specifically but think of Frankenstiens monster. Baby versions are what we see the most in the series and even they are highly dangerous. Always attack in groups. Even a single one is scary. They can evolve into larger and more dangerous forms and are highly resistant to most weapons. What we saw in the trailer were not Metroids but the fake versions Space Pirates tried to clone.

I left a lot out but the series has a lot of fun lore. It's not Berserk dark by any means. It's enough to know Samus has had a tough time and she is a badass. Metroid Dread added so much character to her in animations and oooh boy if you like fan duels. By the game's end, I'm even sure Doomslayer might raise an eyebrow.

Last edited by Leynos - 4 days ago

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

curl-6 said:

The first time I ever played Prime I went in expecting it to be like Halo and was severely disappointed by how slow it was. I'd never played a Metroidvania before and I just didn't "get it".

Years later I revisited it with adjusted expectations and more of an open mind, and now I consider it one of the best games of all time.

Prime 4 has some big shoes to fill, as the first three entries are all fantastic, but I'm optimistic that Retro can deliver; what they've shown here is incredibly promising, and they have yet to release a game that's not excellent.

See for me Halo was disappointing because it felt like a poor mans tribes, when it come to multiplayer so at the time I never really into it, until years later when I enjoyed it. For me Metroid Prime was this dark game on a Nintendo system which involved exploring an problem solving, so it felt different too what I have played before. Not sure how I would have felt about, perhaps similar to you, if I managed to get into Halo from it's launch.




When was the last time metroid had a 2d platformer?

The game looks freaking outstanding! Genuinely couldn't believe I was watching the trailer for it when it was being revealed. Still feels so unreal.

The art direction and visuals look stellar! I'm still reeling from all this, and the fact that Sylux has returned (with an insanely cool redesign, might I add)! We finally get to see this showdown they've been building up since MP3's secret ending.

Can't wait for 2025! I do think it'll be a cross-gen release at this point. Maybe not a launch title, but likely during the launch window.